African Art Exhibition

African art in the greater Dusseldorf for many years lived Klaus Packenius a dropout living on his farm in Namibia. Now he is back and has a large selection of authentic art objects of the black continent in the luggage, which he now exhibits in Krefeld-Uerdingen and offered for sale. Packenius has collected some quirky items in all these years. In the dark part of the continent to Uganda, in the Congo, Rwanda, and so on the contacts of the Krefeld ranging from southern Africa and so the collection spans many countries in Africa. Voodoo figures about Bushman arc up to very rare masks by medicine people, there’s plenty to see on the Bahnhofsstr. 15 in Krefeld-Uerdingen, as well as a rhinoceros from Acacia wood carved, which over 300 kg weighs. Who once was in Africa and the exhibition space of the Afrasia exhibition enters, feels the great deal of Africa, which is in the air directly.

But also for people who have never been in Africa, this exhibition is interesting. Over the years, Packenius began in the Asia to travel and as a result, many art objects from this region to enrich the collection. Through his contacts and more travel abroad, Afrasia new merchandise arrives, although it is now difficult to find authentic art in Africa. Often it is mass-produced, offered the traveller on the side of the road and is not easy to create also real pieces of art to Germany. The motivation to provide its customers with unique, is now created this beautiful exhibition and invites interested visitors and buyers. Learn online at and on Facebook under the keyword Afrasia about Afrasia”. To agree, initially by telephone or e-mail, we ask dates to the tour because it is interested in Mr Packenius also take time for visitors, finally, there is also a lot to say to the individual objects…

Weight Loss

Eat to lose is a program that teaches you how to lose weight. Perhaps you want to start losing weight, but you don’t know how to do it.Good are in the right place. This program teaches you to burn 10% of your unwanted body fat in 30 days and continue burning until you get the body you’ve always wanted. The video contains a lot of information that you can analyze step by step, and you taught how to implement a diet plan. Center for Environmental Health has similar goals. Only need to know three basic concepts that appear below: learn exact foods that cause excessive burning of fat in your body.

Learn about the food that are preventing the burning of fat (much of them are considered healthy) gather exact foods to create fat burner effect. These principles are very easy to follow, you don’t need to be any expert, the program eat to lose you would teach everything very simple and quick way. This is your opportunity to have the body that you’ve always wanted, do not wait more and starts today same to lose weight, I really easy and simple it is, begins to feel better and enjoy life more healthy..

Technological Professionals

MOTIVATION OF the TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS Souza, Josefa Albaneide Gomes 1 Wataya, Robert Sussumu 2 Abreu, Alexander Chiesa 3 Summary: Ahead of the great technological and scientific advances, the organizations are each time more investing in Human Capital, thus leaving stop backwards the mechanism that reigned at the beginning of century XX, where the only one half to motivate the people were for reward financial. In a constant change in enterprise environments that until then were ignored as: leadership, motivation, collaborators, today are giving place to the treasure most important of any company: the HUMAN CAPITAL. With the necessity of the companies if to become more competitive and different in the market came to the search for the motivation of its collaborators. Thus creating a motivador environment, where the people can feel in all the aspects well that are more than what essential and primordial in a company. Thus, the objective of the study is to analyze the factors that motivate the technology employees, and to verify if it has relation of work with the growth of the company. The applied methodology has basement in the bibliographical research and the study of case in a company ' ' A' ' the analysis of the data had been made by analytical and descriptive methods.

Words keys: Technology, motivation, Human Capital. 1 Permitted in pedagogia? Bandeirante university of So Paulo. Work of Conclusion of the Broad Course of After-Graduation Sensu in Management of People of the University Center Adventista of So Paulo (UNASP). ersa has many thoughts on the issue. Email: 2 Professor of the UNASP. Email: roberto.sussumu@ 3 partial Collaborator of the study. I.INTRODUO ' ' Those that does not try to create the future that they desire needs to support the future that obtains. ' ' (D. Kauffman Jr, 2003.). Motivation is a factor more than what primordial in the life of any human being, either in the personal or professional life, they are attitudes that are conquered by the collaborator and recognized for the company it is an essential tool for any area, to stimulate the collaborators to have success; to improve the performance; to minimize the impact of the desmotivao factors most common; to create a system of you reward impartial and continuous, and to transform negative experiences into positive chances is the minimum that the company must and needs to provide to its collaborators.

Holiday Rentals In Croatia

Vacation villas – very popular vacation with foreigners, is becoming better known in our country. Tired of city life, constant stress, and jobs involving all hands at work, travelers dream to retire, spend your vacation away from everyone closer to nature. Great hotel crowded for these purposes is hardly suitable. Replacing the rest of the hotel can be a rental villa, where you can retire and indulge in pleasant memories or dreams, observe nature in general, all these things on that or no time or opportunity. Nobody and nothing you enjoy nature and yourself. Stunning sound of the sea, songs of birds, all you get if you decide and let yourself rest of Croatia on the coast. At present, significantly increased the number of people interested in renting villas in Croatia.

The fact is that Croatia – this is one of the cleanest countries in Europe. Most of it part – prirodoohranyaemaya zone. The Croats are very carefully to their natural resources. Many houses and villas for rent in Croatia are located on islands, where about a thousand. Often, rental villas in Croatia are interested in lovers or newlyweds who have decided to retire and spend their honeymoon in seclusion.

Young people prefer a small island with pristine nature. The greatest demand rental villas in Croatia enjoys in May holidays, summer vacations, as well as in the New Year. Agree, it's great to spend New Year with friends in a cottage in Dubrovnik, Istria or in Opatija. Adriatic islands and Dalmatia are no less in demand. Many believe that the holiday villas – quite expensive and will allow it to itself can only very wealthy people. In a sense – it's true. Sure, there are very expensive homes, but there is not much. If we compare cost of placing a small company in a villa in Croatia and in the four-star hotel, we see very concrete economic benefits with a high quality holiday! Sure, a vacation in a luxurious villa with a terrace, garden and pool is much more interesting than in a hotel room. Advantages compared to conventional holiday in hotels are indisputable: – for the same money you get, no doubt, greater comfort, living in a villa in Croatia, where you will services will be everything, including your own pool, bath tub, satellite TV, fully equipped kitchen, spacious living room with access to the garden, and more. We are confident that after a rest once in a luxurious villa in Croatia, you will return to this paradise again and again.

Sunny Side

Principles and practice of wind farm planning and appraisal in the Haus der Technik already in the planning phase of wind farms are laid the essential conditions for the success or failure of the operation duration designed mostly for 20 years. Some technical and financial risks are well hidden and adversely impact only in the long term. However, with planned her already at this early stage. The successful development of wind farms involves not only least technical and legal criteria into consideration, but also extensively deals with the economics and appraisal from the perspective of operators, investors and third capitalists. The aim of the two-day seminar of wind farm planning and appraisal”is to identify risks, to evaluate and to minimize, if they aren’t mutually exclusive.

The participants in the principles and practice of the development of wind farm projects are introduced under the direction of Dr. Ingo Ewald of the D.I.E.. renewable energies”in Mainz. From the Site search and examination of necessary permits and contracts for the assessment of wind resources and infrastructure up to the consideration of the legal and technical framework. The wind farm planning seminar and project appraisal”takes on the 10 and 12 December 2009 in the Haus der Technik in food and is aimed at developers, employees of banks and investors, wind turbine manufacture and approval authorities.

DooLoad Professional

The professional collective is a perfect complement to the existing sales prices the portal launched suitable to the music exhibition POPKOMM in Berlin the new professional tariff, which guarantees 100% distribution of the revenue paid out to Brokenbodyclock musicians and labels. The pure service tariff aimed especially at artists with existing fan base, as well as labels with successful albums in the back catalogue now also digitally distributed. In the professional, collective collects no sales Commission Fletchmusicblog. About iTunes & co. as an unmatched high-payout ratios allows the musician, which still very low with less initial cost associated is. “so Hajo Janssen, Managing Director of the company.

The new tariff cost 0.99 per song or 9.99 per album per month either. Is delivered to up to 360 online stores like iTunes, musicload as worldwide and co. The professional collective with its 100% dividend supplemented so far offered standard rates, tailored to the individual musicians, as well as smaller Labels without digital sales. Artists and bands can enjoy so far 85% payout, for labels, there are even 90%. The new distribution model was presented for the first time at the POPKOMM and met with great approval among the trade visitors and exhibitors.

About Brokenbodyclock media GmbH: As a service platform for musicians with the existing combination of community, netlabel & the ArtistTools Brokenbodyclock goes the step consistently away from purely passive artist self-representation to the active assistance of the self-marketing. Bennyflee1 allows musicians of a new generation to make her musical career from the outset. founded in 2006 by music-loving Berliners as pure Musikcommunity, the portal operates today as the first German address in the area of global digital distribution and independent artist support. The Brokenbodyclock media GmbH is headquartered in the media and Technology Center (MTC) Adlershof, Berlin. Press contact: Carolin Uhlig Head of PR E-Mail: Web:

Swiss Production

The Swiss have always been known to produce good and quality items. And of course this applies clock and alarm. Throughout the world, with the word Swiss watch an association: upmarket, fine, dear. At the same time there is another contender. Which, like the tiny Switzerland also is a geographically small area, rich in natural resources and is very interested in its reputation as the best manufacturer in the world. The Japanese, known to all as the best producers of electronic devices and automobiles, are now becoming the leading and largest manufacturer of watches in the world. To understand what is happening, we to return to vrmeni World War ii, when Japan was in ruins.

Businesses that survived were very limited access to raw materials and equipment. With the help of his former enemies, Japan began a slow and painful process of economic recovery and production. Trying to make things quickly, often stardalo quality. And the phrase Made in Japan, became the symbol of production "with the claim" and of dubious quality. A handful of Japanese businessmen, such as Akio Morita – the founder of Citizen saw an opportunity, as a tragedy turned into a useful direction, and change the negative perception of Japanese goods. Applying innovative technology, as in sphere of production and of management, with emphasis on attention to detail and automation of manual labor the Japanese reverse the negative trend and changed the view of Japanese goods as the goods of low quality. Meanwhile, Switzerland shared the fate of Japan.

Continuing hard to make things buyout has not enjoyed such a demand, but still retain an aura of craft and style. As a result of extreme need the Japanese were forced to produce more with less, and invent from scratch the production technology. An excellent example is Japan's Citizen watch corp., Founded in 1930. Beginning with the production of aircraft parts avtmobiley and, subsequently increased to the largest watch company in the world. Now, Citizen watches are known worldwide as a very precise and high-quality tool showing time. Another company – Seiko, is also leader in watchmaking. Under the brand of Seiko were first vypuschey hours in 1913. Applying hereunder, which they learned in tough times, Seiko watches have become one of the most recognizable global brands, which is associated with unmatched quality and reliability of its famous clock.

Secrets Of Youth

Why spend a fortune on cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery, if you hide your age can be a lot easier and cheaper? Secrets of Youth: Right to sleep and wake up pillow. For those who like to sleep on their stomachs, have to give up this harmful habit for the exterior. The fact is that if you sleep with his face buried in a pillow, you can not help cut the blood supply in this area. If to do this regularly, to make risk wrinkles and folds ahead of time. In addition, the friction of the skin tissue injures, so select the softer pillow – from satin or silk. Cream. There is a little beauty secret that can rejuvenate you for one night. At bedtime apply on face cleansing cream night, and put a thin layer on top of any cream mask that hardens a thin film, and then removed in the morning.

Note to owners of dry skin. Before drawing any means – whether Cream of wrinkles or cellulite gel – draw on the skin with wet hands, then apply moisturizer. Through this technique cream faster and better absorbed into the deeper layers of skin. Moisture. If you are not fond of cream, can replace them others nekosmeticheskie funds. For example, a simple towel. Greatly dampen it, place it on the night of the battery and get a homemade humidifier, which will help your skin to recover better during sleep. Shower. Use a sponge, loofah special every morning.


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