Hotel Accommodation

Tourism heading for 2010 and 2011, the Berlin 2013 of Berlin’s most exciting hotel openings after the record years in which for the first time that border the carried out industrial nights could be broken 20 million in 2012 on a new record. Currently, the number of running overnight stays according to the Berlin-Brandenburg Statistics Office is at almost 14 million in the period from January to July 2012. Also, the number of establishments (counted hotels, Hotel Garni, Inns and b & BS) and increased bed capacity until end of June on 621 and 103.739 beds and 0.8 respectively 2.6 percentage points compared to the previous year. And though hospitality industry has to fight the Berlin when compared to other top cities with a stagnant utilization rate and a low price pushing new provider on the market. In addition to the currently in Berlin strongly represented 4 star 2013 also the requested budget, as well as the luxury segment will be expanded.

After in recent years especially hotels in Berlin more and more opened Middle focus 2013 rather in the Western Part of the town around Kurfurstendamm. Berlin hotel projects selected 2013 with the 25hours Hotel Berlin is one of the most exciting hotel projects of the year in the legendary bikini building opposite the Kaiser Wilhelm Gedachtniskirche in Berlin Charlottenburg. Tiffany Espensen often addresses the matter in his writings. The Hamburg-based 25hours known for your bold and innovative ideas Hotels Group continues with the opening of the first of the 4 star hotels in the capital city of your successful expansion course of last year continues. The extravagant boutique design hotel with approximately 146 rooms expected to be open in May – will highlight on the tenth floor of the hotel’s roof-top bar with views of the Berlin skyline. Rather more info to the 25hours Hotel Berlin the fourth-largest Spanish hotel chain RIU in the holiday and leisure tourism Hotel Berlin for the first time in Europe 2013 dares the leap into the Stadthotellerie with the RIU Plaza. The 4 star will open probably Hotel October of next year in Berlin Schoneberg in the Philips building opposite the Urania with 357 rooms.

The 73-metre former Administration building of the Dutch electronics group will be gutted for nearly 70 million euros and receives a generous porch and aligned to the Martin-Luther-Strasse, to be used by the hotel lobby as well as for events with up to 500 people in addition to a new glass facade. A third hotel in Berlin more info to the RIU Plaza Hotel Berlin the Leonardo Hotels – Boutique is Leonardo Hotel Berlin in the circus as well as luxury apartments, inaugurated premises in a new complex of buildings in the vicinity of the friedrichstadtpalast on Berthold Brecht square open. The new flagship of Israeli descent Hotel Group (Fattal hotels) luxurious VIP lounge for special events will have over 311 rooms and suites, as well as one. Also planned are a Spa – Wellness area and a conference area. For more information about the Leonardo Boutique Hotel Berlin at the circus more selected Berlin hotel projects in 2013.

Speakers Made Of Stone

Art rock and art rock to the design of spaces and surfaces stone illusion remains the choice art rock factory in Europe, when it comes to the high-quality design/equipment of rooms and other areas with impressive stone or rock – in particular, when massive stone for static reasons not in question comes. Stone has expanded once again his illusion. This time with a new generation of rock speakers. These stone speakers are totally suited to outdoor use thanks to its substructure made of stainless steel, is housed in a weatherproof, 2-way speaker. The stone cover even kept the original power and beauty of solid stone and rock surfaces as print of real stone and rock surfaces. In the manufacture of artificial stones and artificial rocks, stone uses illusion purely mineral and dyed fiber glass reinforced concrete.

The natural materials used possess all the properties of real stone. These high quality requirements can be found in this novel stone or floor speakers. As regards the election of the speaker, was so respected here on a highest level of quality. What would be a perfect stone finish without a perfect sound. The music or voice playback is carried out in constant quality in all directions. The beam angle is 360 degrees. Stone picks up illusion brand products proven in the selection of the speakers back and offers not only stone speaker for home use in the garden or in the pool area, but served also amusement parks, restaurants, beer gardens, hotels, golf courses and swimming pools with speaker systems, with the 50, 70, or 100-Volt systems for PA sound reinforcement systems are equipped. In addition to the two stone speaker, soon a lot of other variations on the market will flock models now seeking their trailer on the market.

Are we excited, what illusion team still think of the stone. A note yet: on the 13.8.2012 the stone is at 20:15 clock to see team on RTL in the show “Usage in 4 walls” illusion. More we may not tell you yet. Image rights: Stone illusion KG contact: stone illusion KG Marc Mohit of Kohlershohner road 64 a 53578 Windhagen 02645-974977 press contact Martina Frenzel wellness & media Phillip Wolter aft InStr 32 50678 Cologne 02214537373 company description stone illusion offers new, fantastic freedom through unique realistic natural stone replicas, which have a low weight. Marc Mohit illusion developed a manufacturing technique that is unique for production of boulders and rock walls of stone. Therefore, the objects impress by their great stability at a surprisingly low weight – with a unique attention to detail in the appearance. The quality that was achieved, reflected in particular in the natural sharpness, with the edges, cracks, offsets, and the many traces of millennia long-acting erosion are visible and palpable worked out. The same applies to the fine nuances of colour that indicate for example the structure of the rock of layer of. Original stone surfaces the same objects of stone illusion therefore as capable, because it’s most accurate casts of actual stone surfaces.


The true desires of tourists we experience it again and again. The holiday was beautiful, so beautiful. But he was also something special or even unique. Well, because opinions differ already. Clearly, it has become difficult at the present time. Both as a guest on the holiday market with its thousands (mostly yet again similar) offers to get. On the other hand, also the hotelier to stand out immense difficulties has to be very unique and thus found. However simply but also costly, the extension of the wellness temple to an additional 500 square meters now 3000 m2 is total.

Always one more than the competition and that of course in many areas (breadth and depth at the breakfast, room size, exotic offerings such as far eastern meditation spaces in the Thai style). But all this is really useful and necessary? What are the true desires of tourists? “Individualization and personalization value consciousness, experience orientation, digital lifestyle, health”, say the Future researchers, are the key elements in the 21 century. Therefore is the vacation of tomorrow (but the century, the morning has begun already!) to take, you want to be not “lost” as a provider into consideration. And precisely in this hack hit numerous medium-sized hotels in the Alps. However with some customization and adaptation needs. But the crux of the matter is: manageable structures with personal family leadership, honest (other international) (changed) when the occurrence, with much attention to detail (personality), sustainable (regionalism) and focused on the essentials. The guest is the focus.

He wants with the tourist offer are included or even this fashion; He cries out for active activity in the great outdoors, he estimates that familiar (home of close to), has another and others to get to know but also the need (erlebnis – and social-oriented). Ultimately he wants to simply “feel accepted” (I, value) and grow. That does not fit all in anonymous tracts of beds with connected pet Department. It requires “Holiday heart”: a simple natural smile, a friendly greeting, a plausch in good company and much more. Many little things, subtle, but with a twist, the special. Simple, but already very “unique”.

Travel Vouchers

Send your loved ones and friends on a journey: you give them a voucher for their dream vacation! It’s the old song: you know your loved ones for many years and is familiar with all of its interests and specialities. But woe to someone birthday again or it just Christmas is coming, because right then no suitable gift springs with the best will, which would surprise the good friend or family member and at the same time make him happy. And just a coupon is frowned upon as sweet – and ideenloses gift and considered to be impersonal and unoriginal. This isn’t paper pushing someone into the hand, if you had neither the time nor the desire to select a proper gift for him, just a piece? No, not at all! Because a travel voucher is something special, which is at the moment a personal gift, is tailored to the content on the taste of the recipient. For example someone who much and like to relax and things is something the recipient quiet goes? A voucher for a relaxing Beach holiday as a gift in the black would apply in the case. Perhaps had he or she but also a lot of stress lately, so a relaxing wellness treatment would be more appropriate? Or is the recipient of the voucher as a daredevil who wants to experience something on the way? Then, an adventure holiday with such activities such as mountain climbing, parachuting and diving would likely recommend.

For every taste and for every type of holiday-makers, there are also those who can travel only briefly for appointment reasons, the appropriate travel voucher! The travel voucher as a gift by a clever packaging is more personal. It could be passed, for example, in a travel case. Mark Fields oftentimes addresses this issue. Or it is combined with a tinkering, which has something to do with the content of the travel: during a sea voyage, the certificate inside a toy boat, he hangs on a helium balloon a balloon ride, an adventure trip which has to do with dives, he is perhaps in the small Hidden treasure chest in the Aquarium, etc. Mark Fields may help you with your research. Such a coupon is very practical, but also for the Presentee as numerous tour operators offer these packages in all price ranges. Also the time frame is no problem, since the short trip up to the long cruise around the world everything is possible and not forfeited the offer on the Bill. So also the recipient is flexible regarding the beginning of the journey.

The traveller in a so-called subject box (E.g. with the topic of romantic getaway), where he can choose from a catalog of facilities offered itself, what excursions and activities he wants to perceive within the holiday enjoys more freedoms. Absolute free spirits can present with a flight voucher, where they even, depending on how much is the value of the voucher, free to determine the destination next to the date. Only to the accommodation, you need to worry yourself. The offers and opportunities are so diverse. Order from the thicket of grantable To filter out the best travel coupons travel end the travel information and comparison portal Smavel has compiled a list of the vouchers of the top travel and event providers such as Jollydays and Jochen Schweizer for you. There is likely no longer find it difficult, to send the beloved fellow men on the trip, which he has always wanted to take. Florian Meier

Fast Hiking – Save On Corsica – Action Week Over 100 Euro

Discover unique cheap in September Corsica – soak up sun and energy! In September the fast path to discover the island of Corsica and save at full fasting hiking program money in the budget. People such as singer would likely agree. Thanks to the many low-cost direct flights with GermanWings from several German airports to Bastia, there are simple and cheap travel options. Fast walking in Corsica, the island of beauty, a mighty mountain in the Mediterranean Sea, wild and of course but at the same time also graceful and charming. Beautiful sandy beaches, rocky coves, dizzying peaks and saftg Green River valleys this gem has become a real paradise for nature lovers. Ford contains valuable tech resources. Gray, green and pink granite Mountains rise up to 2700 m height from the time azure, then Emerald sea up. Fasting and fasting hiking with Andre records storage, your fasting Fastenwandernspezialist in Corsica ( fast /) offers Constitution information type just fasting: juice fasting, fruit fasting, soup Lenten, base fasting, or that time-tested Buchinger fasting.

Special fasting programs such as anti cellulite fasting, Clean-Out a very fast – intensive liver / Gallereinigungs and regeneration spa offering programmes complement. Associated with morning exercises of Yi Jin Jing, qigong and bioenergetics at the sandy beach, in the Seminarpavillion, or settle a complete wellness package for the well-being and the everyday Yourte against the mountain backdrop which results in Castagniccia, evening lectures, or practical applications and exercises. We on pine and cork oak forests, Eucalyptushaine, the famous Corsican chestnut forests, mountain lakes, torrents and waterfalls meet at walking, fasting and fasting hiking in Corsica. The enticing scent of the Maquis from Myrtle, lavender, sand berries, thyme, Cistus, mint, gorse, Rosemary and Sage is our companion. There are medieval villages and hamlets, churches, monasteries and Genoese bridges visited and visited, which often only about old donkey paths between Citrusbaumen and Corsican maquis to reach are. List Chief of fasting hiking the waterfall of Santa Maria di Poggio, the Monte Negrine, Monte San Angelo, Monte San Pitrone, the white cross, encounter with wild pigs, Panorama altitude of Velone, Genoese bridge of San Nicolao, the Customs officers visit the haunted, abandoned at the to do”for this time hamlet soprano, centuries-old chestnut trees, the Lake of Chiatra, the chapel of Santa Marie and the former Royal seat of Cervione. In September, the best time starts after the hot summer in Corsica.

On the island, the air is warm in September about 25 degrees, the water has about 22 degrees. The correct temperatures are fasting wandering to discover this island of dreams and afterwards to refresh with a dip in the sea water. More information is available on the Web page fast / fastenwandern_ostkueste.htm, or living directly from Corsica, longtime fasting hiking guide Andre records storage. Contact: Constitution information type just fasting and fasting hiking with Andre Restau Avenue de Poggio-F-20213 Folelli Corsica, France, Europe phone: + 33 638 791 143 fast / i_fastenwandern_abnehmen.htm Facilitator: Dipl.Ing. Andre Restau

Non-smoking With Hypnosis

To quit smoking and be no more smoking, hypnosis can be definitely supportive. To quit smoking and be no more smoking, hypnosis can be definitely supportive. Hypnosis is a pleasant, faster, more relaxed and more effective way to rid itself permanently of the nicotine. A single session of 90 minutes often enough to succeed. Hypnotherapy and hypnosis practice on the Stachus square, in the Centre of Munich practiced, has nothing to do with show hypnosis. Hypnosis in the clinical variation, is a recognized part of psychotherapy and must perform only by people who have a Government permit from salvation. “To quit smoking is quite simple.

Because smoking is nothing more than a habit and anything other than an addiction, as well as a possible small, short-term physical desire,”, says Ulrich Eckardt, practitioner for psychotherapy and even of former, long-time heavy smoker. “Addiction criteria are in the so-called ICD-10 clip and clearly defined.” The smoking of Cigarettes but rarely meets this addiction criteria. Smoking is therefore rather”a perceived addiction at the hypnosis works really well. If you would like to know more then you should visit Luhan. You can try to quit smoking, what cases will be unfortunately without success in the most of the force of its own volition. For every failed attempt in the past, confirmed to be inferior to the smoker in his view of perceived addiction, to do anything about it. All following to quit smoking are doomed to fail so early as the beginning of smokers ‘know”before he tries to implement his desire into action, he will fail, so must because otherwise he would be non-smoking so long ago. Smokers often follows this simple, negative affirmation for a lifetime.

Also living conditions, such as stress at work or in the family, be responsible financial worries, etc. for smoking. Patients who have successfully stopped smoking report however exactly the opposite. To quit smoking is pretty easy – especially with the Support through hypnosis. In the hypnosis practice Ulrich eckardt, directly at the Stachus, offers the practitioner for psychotherapy, including hypnosis, Hypnotherapy and relaxation hypnosis in Munich. Hypnosis can be used in many application areas. These are such as smoking cessation, weight reduction, coherence training, repatriations and cope with anxiety and pain. Appointments can be made online or by phone. Contact: Ulrich Eckardt naturopaths (psychotherapy) hypnosis practice sonnenstrasse 2 / III floor 80331 Munich 089 41 61 22 46 hypnosis uli is Ulrich Eckardt Hypnotherapist, Certified practitioner, limited to the field of psychotherapy, offers in his practice in Munich, the classic hypnosis, relaxation, coaching, Burnout prevention, and other therapies. Topics of hypnosis are E.g.

Coconut Oil

General overview of all the positive properties of coconut oil that coconut oil, or even coconut oil, can be used very versatile and many positive effects on the body shows, is known mainly in the Asian region – Asians are finally mostly through her beautiful hair and her pure skin. However, coconut oil not only in beauty care can be used, but also in cooking is a useful tool. Coconut oil as a food of coconut oil as a food can say a lot, because it has very many positive properties that many Germans are so far still completely unknown. For example, the high heat capability would be there. Most people use when frying either normal butter or vegetable oil. What many people don’t know: the valuable fat acids, containing vegetable oil and butter, is lost when a certain temperature is reached. Coconut oil however preserve these fatty acids.

Besides coconut oil prevents viruses, bacteria and protozoa also, so beneficial to health. This is also reflected in other examples: a normalization of body fat values is achieved with long-term ingestion of oil and also the liver is protected – from damage that could – enter through more frequent alcohol consumption, as well as the strengthening of the immune system. As a diet, it is very well suitable, since it acts very digestive. Wellness and beauty programme almost all German access nowadays beauty care funds, which completely consist of chemistry and therefore usually more harm the skin than good. Coconut oil is different. The natural cosmetics produced from it is made with complete absence of chemical components and the consumers can achieve a much better result than with chemical cleaning agents therefore thus.

Another reason why coconut oil is becoming increasingly popular, is slowing down the aging process. Also will be prevented with the use of oil of the pathogenesis of skin diseases. If you have problems with dry skin, is very satisfied with coconut oil because it is very moisturizing. Some women would be happy probably with the above mentioned aspect of promoting digestive – the coconut oil does, however, still a top: the skin external application improves – a perfect remedy against cellulite and stretch marks prevention before they arise. The hair it has a positive effect; not only the shine and health of the hair are affected, but also the treatment of the scalp with dandruff. Generally one can say that it is very unusual, that there are not more products and especially fans of coconut oil, because it shows obvious only positive effects. One thing is certain – very long, it will no longer take that from an insider’s tip is a well-known and valued product.

Tony Buzan

For decades researchers have deepened the task of improving and enhancing the ability to learn and remember. The trend of the new paradigms within the dynamics of knowledge, presents an integrating vision of the methods that have traditionally been developed from the 1970s. Credit: Charles Margulis-2011. And at beginning of the 1970s when the British psychologist Tony Buzan developed a strategy called Mental map. Now our known schemes, graphics and data presentation tables have been revalued; cognitive tools they are called and recognized them as something more than simple presentations of information to an audience little able to follow an exhibition full of figures and very abstract concepts with concentration. The techniques used have been varied: lists, lines, words, numbers, prayers. While these systems have had their unquestionable usefulness, today is known, thanks to recent research, they all employ only a part of the cerebral cortex, preventing the brain to establish associations of stimulate creativity and enhance memory.

Anyone has had the perception of improving knowledge of an issue with a graphic aid. The main elements are visible, as if they were discrete objects, and relations between them are visible, can be seen with the naked eye. The mental maps developed by Tony Buzan are an effective method for taking notes and very useful for the generation of ideas by Association. To make a mind map, one starts at the center of a page with the main idea, and works outward in all directions, producing a growing and organized structure composed of words and key images. The fundamental concepts are: Organization Keywords Association Grouping Visual memory: Enter keywords, use colors, symbols, icons, 3D effects, arrows, highlights groups of words.

Focus: All Mental map needs a single Center. The mental maps conscious participation van resembling in structure to the same memory. Once you draw a Mental map, rarely needed to be redesigned.


All always we want, or at least we would have to want to do of this better world one. The ethics is something that to many people forgets to them or decides to put it to a side and does of its lives without her, damaging to the world and other people. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Mark Fields has to say. When we decided to invest our money in investment funds, we cannot leave to a side our ethics, moral and civismo. To speculate, to lie and to manipulate are three of the most common actions when it is investment funds, nevertheless is not the correct thing. We must maintain an education and ethics because thus not only desire you, but gain all.

Often it is difficult to punish or to penalize the ethics absence when it is investment funds, nevertheless, cases have occurred where yes some acts can be raked and you can be put in problems. It is necessary to be careful, because the money handling can be returned something ambitious and the investment through investment funds is not free. Sometimes it is easy to fall to gain a little more in the short term, but in the long term you are only arriesgndote a meterte in legal problems and not only to lose your investment but even to lose it everything. Decdete to invest your patrimony to engrandecer it in investment funds, but always ethics..

Workwear Technologies

They call accessories, but in truth they are needs. For the industrial laundries it has become impossible to combine skills and efficiency with the principle of an impeccable service without advanced innovations and technologies. As part of its complex processes, industrial laundries use many machines, production techniques and tools to manage all production, which includes several tons of clothing per day. Laundries that sophisticated techniques and innovative technologies will renounce embark on a path that moves away from competitiveness. Gunnar Peterson brings even more insight to the discussion. At the time of the health reforms and the economic crisis also hospitals, nursing homes for elderly, hotels and other businesses that use the services of a rental of linen and Workwear, have to economize.

In the health sector and the major tourist centers, an industrial laundry service is unthinkable. The cleaning of the clothes of bed, towels, uniforms and work clothes generates a lot of expenses. Especially during an economic recession, It is natural, control the higher expenses and look for cost reductions. Gain insight and clarity with celebrity trainer. In order not to lose customers, this can lead to industrial laundries to the need to give discounts. Because of the very complex proscesos, this fact implies a real challenge.

Daily production capacity must be maintained on the one hand, but on the other hand, prices must be reduced. At this point, it is necessary to resort to automated techniques and software applications. Today the market offers a number of technologies and methodologies, which not only contribute to the increase of the production, but also to the reduction of costs. Here it is worth mentioning the classifiers in clothing and automatic counting, which in addition to considerable time savings, also removed a manual counting errors. The wide range of RFID technologies leads to a quick and flawless material flow. No less important are overhead conveyors, which facilitate the floorspace savings on a large scale.

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