Turpentine Baths

Elixir of immortality "Throughout its existence the people are constantly looking for a magic elixir that returns youth and healing from diseases. To do this, invented all sorts of tricks, sometimes even life-threatening. However, nothing happened, because until recently we did not know the cause of old age – a common cause of illness. Modern discoveries by scientists show that the main origin of all evils for the body and trigger for an absolute majority of diseases is malnutrition cell bodies, it is a violation of capillary blood flow – microcirculation. All our organs consist of tissues, and they, in turn, cells. Cells – those building blocks from which our body is constructed.

In our body there are billions of them. It is on the health of every cell depends on the individual performance of our bodies and our health whole. To ensure its own existence cell must breathe, eat and get rid of toxins. This triple role is performed by blood, which through a capillary network is connected with all tissues. Capillaries – is tiny blood vessels that are appropriate to each cell in the body, enveloping all the organs in the form of a network. This network is so vast that if the capillaries of one man literally line up in one thread, then it will round the globe used once! In capillaries is always 80% of the body's blood.

Violation in the capillaries – the main cause of any pathological process. Bloodstream. In the process of vital capillary network becomes thinner and clogging "Slags", blood flow slows down sharply, and in some areas at all stops (there is congestion).