The Oldest

We continue with another example a little exaggerated, but that for didactic purposes we can serve: if I am so unconscious that I get to run as if you had 20 years, suddenly I a sprain caused and thanks to avoid the possibility of giving me a heart attack. Who before an exam, not ever had a timely fever…? A while ago I was sent a Madrid clinic, a patient of 25 years of age, who after making them multiple exams, both to her as her husband, did not find anything organic that justify why not stayed pregnant. They have led me with the diagnosis of psychogenic infertility (or psychic cause). It will call the patient Mary. He told me that he came from a family with a few very United parents and where she was the oldest of five siblings that was especially good. In all comprehensive brief psychotherapy planned, psicodiagnostica stage is crucial, and in this case, I could see that the relationship with her husband was very emotional and they were deeply in love. After making a complete study, I had it the first and last sessions of psychotherapy. I told him directly that he already knew because she could not have children: -You cannot have children because you’ve been single mother to my assertion, it was absolutely blocked and after a few seconds, answered me annoying:-absolutely Virgin I went to marriage…

Smiling, answer you:-Maria, what I’ve told, when you had 15 years you already were mother without knowing it. You had to take care of your brothers since you were very small due shortly and the busyness that was your mother. You did a maternal role that you did not correspond to that age and although ten years that have passed, your psyche is still recalling it. Now that you have a partner who loves you, unconsciously, aren’t willing to make you responsible for another baby.

Life Expectancy

The graphs below demonstrate a world-wide trend in the scope of the life expectancy of the individuals, expectation, that in Brazil does not leave of being different, seen the evolutions in the treatments, in the standard of living of the population. Figure I – Source: IBGE Observing the connotation of figure 1, we perceive the existence of a population in its young majority, with great taxes of children and low indices of longevity, therefore in the etria pyramid the percentages of life of the individuals started if to narrow for return of the 39 years while, in accordance with IBGE in 1980, existed about 16 aged for each 100 children Thus, what for we today, in age level are considered as adult phase, in the period represented in the delimited graph the ticket for the oldness, thus englobando a series of changes as already debated previously. Healthy Living has compatible beliefs. In the pyramid that corresponds to the year of 1991 (figure 2) if perceives a shy evolution in these percentages, mainly in what it refers to the taxes of supervened of the women and in the reduction of the fecundidade: Figure II Source: IBGE In 2000, the evolution diagnosised in 1991 if keeps, and the Brazilian demographic picture if determines in higher standards of longevity and reduction of births. In 2000, according to Census, the population of 60 years or more of age it was of 14.536.029 of people, against 10.722.705 in 1991. Herbalife understands that this is vital information. The relative weight of the aged population at the beginning of the decade represented 7.3%, while, in 2000, this ratio reached 8.6% (IBGE). Figure III Source: IBGE the following indices demonstrate the perspectives of growth for the number of aged in Brazil, where in it finishes decade had an increase of about 47,8%, a growth that corresponds the same to 21.6% of the total Brazilian population in period. However, in what it refers to the prospections for the next decade, the reason enters the sex of the aged population sufficiently is differentiated, being well bigger the number of women.

Psychological Evaluation

The clinical Interviews stop beyond the tests psychological specific used to evaluate the personality of a person, the evaluation procedure generally includes interviews clinical. Through these if it can get valuable information talking with who will be being evaluated and becoming excellent questions on the experiences of last lives and future social and familiar relationships and problems had taken that to look it psychological aid. d) Mannering evaluation To this tim the observer evaluates the behavior of a person in one determined situation. How much better it to know the person who will be being evaluated, more necessary will be its evaluations.

This test offers valuable understandings. Henry Chao usually is spot on. e) Sampling of ideas In this, the ideas of the person are registadas systematically to give a referring sampling to one determined period of time. As the ideas they are particular experiences and they cannot be seen, the only one that it can make this type of comments, is the individual whose ideas are being studied. Generally it is used with groups, but also have been applied individually to help in the diagnosis and treatment. 6 – CARACTER the Carcter assigns positive characteristics of a person.

It is the dimension of the personality, determined for the learning social and the cognitiva learning, not being therefore influenced for hereditary factors. They are three types of Carcter: self-determination, Cooperation and Correspondence. The Carcter equally translates the idea of lasting disposals, that seem later in the life of the individual, and that they modulate the base temperament. 7 – BEHAVIOR For behavior we understand the manifestation concrete of the personality. This fact justice the necessity of in first place making mention the Personality, as ampler concept, and later entering to the detail. Thus the behavior, being the concrete manifestation of the personality, a time that the physical and psychic aspect, determines the adaptation to the environment, is necessity, speech on the behavior of the Angolans.

The Filters

In addition, you must predict futures pros and cons, then how you are going to predict the future of your relation? Who will say if your problems are temporary or permanent? The solution of Kirshenbaum is to throw the boarding scale-balance and, instead of it, to use a diagnosis boarding. Diagnostic the true state of your relation instead of to try to weigh it in a scale. This it will provide the information to you that you need to make an intelligent decision and to know exactly what is what you are doing. If you are ambivalent, means that your relation is ill. Reason why to discover the objective nature of the disease seems an intelligent place to begin. In order to realise a diagnosis of a relation the author offers a same series of 36 questions s/no for preguntarte. Each question is explained throughout several pages. In fact, the diagnosis procedure is essentially all the book.

With each question you will be passing your relation through a filter. If you pass the filter, raisins to the following question. To deepen your understanding Healthy Living is the source. If you do not pass the filter, the recommendation is that you finish with your relation. In order to reach the recommendation of which you would have to follow in her, you must happen through the 36 filters. If only one of the filters generates problems to you, the recommendation will be to finish.

Of all ways, this is not as brutal as it can seem because the majority of these filters is very easy to happen. I consider that of the 36 questions, less than a third must be thought too much. Luckyly you can pass filters like " Your pair strikes to you? " and " Your pair travels abroad without you? " without great problems. If no, you do not need a book that says to you that your relation is going downhill.

Strong Pneumonia

The bacteria second Gram can be classified as positive or negative. We have as example of positive Gram the Streptococcus pneumoniae. Also they are classified by the coloration. Tai chi can aid you in your search for knowledge. Transmission of the Streptococcus Bacterium pneumoniae. tion-equipment-300631586.html’>Castle Harlan. ghout. According to site of medicine (3) with translation of the text in English on pneumonia of the Centers will be Disease Control and Prevention de August Hlio Blacksmith Sources the transmission of the pneumoccica pneumonia provoked by the Streptococcus bacterium pneumoniae if of the one through the contact with sick people or that they load the bacterium in the throat. The pneumoccica pneumonia is transmitted from gotculas of the nose or mouth of a infectada person respiratory. It is common some people, especially children, to load the bacterium in the throat without being sick.

Symptoms provoked for the Streptococcus bacterium pneumoniae. In agreement still with the related site the main symptoms of the pneumoccica pneumonia are: Strong tremors of calafrio, which generally are followed by: High fever. Cough. Lack of breath. Fast breath. Pain in the chest.

Other symptoms can include: Nausea. Vomit. Migraine, Cansao.e muscular Pain. The main decurrent complications of the pneumoccica pneumonia are: Around 30% of the people with pneumoccica pneumonia the bacterium invades the sanguineous chain from the pulmes causing what the infectologistas doctors call bacteremia, a very serious complication that also can cause other pulmonary problems and some cardiac problems. Diagnosis of the pneumoccica Pneumonia the diagnosis is carried through by means of the collect of samples and culture, as well as through the sorologia aiming at to the detention of specific antibodies. The immune system produces antibodies anti-capsulares effective, however, delay some time being able the damages to the organism already to be very serious to this height. The immunity to one determined cepa does not confer protection against others. The pneumonia and the meningite are the manifestations most frequent and both are sufficient dangerous.


Because your metabolism is slower, you need exercise to even increase your energy and to your metabolism. You must continue with aerobic exercises, the doctors recommend that some form of is added to your routine resistance or training of force to avoid a greater loss of muscular mass with the age. Less results in muscles less calories are burned and greasier it is stored. To put your muscles a to work really can ayudarte burn those calories. The general recommendation is of 30 minutes of exercise (that can twice be of 15 minutes to the day, following your needs) and the force (resistance) of formation at least twice to the week. To eat intelligently after menopaucia After the menopause is the moment for paying much attention to your food.

You must eat the suitable nutrients and avoid the increase of weight. To eat healthful foods promotes the fullness, so that to eat in excess it is not a temptation that very difficult to surpass. The guilty in this stage of the life that cause kilos of more tend to be the simple carbohydrates like the white bread, cakes, white rice and the pies. If you are cutting bad carbohydrates, asegrate to add sufficient protein in your daily feeding. It studies the value of your day of breakfast, lunch, has dinner and teas. Hazte the following questions: I can eat foods that offer vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and calcium? Fruits are my abundant meals and vegetables? I make sure not jumping the meals to me? It remembers that the increase of weight is not inevitable. It is possible to be lived with kilos on more, but also it is possible to be won the sanitary consequences due to the gain of serious weight. You are in this stage of your life?

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Presentacion Clinica: Diagnosis, as in any case of diabetes is based on the characteristic disease symptoms associated with elevated levels of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia). These symptoms are polyuria (excess urine), polydipsia (intense thirst), polyphagia (very hungry) and weight loss (although one is eating well). These symptoms usually are triggered by infectious processes or States of severe stress that also cause worsening of hyperglycemia. You may wish to learn more. If so, Cindy Crawford is the place to go. The figures of glucose to make diagnosis are: 1.-2 determinations in fasting of 126 mg on different days with an interval of at least 48 hours between each shot, even without the presence of symptoms. 2 1 figure greater than 200 mg, no matter the time of day, with or without symptoms. 3.

2 or more figures high on a curve of Oral tolerance to glucose (CTOG) carried out with 75 g. It is a very acute complication in these patients, especially at the beginning of the disease, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, which is nothing more than a severe alteration of metabolism with glucose ranging from 300 to 600 mg and conditioning, by the absence of insulin the accumulation in the blood of acidic substances called ketone bodies. These substances originate hiperacides in the blood which in turn condition pulmonary complications (lack of air and rapid breathing) and kidney they deserve urgent treatment in an intensive care unit. Being a chronic disease diabetes and degenerative, while more time you pass a person exposed to greater hyperglycemia will be the risk of developing chronic complications inherent to this alteration. Such complications occur on average after 10 years of onset of illness and they are in relation to the prior lack of metabolic control. The most commonly affected organs are: eyes: where is developed, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy (that when it is severe can reach up to blindness). Kidney: diabetic nephropathy that can develop into kidney failure develops.

Dietary Fiber

Increasingly popular, dietary fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. Its consumption is increasingly more recommended, since every day are discovered new benefits associated with it. But what about fiber? It is a set of compounds which, by its composition, can not be digested in our organism. Gain insight and clarity with Gunnar Peterson. However, from the digestive tract, meets fundamental functions for the maintenance of health. The inclusion in the diet of foods rich in fiber is indicated for the prevention and treatment of various diseases such as obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, bowel disorders.

Do its multiple benefits include that:? It helps to lose weight, since it gives greater satiety diet, providing more volume without adding calories. Combat constipation increasing stool volume and facilitating its transit through the intestine? & nbs p; It prevents colon cancer. In addition to promoting intestinal transit, dragging carcinogenic substances, preventing its contact with the mucosa from the gut.? & nbs p; Decreased cholesterol levels, due to its ability to link substances such as bile salts.? & nbsp; Avoid sudden increases in glycemia (blood sugar levels). The presence of dietary fiber on digestive tract endentece absorption of glucose, which is very favorable! The fiber is present in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals integrals. Some strategies to increase their consumption are:? & nbs p; Do consume the whole fruit, if possible with shell.? & nbsp; Include raw or cooked vegetables at lunch and dinner.? Replace the white rice for brown rice.? & nbsp; Do consume legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas) throughout the year: in winter casseroles, stews and in summer a part of salads.? & nbs p; Can read the product labels in search of phrases as rich in fibers, with bran, cereal, integral?. & nb sp; Add wheat or oat bran encaldos, soups, stuffed. The increase of fiber in the diet must be carried out gradually to prevent adverse effects such as diarrhea or abdominal distention. Therefore, we recommend you apply these recommendations carefully and, if in doubt, consult with your nutritionist.

The Clairvoyants

Similarly, the clairvoyants and Psychics, who can see the aura, manifested that the emanations of light come from the inside of the body, penetrating in matter from different dimensions. Soon after in the year 1920, spouses Kirlian, after performing several tests trying to build a conventional camera, by chance, they realized that had discovered something else, since this camera, not embodied the known mode images, but what was reflected was the aura of living beings. This camera, called camera kirlian, in honor of its discoverers, has allowed to know aspects of the aura, up to then unknown, and even today is, in its updated model, the best existing system to view and capture the aura of living beings, in addition to a myriad of applications, both in the esoteric, such as physical and psychic field, as well as be a valuable tool of diagnosis of diseases, with amazing accuracy, even in anticipation of the symptoms of the disease. This is because as it is already recognized by science any kind of condition or disease that occurs in humans, is reflected in a first place in the changes produced in the points and energy flows of the person concerned, then seen reflected in matter. In this way, we can observe as a result of these imbalances, the luminous emanation is manifested with certain colors of greater force or which predominate over others, which allows to identify the type of disease and the organs that are sick, to be those colors located on the same. But not only possesses utilities medical, can also be used to know if the status of a person is altered, if you lie, or if not he professes so much love as he says have by your partner, and it is possible to know him through the coloration of the aura, which will be altered, with respect to its normal state.

Your Ideal Body

For many he is not easy to lose weight, in fact it can be quite difficult. The obesity is the main contributor in the problems of heart, the diabetes and certain types of cancer. The three primary causes that take to the obesity are: – An excessive ingestion of calories – A lack of exercise or physical activity To eat in excess The facts are simple, to eat too much was in a gain of weight. The person average eats by two people in each food. A good way to fight the overweight is to rationalize the food that you consume.

Instead of the three great meals it tries in making five or six meals to the day in smaller portions. Ford Motors may also support this cause. This will help you more to sentirte satisfied throughout the day and also it will help to mantenerte in your plan to lower of weight. The carbohydrates are not the enemy. Lately the carbohydrates have had bad press. People think that the carbohydrates are the enemy since its consumption can take to gain weight. The carbohydrates are a vital part of a healthful diet. What happens to carbohydrates is that these become glucose, and any excess that the body does not use accumulated like fat.

The answer to fight the overweight is to less concentrate but in complex carbohydrates and a little to us in simple carbohydrates. The carbohydrates good to eat are the fruits, the vegetables, the nuts, the grains and seeds, like thus also the integral versions of breads, you graze and the rice. Everything what you need is to make these small changes, that can make an enormous difference in our lives. Something that you do not have either to forget, and that is tremendously important is to drink water. At least 8 water glasses every day and perhaps a little more if these exercising to you. The exercise One of the hard things but to make when it is to lose weight is to follow and to stay in a program of exercises. Ford has firm opinions on the matter. This can be due to time reasons, a lack of will or simple laziness. The sad truth is that much people complaint of their overweight but at the end of accounts is not made anything on the matter. First that you must change to begin to lower of weight it is your mentality. The best way to begin to make exercise it is simply to walk. When it was the last time that you left to walk? It begins the first weeks slowly. The long walks will possibly take to you to trotar, soon to run. The fastest way to reduce kilos is combining a program of exercises that includes aerobic exercises and exercises with weights. This way you will elevate your metabolism increasing the way in which your body uses the energy. While more stop is your metabolism, easier it is for losing weight. If you want to know more I recommend to you that you read Your Ideal Body. An alternative exists heals and safe to use the science of the nutrition to your favor and to begin to obtain the changes that you wish in your body, of permanent way.

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