Collect and harvest from June to October. Dessert Spoon mixture into a teapot, drink during the day, preferably 20 minutes before eating. Good pain relief calamus root. You can cook 'airovoe' wine: 100 g of fresh, pre-washed, finely chopped calamus root pour 1 liter natural white wine. Close tightly, place in a dark place at room temperature. After 14 days, the wine is ready.
Drain. Drink a sip for 30 minutes before and after meals. It is advisable to drink 10/12 sips of wine a day. For diseases Gastric useful eucalyptus leaves. 20 grams of eucalyptus leaves to fill in 1 liter of boiled water. Insist before cooling.
Drain. Drink 50 g 6 times daily before meals. Barberry leaves and berries have long used to treat disorders of the stomach. At tea Kettle enough 1 tablespoon of dried or fresh leaves. Brewed as tea. Drink during the day in between meals. Berries can be used to make juice, syrup, jam, jam. If this there is high blood pressure and 'failures' of the heart, the barberry normalizes not only the stomach, but deliver us from the troubles in the cardiovascular system. The presence of alkaloid berberine in barberry will contribute to this. Good basil (Regan) to improve appetite, withdrawal spasms and pain. Avicenna recommended for the treatment of young, soft, fragrant, top, violet leaves, calling them 'fragrance worthy of kings. " 1-2 teaspoon dried or fresh basil to fill in 1 cup boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.