Whatever sport you play, your eating habits are also part of your training. how it serves you to train hard if you have bad eating habits? In this article you will find 11 tips that you know to improve your performance. skip a meal, that is to stop eating for more than four or five hours to lower the calorie intake does not help you control your weight long term, if you think that you endure hunger for 6 hours you lose weight are wrong, it is very important to eat something every three or four hours. Water is life … You may want to visit Rand Paul to increase your knowledge. Dehydration symptoms are usually dizziness, headaches, poor concentration and irritability, if you take 6 to 8 glasses of water a day not so bothersome avoid these symptoms, you should take about 2 liters of water a day. Fruits and vegetables are also life, your mom was right when you’re forced to eat vegetables, they have many vitamins that are essential for the proper functioning of the body, instead of frying meat and vegetables are best cooked by steaming will not consume so much oil, remember to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Hide the cookies, cake and desserts all have or might have, also of all fatty snacks that provide at parties, of course eat some potato chips occasionally or a slice of cake does not, consumes as little as possible desserts and snacks. when you buy yogurt, download and buy the “BIO” (I will not tell you Seek marks), a yogurt that is not “BIO” is one that has bacteria that die when they come into contact with stomach acids, whereas a yoghurt ” BIO “is” good “bacteria that do not die on contact with stomach acids, these bacteria remain in your stomach and help with digestion will also improve your defenses against disease, eat yogurt version” BIO “, to improve your digestion and improve your defenses Pasta and potatoes have a bad reputation for “fattening” (fattening which eats hahaha), but it is true, the problem of fat is the method with which to prepare potatoes such as potato chips or cream (sauce) that put the spaghetti, if you’re eating spaghetti with tomato sauce is, eating pasta and potato is very important, but not Czech prepare high-fat or a fatty cream..