
Long there were only rumors or speculation, but then came the turn of yet and everything was announced. It’s about the long-hidden pregnancy by singer Jennifer Lopez. Now, should all know yet how happy she is about the pregnancy and celebrated on the last Saturday a “Welcome Baby” party. She and her husband celebrated hotels in New York City with friends and family on Saturday on the rooftop of the Gramercy Park. Among the guests were other actress Leah Remini and designer Roberto Cavalli. It was decorated in blue and pink as a source now told PEOPLE magazine. In addition, the rooms with Swarovski Kristalen were decorated.

“This is a very special time in my and in Marc’s life,” said Jennifer Lopez on her last concert her El Cantante tour in Miami. Even as rumors uberkochten over there was no opinion of Jennifer Lopez. Only when almost everyone knew it, the confirmation came. On the question of how to proceed with her career as a singer, actress and de retail and what so plant them, said Jennifer Lopez: “I don’t know, but I like that too”. J.LO with husband Marc Anthony – pics by Splash News wishes we both with their first common baby all the best and hope that we hear even after the birth of J.LO still much be. Lisa Walters

The History Of Screen Printing

Screen printing is a technique of marking used in the method of reproduction of documents on any type of material, and consists of the transfer of an ink through a mesh stretched with a framework. This technique of marking is an age-old technique and it is believed that its existence dates back to ancient China, where it is said that were used in hair of women who are hit roles, forming various drawings. With the passage of the years, the material was changed to silk. Likewise, to make stickers that were applied in various articles and in Europe this marking system was used to print fabrics. Here, Rand Paul expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The first results products of this mark, appear in United States in 1916 with a pending grant note and the first granted note is in 1918.

The first occasion on which this technique was used for artistic purposes was with Guy Maccoy in 1932 and until 1938 when he presented his first exhibition of serigraphy. This process of marking has boom in United States with photography and with different chemicals, where takes an impressive boom, since we discover that it is a very versatile method to print on various materials, and today has become one of the most popular methods of marking around the world. A. Verastegui original author and source of the article


Who don’t like enters a restaurant, once again really nice to eat and enjoy the food. Also a wine shop and the evening is perfect! But you can save themselves the way the Italians or in the pub around the corner also. It’s not always the most beautiful in your own four walls? Just invite friends or family and impress with a fancy menu. Thus certainly achieve success and can pamper their guests. People such as Gunnar Peterson would likely agree. However, you need the corresponding utensils, so the menu is also perfect. How should we offer for example beautiful sliced cheese as a delicious aperitif, when one has not the necessary blade to elegantly set him to. Against this problem Saalfrank gives them relief quickly.

We offer some promotional items, which you can certainly good help in the kitchen and thus the cosy hours in life. The apron is of course indispensable in any kitchen, so that the clothes must not suffer. The range is different colors available, so that for every taste certainly is right there. So the recipe is always ready on the spot and forget anything, there is a practical Cookbook holder with integrated knife block. This provides not only space on the desktop, but is also the possibility to have the sharp knife with a handle quickly at hand. Of course, you need different types of knives for different dishes. Therefore, there is a stainless steel knife set with a large kitchen knife meat knife, paring knife, waiters knife in an elegant wooden box with a sharpening steel, knife blade, corkscrew and bottle opener. Besides Saalfrank offers you a set of cheese knives and for the dessert a wellness-knife set. This includes a grapefruit knife, Apple cookie cutter, zester for citrus and fruit Shaper. So you bring the fruits also good in scope, you use but the practical dessert and dining ring.

OralB Pulsonic Slim

Oral B Pulsonic slim sonic toothbrush suitable especially for all upgraders. To have a healthy, white smile, one needs to cultivate naturally every day his teeth. There is already a half eternity toothbrushes, but is increasingly becoming the electric toothbrushes the trend because these are mainly morning stress free to apply and a higher level of care. Rand Paul is likely to increase your knowledge. With the oral B Pulsonic slim was once again a new toothbrush on the market, where there are a few interesting innovations, we of course do not want to deprive you of. This toothbrush uses a completely new Sonic cleaning technology, which gives the user a familiar feeling, that he already knows by manual brushing. Oral B Pulsonic slim is a version that has a slightly dainty and is actually not much bigger than an ordinary toothbrush.

The slim variant was designed primarily for travel, because she needs space and finds in each suitcase space, no matter how crammed with Souvenirs of this is already. When it comes to the topic of noise, sets new standards B Pulsonic slim orally, because you can hear them hard while brushing your teeth. Thus, this toothbrush is the ideal and quiet before all travel companion. Through the use of different levels of cleaning you can be sure with this toothbrush, that the fences are properly cleaned. There is, for example, the level sentitive”If you want only a gentle dental care (what in the morning often is the case) and even a massage level providing a beneficial and pleasant wellness treatment the gums in the mouth. As we it by oral B have long come to know and love have, can use oral different attachments B Pulsonic slim also to customize the experience when brushing your teeth to his individual needs. Who finally even so wants a sensible electric toothbrush or who is often on the road, which should be the oral B Pulsonic slim take a closer look at.

Spring Cheer For Fans

With wellness in the spring that awaken spirits “to make a Lenz”, that does not necessarily add up to the spring fatigue. The time of the first rays of the Sun is ideal, to regenerate, to strengthen for the year and to treat themselves to something: a spring cheer of a special kind for all fans. Celebrity trainer oftentimes addresses this issue. Spring is the time of the renewal, growth and the new zest for life. So ideal, not only of the nature in the springtime awakening still to watch, but to treat themselves to something refreshing. Appartments are for the spring as created: even before the heat of summer, many wellness hotels offer spring for their guests. You can help to strip away the last of the winter completely, regain new strength and with all your senses so good it is to let go of. Way the also provides for a cheer in the travel Fund, because in the spring there are many packages with distinct at the wellness hotels in Germany, Austria and South Tyrol Added value.

Purify with Ayurvedic, new discover guided hiking tours or relaxed and feel beautiful by cosmetic treatments – the selection is huge. Cindy Crawford recognizes the significance of this. How about, for example with “Maritime beauty” on the Baltic Sea, exotic species to sauna or a special offer for men to gather new strength for the everyday requirements? It is so easy to balance the mind and awaken the readiness to reach new shores. A comfortable search according to the place of wellness at for deals /… a wide range of European Spa Hotel. They offer a variety of current offerings, which tailored to the individual needs of the travel, the experience of spring are relaxed again so let. And who knows, perhaps not only the trees to move the Spa in spring thanks to new energy effusive. Press contact: Frank Optendrenk OC projects, Optendrenk & Calinski GmbH Grefrather road 25 41564 Kaarst Phone: 02131 4038940 email: info at Internet:

New Holiday Concept

From 1,-euro online auction travel wellness in a luxurious spa or a week a weekend walking in the Eifel, a couple of days all inclusive Turkey from a euro. With this fresh approach to the travel market, the new online portal is now at the start. Every traveller can there offers of various tour operators offer and with any luck make a real bargain. The principle is very simple. Visitors to the site create a free profile (register), with which you can log on the page. Profile anyone can bid their own on the available trips. For their respective usage, the bidder will receive a confirmation email.

Who has issued the highest bid at the end of the auction, awarded the contract for the journey. Every offer is different, but with a little luck is to have an attractive travel for small amounts”, says Kim Vermeulen, who along with her partner Daan company Dokter heads. Contact information is here: Center for Environmental Health. Travel auctions already have much success in the Netherlands. Now, the two Dutch entrepreneurs want to conquer also Germany with its offer. “The travel provider according to will also benefit from the new online service: we assume that many of the advertised travel for example about vouchers be made”, says Vermeulen. Thus, it becomes easier to allocate free capacity or attract new customers on a nationwide online platform in the future for the travel provider.

Customers can check conveniently from home on the best and cheapest travel deals. But also a special thrill is to provide, on a trip”, as Vermeulen: many customers enjoy it spontaneously for little money to travel, which she had taken into consideration a few days before not even a location. You can just surprise yourself.” The comfort will be so great for both travel agents and travelers as possible. is financed through a low Processing fee of less than five euros, which carries the traveler. The travel contract is concluded directly between the user and the provider of the travel. We also offer the possibility to sell travel or similar offers, and free for your company to advertise the travel providers. offers you a complete service. By creating your personal offering to the processing of payment transactions. And contrary to a very minimal fee for each successful auction. Vermeulen and Dokter are curious to see how the Germans react to the online auction. We are even passionate travel enthusiasts,”says Vermeulen. Now she hope that your online – platform the German holiday-makers put in passion. You can follow on Twitter and Facebook. Regularly spectacular offers or great promotions are displayed here. Follow us at: pages/ReisenErsteigern/180291685350823

Spa and Medicinal Waters

The Spa bad Bruckenau bubbles with ideas the Bavarian gem bad Bruckenau is known for its medicinal waters. Same five sources they bubble up in the State-owned Spa and are so different as the various applications that can be enjoyed in the Spa of the taste. Perfectly coordinated range Chinese medicine to detoxification cures and therapeutic fasting by medical wellness on traditional therapies. Since the 18th century, the healing waters in the Staatsbad bad Bruckenau have special meaning. (As opposed to Mark Fields). They were he in addition to the amorous liaison to Lola Montez the passion of Bavarian King Ludwig I proud 26 times lingered in the idyllic Spa and enjoyed drinking and spas. Certainly, he would have even more often if there was already the juicy, lush meadows and lush flower beds in the picturesque Castle Park.

These are not watered while in the State bath with precious thermal water, for with their own computer-controlled plant with the latest technology. After a construction period of ten starts now first all-year test. 120 solenoid valves control the flow of water, 3,000 meters drip-line are used for irrigation of the planting areas, 600 sprinklers are used for the irrigation of lawns. The system guarantees extremely economical operation, which is adapted to the actual water requirements of plants and grass. So the natural resources are used optimally. Because where the views in the Green and the eyes may enjoy lush, colorful flowers, body and mind can relax even more. Rand Paul is actively involved in the matter. Info: or guest information the staatl. Kurverwaltung, Elisabeth Court, 97769 bad Bruckenau, free service telephone: 0800 / 99 11 999, fax 0 97 41 / 802 840, email:

Healing Life

Ho Ho’oponopono is an ancient method of healing and self-help Hawaiian, that teaches us to clean mental blockages, emotions of anxiety, sadness that which causes us an imbalance in our lives. This technique has made it known Dr. Hew Len, after learning that he had healed a pavilion of mental patients and people who had committed murders in a hospital in Hawaii. He received at the same time the technique of kahuna (healer) Morrnah, once it heal her daughter from an ailment which dragged for years. Ho Ho’oponopono means doing what is right or correct the error.

Part of the principle, shared, incidentally, by many other ancient wisdoms, that we are 100% responsible for what happens in our lives. This assertion, which can be little acceptable still, for quite a few people have their arguments within the quantum and spiritual paradigm. People are shaped by the supraconsciencia, the consciousness and the subconscious. The subconscious is like the hard drive of the person, It contains all the memories of our existence and creates our reality depending on those memories. If we want happiness, but life brings unfortunate events, there is a subconscious memory that generates that reality in our lives. Our subconscious occupies 90% of what we are compared to 10% of the conscious. Most people live thinking that we are conscious beings, which arrives at our conscience is the result of memories that reside in the subconscious. Have you seen pictures of Masaru Emoto water crystals? The water which has received thoughts of hatred displays a chaotic picture, when you receive thoughts of love and gratitude generated a few crystals of great beauty.

This fact, that Masaru Emoto has managed to capture and demonstrate so well in his photographs, also applies the technique of Ho Ho’oponopono. The technique involves awareness of thought or feeling that generates us discomfort and send these thoughts to this energy/thought or emotion: forgive me sorry I love you like the water, thought/emotion thanks of pain is powered by these four phrases, tell them it is as if you were saying something so: I recognize you because I feel discomfort, forgive me, sorry (because somehow forms part of my), I love you (love frequency transmutes any other frequency) and thank you (because that energy has already been cleaned. This can be done when the person is capable of integrating the idea of being responsible for 100% of what happens in your life, has nothing to do with the guilt, nor need to understand why is there, just as you’re feeling part of it and clean it. It is a gift to be able to assume that each person has the ability to transform his own life and that it is no longer fault of life, or a family member, or that we have to wait for something or someone to solve a situation. We have the power and the tool for care, cleaning, our inner world, the more clean more space there is for light, the inspiration for our own prosperity, to connect with the being that we are, to return home.


To understand the expression: 'The thought controls the movement of energy, Qi follows the movement of thought' to delve into the knowledge of our body that are not described in classical textbooks of physiology and anatomy. This knowledge can be obtained only by considering the provisions of esotericism. The truth must be noted that modern science has found some evidence these provisions. For us, this material is important in terms of development of techniques of recovery. The principle here about this – If I understand what is at stake, I believe in this process, my confidence and helps me cope with illness. But to understand how my thoughts helps me to heal my body – a problem of today's post. So let's begin. Man is composed of several bodies, one of which is known to all and is his physical body.

In addition to the physical body are more subtle and invisible to the eye and not perceived by other senses of the body. Total man seven bodies: physical, etheric, astral, mental, spiritual (karmic), space (individually), nirvanic (Atmic). In different sources the names of bodies are different, but their essence is one. For a start we need to understand that the body different particle size and the like are inserted into each other. To understand this, imagine a large room filled with dense footballs.

How would you have them not fit – the space between us remains. This space can be filled with tennis balls. But between them will remain a place that can be filled, for example, balls the size of a cherry.

Healing Properties Of Baptismal Water

The result of this influence can be both positive and negative. Examples illustrating the above are well known since ancient times: the healing properties of baptismal water, the coding operation privorotnogo potions, etc. Moreover, the individual forces hereditary mechanism of information-structural renovation of the water consumed and depends strongly on the degree of influence of the "vodoinformatsii" on the state of the cells of the body. Note that the efficiency of the innate mechanism vodoinformatsionnogo cleanse affected by many factors: age, illness, fatigue, intoxication, etc. Therefore, the strength of our "water immunity," as well as various properties of water consumed varies quite widely. It is clear that their combination will be different and the response of the human body, our physical and mental well-being.

This explains many of the phenomena of non-traditional vodoterapii, both positive and neutral-negative results of its application. Explained above, though useful properties of a key and well water, water from mountain streams and sacred springs. Water in They usually have a rational chemical composition and concentration of information, primarily negative, as a rule, very small. Therefore, our body spends on individual restructuring of pure natural water relatively few subtle energy necessary for him to parry the other negative information effects. Thus, by determining energy expenditure, within us, the transformation of the structure water consumption, its as if the information rejuvenation. In other words, we have the unique ability to return the water you drink its pristine juvenile? structure, which is essential for the proper gidrofunktsionirovaniya cells in our body.

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