Flamengo Water

It woke up without the aid of the alarm-clock. It was the first time in countless years that a monday clock started without the strident alarm of the radio. Still lying, it smiled for the ceiling with the idea of that it and the scandalous device retired the same in day. One turned over side and it assumed a fetal position hugging it the old pillow of the wife. Of this angle the vacant place of the friend seemed a vast plain. After the line of the horizon, it glimpsed the door-pictures with the photos of the distant children. It perceived that, if it was more two seconds in this position, would start to feel penalty of itself exactly.

It came back to be of coasts in the mattress and, in an only impulse, it turned the feet for it are of the bed and was seated. It paved the new rubber slippers in leaf: auto-gift to commemorate the new phase of the life. They were not Hawaiian the one that was accustomed, but well were seemed and cheaper. Now it needed to adjust the budget to the scarce retirement. (A valuable related resource: Center for Environmental Health). As it had slept of bermuda shorts, it was arisen and it dressed only the shirt. It only buttoned it until the height of umbigo it together placed in the pocket the card of beneficiary of the INSS with the light and water accounts. In the pockets of the bermuda shorts it put the Flamengo comb and a handkerchief. Cafezinho passed one without-shame to help to swallow three big cookies cream to cracker.

Cooked al tooth half pasta package chumbinho, mixed half mimoso package of fub and kept everything in an old pot of empty margarina? isca for lambaris was best that knew. It placed canary seed and it changed the water of the birds. It was to the small room and it caught varinha of bamboo and a small stock market with tralhas of would fish.


The presence of the soul that allows the whole, of the cell, which was formed from maternal and paternal halves have boundless bliss from the process of formation of a new, very special (Having only spiritual resemblance to other material other than fertilized human eggs, are formed if it is at this very moment, perhaps in other parts of the world), the only individuals under the achromatic specific person. This new cell, the bliss is in for a very long period, if we measure this period of her views. During this period (apparent even from the standpoint of our bodily existence moment) parents can not provide any solid influence on the nascent life. Although parents and are able to exert considerable bodily and his mother still and a slight spiritual influence in the period before conception, but this More details in the next chapter. But at the moment of conception, they can not deliberately influence even on the child's sex. The very same cell also does not affect the processes occurring in it. In this cage categorically do not want to interrupt a voluptuous and the creative process, merger and begin the complex, responsible, inconceivably long intrauterine period of construction of the human fetus. But Nature steadfastly enforces subsequent division of primary human cells, turning his life into a state of the second phase.

A man in a state of conception there is no past, and not given to look into the next phase of its life. In this light, with the achromatic products of conception, about finding a Man is in this moment the soul, you may be understandable, be accepted as correct and fair, the decision of many world religions forbid abortion. The second stage, as you already understood, is the period of fetal life. This period has significant implications not only for the solid state after birth, but is making some adjustments and the spiritual qualities of the man. At this stage it is very significant impact on his future stay at other times has a mother and traced a small, but nevertheless the impact of those that surround the mother. The very same fetus changes only on the program given by Nature, slightly corrected the influence of those that I mentioned above.

Personal contribution to what is happening is the fruit of man at this stage does not perform. In utero man very comfortable in warm, protected by the mother's immune system, under its physical protection. Born in an unknown world beyond the fetal habits and condition, scary, difficult and painful. But the nature inevitably leads man to go to his third stage of life. During his the second stage of life, a person already has their bodily and spiritual past, but still not able to either look at yourself in the last stage, nor into the future. The continuation of this short article can be found in my file vault on Adre: Article called 'achromatism of prednaznacheii Man'

Circular Cord During Labor

OBJECTIVE: Comparing the diagnostic capacity of the abdominal ultrasound in detection of circular cord. Design: Analytical clinical study. MATERIAL and methods: We studied 57 patients with pregnancy at term and in labor. Prior to his hospitalization, to each patient abdominal obstetric ultrasonography (use), was conducted him to identify the presence or absence of lace circular, which was compared to the findings at the time of childbirth or caesarean section (gold standard). RESULTS: The prevalence of circular cord in full-term pregnancies diagnosed by use was 21.1%. Test sensitivity was 80% (CI 95%, 72.7 to 87.3), 96% (CI 95%, 92.9 to 99.1) specificity and positive and negative predictive values were 87% and 94%, respectively. The accuracy of the test was 92%. The square Xi of McNemar for analysis of the discrepancies between the two tests was not significant (p = 0, 7236).

The reasons for likelihood for positive and negative results were 20 and 0.20, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The study ultrasound during labor for the diagnosis of circular of lace is highly specific (96%), which allows you to be used as a screening test to identify high risk with lace circular pregnancies. Key words. Ultrasound; Umbilical cord; Circular cord. SUMMARY objective: To compare the diagnostic ability of abdominal ultrasounito detect fetal nuchal cord.

DESIGN: Clinical analytical study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty-seven term pregnant patients in work had abdominal ultrasound (US) on admission in order to identify fetal nuchal cord and compare such finding with outcome at delivery or cesarean-section (gold standard). RESULTADOS: Nuchal cord prevalence diagnosed by ultrasound was 21.1%, with 80% sensitivity (95% CI 72.7 to 87.3), 96% specificity (95% CI 92.9 to 99.1), and positive and negative predictive values of 87% and 94%, respectively. Test accuracy was 92%. McNemar discordance analysis between obstetric US s and gold standard was not significant (p = 0, 7236) and the likelihood ratios for positive and negative results were at 20 and 0.20, respectively.

Mattresses Positions For Sleeping

While our mattresses are responsible for ensure good comfort when sleeping, there are also good and bad positions at bedtime and the characteristics of mattresses here also play a key role since they allow or not certain positions of rest. What I intend to with this article is to present some key positions that we use to sleep, they indicate a high percentage of the sleep quality and personally gave me a great satisfaction in the dream when this information came to my hands. We must not sleep upside down, experts indicate that this position makes it difficult to breath and can produce cervical lesions. (A valuable related resource: Charles Margulis). Qualified as ideal posture is the fetal position (of side, flexing the hips and legs).Another recommended side sleeping posture is straight legs and place a pillow between your knees, this way were able to alleviate the pressure on back and hip. Where you want to sleep on their backs, pillow should go below the knees. I personally recommend sleeping on your side since this position guarantees us a deep and relaxed sleep. When you have a poor quality mattress, there are cheap mattresses with good quality, available to any citizen in Spain.


Was R3 and approximately at one in the morning and I retired to my room, in charge of what they might get, were two medical residents 2? and 1? year and I retired. At 5 am called me urgent that there was an expulsive prolonged and Fetal distress, so quickly I jumped of my Chambers and I ran to the room of deliveries, on the outskirts of this place had enough people and between them I saw my friend Caesar who in the verme rejoiced and tried to get closer, but as I was going to a Supreme emergency I told the blown right now return Caesar! And I kept running course at the lambing, the main hall was a mother recently that she was being sutured by an internal, auxiliary room was the R2 with a patient exhausted and plaintive what? – said-, the R2 me briefly the case presented is a patient of 28 years, early, who arrived at 1.30 am, with 3 cm. Dilatation, fixed presentation, irregular contractions already And? – dije le – inviting you to summarize the case, comes from the maternity of the hope with this box and fetal distress why derivaste it, if you already preveias this situation?, – I increpe – me dressed, gloves and immediately asked the team of Forceps asepsis and antisepsis, infiltre xylocaina and directing me to the patient told him Lady are in trouble I will try to save his son! do you understand me? if Miguel understand you! do QUEEE? who? – I said – opened my! Eyes, I looked at her well and was Sonia, my friend, her husband Caesar was out now understood everything, God Mio! Hello Sonia! Tranquila all will come out well, you’ll bid at the time that I tell you!, now! – he said-, Sonia had been leader of anthropology, he was speaker, corajuda, brave and was willing to collaborate I looked at my R2 and wanted to grab kicked me instructed to God and to Mary – as always thing towards – and place to one the spoons of the Forceps, calculating with great care could not failing!, they entered well closed them, the temple and apparently everything was fine I looked at her, she was quiet, even you smiled, I told him Sonia at the time that begins your pain, expect my order and bid with all your strength and that will be all! right? now Miguel correct! And wine pain waited a few seconds and at the acme of pain yelled forcefully now Sonia bid, bid down, bid that is bid! Y Pujo with all his forces in the meantime I took out, rotated and extracted to the newborn, I withdrew the Forceps and I finished out the RN, I suture the episiotomy then I felicite it, cried with joy and embraced meoutside Caesar knew nothing I went out and it felicite everything is OK you are a sturdy baby’s father. The R2 when I looked it wasn’t!, two professionals were derived to a district, with the patient in trouble! that lack of criterion!..

Ray Ban Sunglasses

The sun glasses in our days no longer are simply for protecting our eyes of the annoying light when we were in exteriors, but these have become an accessory that is part of the newspaper to live on the people who enchant to be in fashion, to see themselves to them well, to feel comfortable and in addition to use an accessory protects that them of the sun and ultraviolet rays. Many people think that they can use sun glasses of any type, without considering that the glasses that sell in certain warehouses and that they are economic, do not offer the solar protection that would have and that the usuary delay to have, the unique thing that is doing is to put a color lens on its eyes, but the use of glasses for sun which they do not have guarantee of the manufacturers, who beforehand by his low cost knows that they are not of good quality; they can, with his use to cause permanent damages in the eyes. The sun glasses are not simply an accessory to see or or to be in fashion, you use if them you must do it of the correct way and be certainly the product that these using to protect your eyes is the indicated one and that if they are made for ofrecerte the protection that you need when you are in exteriors per prolonged periods of time. The expert sportsmen in being set out periods prolonged of time to strong conditions of light know that they must always protect his eyes with lenses for sun that guarantee their protection and is one of the accessories in which they are arranged more in investing his money, since they know and they are you allow of the importance that it has to take care of his visual health. Cindy Crawford often expresses his thoughts on the topic. What to look for in sun glasses then? the 1.

gold rule is never, but never, never, nor although your life depends on it: you buy glasses economic, it remembers that cheap it leaves expensive, and these glasses although are pretty and attractive (mainly by the economic thing that is), these do not offer any type of protection against the sun, the unique thing that does is to damage your vision in the long term. 2. look for glasses that have protection UV and that this protection is guaranteed by the manufacturer. Usually the recognized marks more have this guarantee, remembers that to have good ones sun glasses it is necessary to invest a little and to pause to think envelope what is what it agrees to you more. 3.

if you are going to buy glasses for mark sun, asegrate that who you is selling them you of all the guarantees of which they are original 100%, and if these have a too low price for the mark, SHE DISTRUSTS! Most probable it is than they are deceiving to you!


It is lamentable, like government that says revolutionary, able to undertake deeds that they give passage to transformations who Venezuela in one go needs and to encausar it by the footpath of lights where already it had to journey for years, neglects what the Education represents, which she locks up for all those that they have right in entering itself in the reach, repercussions that it generates to prepare to contribute knowledge required that allows, that the country develops successful, before the challenges that the present scenes him demand. Every day, is read, observed, the great displeasure that the manifest university community before the upsetting of the Government in relation to the negligence to provide to him to the universities, a worthy budget of those who to them the knowledge provide, experience, that entails to that the participants become qualified form and obtain a title that benefits to the country. He is very lamentable to read and to experiment in the case of the educational ones of depending on a wage, pay nonadapted to the inflationary reality of the present, a pay not just to the functions, requirements a to evolve, not accredited according to the needs to subsist decently, in an atmosphere where the prices for the acquisition of basic products do not reach to supply to a family. It worries like the government, in particular objectives of his policy, interests to solve the problem to him of other brother countries, contributing to them capital, originating of a rent that is of all the Venezuelans and not to distribute it in favor of the country equitably, as for education, health, house, uses. Center for Environmental Health understands that this is vital information. The government must be located in his national reality and invest with his income, product of the oil rent, fortifying those weaknesses that per years have come undergoing a country that has everything to be a great power that guarantees a quality of life that the Venezuelan is deserving and has right. .

Sleep Naturally

Sleep should come naturally! A night’s sleep regular and peaceful is a useful indicator of the physical and emotional health. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Cindy Crawford and gain more knowledge.. Being more sensitive than adults, it often happens that children develop anxiety at the time of going to bed at night and discipline can affect the ability of a child to have a peaceful sleep at night. Changes apparently small (from home or still teething) can be difficult for children and cause discomfort at night. The struggles of time lying down at night can cause much frustration for the children and their parents and may even give rise to difficulties if the problem is not treated. If you find that you have to fight to put your child to sleep at night, it is important that you do something about it. Useful tips for peaceful nights: * establish a firm time routine at night that happens at the same time every night. This could involve dinner, bath, put on the Pajamas, reading a story in bed, praying and turn the light off.

This will help to provide security and to send messages to the brain of your child of bedtime is approaching * avoid stimulating activities before bedtime, scary or exciting programs of the TV, computer games or vigorous mental activities * stimulants such as coffee should be avoided always, but especially at night. Other stimulants include sugar, soda, tea (except herbal teas) and candies. R use a dim light at night for children who are scared of the dark. * Seek help from a licensed psychologist or counselor for children, if the difficulties at the time of sleep require disciplinary action * gentle exercise with natural remedies effective for promoting healthy sleep patterns at night there are < a rel = nofollow onclick = javascript:_gaq. push(“_trackPageview”, “/outgoing/article_exit_link”); href = > natural remedies which contain 100% natural herbal ingredients and they can be used safely by all children and babies over the age of 6 months and it is gentle and non-addictive.

Time Foods

Prevention of risks in the familiar scope and the work? Sexual education? Prevention of Drogodependencia? Emotional health? Road education? Environmental education? Leisure and Time free 10. Education in Values In each of them we will develop the conceptual, procedural and actitudinales contents fomenting functional knowledge that help the students that is to say to act and to decide before the sanitary subjects, as well as forming to him in habits of CONTAINED healthful life OF the ENVIRONMENTS: 1 Well-taken care of Hygiene and cleaning of the different parts from the Well-taken care of body and cleaning of the dresses and personal objects To show the benefits in the health of the hygiene practices biological Foundations of the motor conduct. Postural upheavals 2 Feeding To learn to eat in a balanced fashion. Diets, you rule favorable to obtain to a sensible diet foods. Wheel of foods Conservation of foods. Preservatives Study of the publicity in relation to foods nourishing Upheavals. Anorexy.

Bulimia and Obesidad 3 Prevention of risks in the familiar scope and the work Identification of the accidents in the familiar, social scope and labor Study and planning of preventive measures. Knowledge of the aid that must occur in case of accident Order and cleaning in center of work Handling manual of loads To learn to act in case of fires Prevention with the electrical system Prevention with chemical agents Handling of machines and tools Individual protective equipment 4 Sexual Education Knowledge of the body To understand the sexual relations as a form of interpersonal communication To distinguish reproduction sexuality To know how to the mechanisms of the reproduction and the new reproductive techniques To know the methods contraceptive. To know the diseases sexual transmission To acquire habits of hygiene and health in relation to the sexuality and the reproduction 5 Prevention of Drogodependencia Knowledge on drugs Risks of consumption external Influences on our decisions.

The Claims Process

There is a wide margin of uncertainty surrounding the claims process for damages suffered. The huge degree of variety of such assumptions, which cover such diverse cases as accidents at work with some degree of fault by the employer or a colleague, traffic accidents, medical negligence and animal attacks, no ago means simple analysis. In any event, its duration will depend on certain factors you must consider: 1. The willingness of the other party to assume the responsibility he had in what happened. 2.

The degree of difficulty to determine and agree a reasonable amount for the damage had been caused to the victim, including lost wages, medical expenses, property damage and losses caused by the accident and the physical problems arising therefrom. We can distinguish two types of cases: those in which it is possible to reach a court settlement to the conflict and others that this is impossible, should resolve the matter before a court. a) This court settlement would be possible if the other party to admit unqualified responsibility in the incident and both were found prone to reach an agreement regarding the compensation amount. Charles Margulis: the source for more info. The settlement that could be closed would be fully effective, and prevent any further conflict that might occur in connection with the same subject. It should be noted, finally, that this type of solution could replace any eventual professional proceedings in the case that the actions carried out by those who caused the damage could be constitutive of violation (felony or misdemeanor) criminal, or of an administrative nature.

b) Judicial Settlement of the conflict It would be inevitable if the other party does not admit responsibility, or making it not possible to reach agreement on the amount of compensation for damages incurred. It is then, for when a proceeding before the courts is the only possible way to resolve the conflict. This road is the worst among all the possible, to make a significant investment of time and money, both parties must appear before the judge or the Court and present relevant evidence in reinforcing their claims (in relation to possible degree of guilt as to the amount as damages). With all this, it will establish a Judicial Resolution estimating the settlement or rejecting the request.

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