Black Chinese Tea

If your grandfather loves tea without additives, will concentrate on classical varieties. In the list below – for some, the "most recognized". But you, of course, can not be limited to: * Black Chinese Tea "Keemun." With a slight taste of wine and pine. One major advantage – a relatively small amount of caffeine. * Indian Black Tea "Darjeeling." Tart taste with nutmeg aroma. Interestingly, this tea is known as yet "Tea Champagne".

* Indian black tea "Assam". Very deep flavor. By the way, he prefers the Queen of Great Britain. If your grandfather does not refuse to try something new, stop your choice on one of the the following teas: * "Mate." Green herbal tea, common in South America. Along with him, by the way, we can present a special drinking vessel – kalabas. * "Earl Grey". Flavoured black tea with oil from the peel fruit bergamot. The name of tea is often translated as "Gray (Grey) Earl," but his real translation – "Earl Grey".

* White tea. Surely, this kind of tea would be "something new" and will be pleased with his grandfather. The more so that white tea has more pronounced healing and tonic properties than green. In addition to tea, and other attributes of good tea is good to give my grandfather a water filter. Then the tea, and all other meals to bring more benefits his health. Very easy to enjoy the cooler. Why do not you take care of signing a contract for regular supply of clean water for my grandfather and installing a cooler in his apartment? Just do not forget to replenish stocks in time and pay your bills! So, if a cup of tea and water, identified, left to think about how you can make a stay at home most convenient.


Preparations for emigration to Canada – the process is really complicated, but when done right is quite real. The main difficulty lies in the fact that to find answers to many small questions that arise during training. Indicate whether the part-time job, how to calculate the equivalent work experience, indicate that the missing information, what if there is no employment records – it only matters faced by almost every applicant. Besides them there are dozens of smaller issues to which answers simply does not provide any instructions. With all this we have to understand yourself. In parallel, filled with useful information, our immigration website. Canada – a country with high living standards, but in my U.S. opinion is much better: more features, easier to get.

However, many deliberately go exactly to Canada. What are the benefits to Canada as a country of immigration? The allegation that the U.S. is better Canada very controversial. There are dozens of examples of it in favor of Canada. Well, for example, is incomparably higher level of personal security and public health insurance. In addition, Canada's position in the world of radically differs from that of the U.S. – enough to any major airport in the world to pay attention to people, showing the flag with the maple leaf on clothing, bags, caps and badges. Despite the fact that the U.S. population is almost 10 times greater than population of Canada, the American flag can be seen much less frequently. In the U.S., you can even buy a set of travel with the necessary attributes and detailed instructions on how to look like a typical Canadian.

Hoffmann + Krippner Offers GESTIN-77 An Inventurplus 95 Percent

BK consulting + communication with good price / performance ratio convinced book, December 8, 2010. So far took the inventory at Hoffmann + Krippner about 20 weeks. With the sample inventory software GESTIN-77 by bk consulting + communication wants the manufacturer of input solutions that maximum a day cut. The bottom line that will reduce inventory by 95 percent. Hoffmann + Krippner stretched the full inventory so far on about 20 weeks. The effort associated was so high that Buchener already had to start after the summer. On about 20 Saturdays, you did the inventory with 5 employees.

Now the book-based company relies on the sample inventory solution GESTIN-77 by bk consulting + communication. So, you want to unwind inventories in only a day and at the same time more accurate results. Because there are many counting errors due to the previously high inventory costs. In a free test, the savings potential of Hoffmann numbered bk + Kariuki to 95 per cent. That was more than just a very specific purchase argument.

“Of course also played a role in the decision for GESTIN-77, that the company bk like us in beech comes”, explained Edmund Kroll, Manager at Hoffmann + Krippner, the surcharge. “But other factors were important for us. For example, that the program seamlessly plays together with our ERP system, certified, and is very easy to use. Overall speaking, that the value for easy money.” About Hoffmann + Krippner Hoffmann + Krippner opens up perspectives, solves problems, and flexible keyboard systems and keyboards realized visions in the fields of business with electronics. for our customers and together with them, we develop innovative products. Especially appreciated is our customer-oriented project management throughout the entire development process. The product portfolio of Hoffmann + Krippner thereby meets the highest requirements: from the simple keypad to complex special developments. More information under: company description on bk consulting + bk Kommunikation GmbH Advice + communication company with GESTIN-77 offers an efficient solution for the inventory sampling. Users can save up to 95 percent of the expenditure compared to regular full recording inventories. The inventory sampling is a recognized procedure for company with the obligation to the inventory. It can be very easy to use and offers many advantages over conventional inventory procedures: in addition to the obvious cost savings is also a higher accuracy, as well as the possibility to be able to repeat the inventory as often and without much effort or storage deadlines. The inventory sampling is similar to a projection of choice and is basically for all companies considering the bearing has at least 1,000 positions. Also should represent 20 percent of the parts of the camp, about 80 percent of its value. Additionally, you must be organizational framework of a children camp being in accordance with the principles of proper DV-based accounting systems (GoBS) must be met. The lean solution GESTIN-77 can be easily and without any integration effort in operation. It allows a trouble-free interaction with business software. BK consulting + communications is headquartered in buchen IM Odenwald. Over 300 customers benefit in addition to GESTIN-77 by the comprehensive consulting expertise from bk and optimize your warehouse management so within just a few hours lasting. Company contact: bk consulting + communication GmbH Thomas Oberlander Office 22 74722 buchen Tel: 06281-56409-13 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: PRMS Axel Schmidt Bahnhofstrasse 44 61118 Bad Vilbel Tel: 4906101509848 E-Mail: Web:

Private Health Insurance

Sickness benefit or the loss of earnings is substantially dependent on the status in private health insurance. In the private health insurance, the calculation of the n works on status. The sickness benefit or the loss of income, is calculated differently for employees than for self-employed persons. Freelancers such as officials, have a special status. For the officials, it is very easy, because the employer pays remuneration unabridged further in case of illness. Only the aid cuts in the hospital by a hospital daily allowance should be considered according to the relevant State aid control by the Federal Government or the States. At the freelancers, the daily allowance can be calculated depending on the product donor on the basis of sales, here you should ask but more accurately, because not every private health insurance covered 100% of the sales.

The calculation of the n is then: sales / 365 days = maximum daily allowance per day. A PKV comparison here the fastest shows the differences. Self-employed with business registration must especially on this aspect of the calculation basis pay attention, because the standard formula for traders is: (profit tax) * 0.75 / 365 = maximum daily allowance per day. If you look out here more, recognizes that only 75% of the net insurable are. This is so dangerous, if no profit has been generated. The consequence for the loss of earnings in the event of sickness is 0,-euro performance.

A business interruption insurance is better than a sick allowance for self-employed persons. The difference is striking, because satellite win here the contribution as a calculation base used. The formula for an interruption: (fixed costs + profit) / 365 days = maximum daily allowance per day. As you can easily see, also an obligation arises when the payout is 0,-euro, also to put the tax not in print. For the employees, the salary is if not agreed separately, for 42 days, which corresponds to 6 weeks, provided by the employer, then the insurance company or the sickness benefit insurance of the car the sickness takes over. The formula for a Private health insurance is as follows: (net + pension package + post for PKV and long-term care insurance) / = 30 days maximum per diem per day. In the statutory health insurance, the statutory health insurance, the loss of earnings is after 6 weeks with 90% of the net or with 70% of the gross, the smaller value of the two is the post of number of, for more than 78 weeks. But be careful! The loss of earnings is based on the valid contribution assessment ceiling. People who earn above the BBG, get in the statutory health insurance is therefore a lower earnings than the actual net earnings. A supplementary insurance is an indispensable addition here. The duration of the sickness by the statutory health insurance or the PKV is not infinite, because final is after 78 weeks in the statutory health insurance, or at the latest after approx. 6 to 12 months for the car or after 2 years with the business interruption insurance. Both systems of insurance (GKV and PKV) aspire to the level, because if a man is his labour force for longer than 6 months loses, the assumption near the disability exists and changes to the service providers.

Health Salts

Schussler salts keep our health in the balance of our body is made up of mineral salts. The supply to the body’s cells is disturbed, it comes to diseases, the mineral balance is disturbed. A variety can be treated with the 12 salts, discovered by Dr. Schussler everyday complaints and diseases on simple but effective way and that also have virtually no risk. The homeopath Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schussler discovered the biochemical healing method that sprung from the homeopathy mid-19th century. He found out that a total of only twelve salts are able to cure almost all diseases. These salts are still today as “Schussler salts” known and are employed by many people successfully for preventive purposes as well as for the treatment of chronic and acute diseases.

Basically it is salts the Schussler mineral salts that act as if regularly taken, to compensate for a lack of minerals in the body’s cells. According to Dr. Thing view is the source of any disease in the imbalance of minerals in the individual cells of the people. To be able to manufacture a mineral balance, these minerals are required to just the body. However the mineral salts can not be in its original form, so that Safari developed a homeopathic method for the direct inclusion of salts by the cells.

The once new procedure is still called “Exponentiation” and describes a strong dilution of mineral salts, which allows for a transition from the stomach into the blood and the body’s cells. Schussler salts are available without a prescription in pharmacies and are ingested as tablets. Due to lactose based Safari tablets, many users however rely on the income in the form of drops or globules. Also in the treatment of children, it is advisable to use globules. Some time before the meal taken leave the tablets/drops/globules in the mouth, so that they can collect in the mucous membranes. Then the funds can be swallowed. Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schussler discovered twelve mineral salts, which are also known as so-called working medium. These funds considered the true Schussler salts in today’s conception. However fifteen more mineral salts, developed by a student of thing until after the death of the great biochemist as a remedy to be added. Who wants salts will find an introduction to the Safari but just start using the popular biochemical means, should initially review relevant literature or but good advice by an experienced practitioner. For every disease and every person there is an individual treatment that partially can differ widely from patient to patient depending on the initial situation, symptoms and history.

Supplementary Health Insurance

Health costs are rising not only for the legal funds also the private supplementary insurance must increase that rising health-care costs and therefore want according to investigations still a dental insurance many Germans strongly. But also the insurance companies have to contend with rising costs. After the Barmenia vigorously health insurance has increased in the last year, fare increases are safe also for the beginning of the year 2010 up to 30%. One of the best dental insurance companies on the German market, the CSS from the Switzerland also increases your rates from the 1.11.09 ca 10%. The tariffs of the Arag remain yet until (now already 5 years), but then becomes stable to 1.4.2010 health insurance probably also give it to fare increases. More rates will follow. The CSS had previously been an application with very few health issues, it seems that she are here has bought some of the risks.

From 1.11.09 has widened the health questions part a lot, were not an issue earlier bridges and crowns, must the customer well informed place accountable, if he wants to have the extensive protection of a dental insurance from the CSS. This must be taken into account, that the Barmenia and the CSS have no bounds for sums after waiting 8 months, if so after a year of dental implant treatments takes place (which was previously still not recommended!), the cost of insurance can go into the thousands. It doesn’t help either, yet quickly this year to complete the insurance the increase meets existing contracts but it is a year older next year, which the insurance is also more expensive. A comparison of services and prices is worth once and for all!

Weight Loss Is Easy: Do Not Have To Starving Yourself

Reliza small changes Making small changes can make a world of difference. The mere act of eating an extra cookie each week will earn you 3 kilos in one year, then, to reduce your diet and you will not gain the extra weight. Therefore you have to think about weight loss as a permanent change in your lifestyle and your diet. In general we are anxious and weight loss goals we want to be in short periods of time. However, if you aim to prevent future weight gain, you have to lose too much and keep it off anymore, basically you have to do is change your lifestyle. Move more If you increase the movement and you become a more active, eating even as you eat now, then you will go down in weight. This does not mean you have to go to the gym and train you hard, but it will be more beneficial if you start with light exercises like walking regularly for thirty minutes five times per week.

Obviously going to a gym will give you tremendous benefits for your weight loss, but the idea that we are now is that just your move more, you're more active than you actualmene. And if you do not like gyms anyway you can improve your physical state doing more sport, take aerobics classes (or buy the videos and view them in your house), swimming, cycling and the list goes on. . . You are more likely to accommodate your routine any type of activity you enjoy, so what you like, make more of it.

No need to start to train yourself as an elite athlete in the activity that you enjoy doing. Start small and do not tire of entry. As simple daily activities, seeks to take a more active lifestyle. It is very simple, use the stairs more, walk more and use less car, do tasks at home, stay active, spend more time doing things they are, and less time sitting on the couch. Want to lose more weight? Read Your Ideal Body, click here


Obesity is the increase in body weight over 15% of the normal value, and corresponds to the increase in body fat. Should be noted that 15% of adult Spaniards is obese, and 37 per cent suffer from overweight, by the caul, our society must have a new tendency to lose weight. Overweight and obesity are associated with different disorders such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Thus, a ratio or index waist/hip greater than 0.95 cm male and 0.80 cm in women is associated with an increase in cardiovascular risk and diabetes. The causes of obesity are many, genetic factors, lifestyle, disorders of the nervous system, the endocrine system), the most frequent is located in the sobreingesta of food and calories. The body constantly uses fat for its function but if there is a higher intake of calories that the body spends, this excess accumulates in the form of fat. The practice of exercise for weight loss is an important role in the reduction of overweight.

Its aim is twofold: maintain muscle tone and increase energy expenditure. Physical activity that takes place in everyday life, is not enough to put and keep our bodies in shape and lose weight, therefore, must find ways to increase that physical activity and a great solution is continuous exercise with vibrating platform and a proper diet. Different studies have shown that vibrating platforms, in conjunction with a proper diet, contribute to reduce body fat and lose weight. Vibrations Act by stimulating blood circulation, stimulating the Elimination of toxins and increasing the basal metabolic rate, that increase the burning of fat. Through the vibrations that provides a vibrating platform, comes more blood and oxygen to the areas of the body with the highest concentration of fatty tissue so you get burn fat in a way more quickly and efficiently. As result of the activity of the muscle mass by vibration, increases the percentage of muscle mass, which increases the metabolism of the fats (even at rest). It is advisable to practice cardiovascular exercise (run, bike, etc.) after the session with the vibrating platform to burn off the fat that has just been release.

Vibrations produce an increase in mobility of the lymph, as well as a stimulation of the lymph nodes, with which the use of vibration platforms is indicated for people with fluid retention. This demonstrated, the regular use of the vibrating platform, help lose weight and shaping the silhouette. The vibration platform consists of a series of pre-set programs for burning calories and excess body fat. These programs are classified to men or women, and for an initial or intense level. In turn, programs are overall thinning or thinning according to specific areas of the body such as upper limbs, trunk, waist-hip and buttocks.

Smoking Associated Diseases

Tobacco use is recognized as the major cause of lung cancer, cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (including bronchitis and emphysema), and causes 1.2 million deaths per year in who European Region (representing 14% of all deaths). Scientific advice by who for the treatment of tobacco dependence on the basis of a large number of evidence of adverse effects of tobacco and passive smoking on the development of cardiovascular diseases, aas with rigor and clearly making efforts to prevent tobacco use and to minimize the prevalence of passive smoking. American Heart Association recommendations for diet and lifestyle changes Quitting smoking dramatically improves the life expectancy for a person of any age and gender. Particular attention to itself drew on smoking in the context of cardiovascular pathology. Smoking – an independent risk factor for stroke, heart attack, peripheral arterial obstructive disease. Smoking is dangerous both as a primary risk factor, and for the development of complications background is formed of chronic diseases. In addition, if a patient with myocardial infarction assigned adequate modern treatment, but the patient continues to smoke, the effectiveness of prescribed therapy reduced to about one-third. 30% – a huge figure.

With such serious pathology cardiologists around the world today, with great difficulty, seek to reduce the absolute risk of 1-2% for this in practice are implemented costly preparations are carried out extensive research is constantly being revised guidelines and standards. At the same time, only stopping smoking gives an enormous advantage, not only in relation to the prevention of heart attack, but also for its treatment. It should be remembered that it was dangerous not only active but also passive smoking. When in the late 90's. in one region of the United States was first introduced a very strict policy prohibiting smoking in public places, already in 2001 in this region noted decrease in risk of myocardial infarction by 30% – this concerns the entire population, not just smokers. In recent years it has been shown that the prevention of "passive" smoking has the same positive effects as cessation of active. These startling results suggest that the extraordinary importance of the fight against smoking, not only for those who smoke, and for the population as a whole. Today there are many different ways to help people quit smoking. We recommend using the 'Easy Way to Stop Smoking' by Allen Carr as one of the safest and most effective techniques.

Hair Loss

The hair loss is a problem that affects more men and women every day.The lifestyle that we carry many times leads to losing more hair than usual. But let’s look more carefully what are the causes that produce the fall of hair, hair treatments and some tips to prevent hair from falling. The cycle of hair growth lasts for 24-36 months (2-3 years). The hair tends to grow one centimeter per month during this phase. In addition, hair is most of the time in growth phase, while another part of it is in inactive phase. After 4-5 months, the hair that was in the inactive phase falls, beginning to grow new hair. The problem comes when the hair that falls does not grow, producing is the fall of hair and, as a result, the problems of baldness or alopecia. The most common causes of hair loss are due to hormonal problems.

Other causes of hair loss are related to situations of high stress, pregnancy, infections, surgeries or the use of certain medicines. Some diseases, such as diabetes or lupus can be the cause of the hair loss. Before following hair treatments, must diagnose the cause why the hair loss occurs. The hair loss is more common in men than in women, although this does not mean that there are no women with this problem. Normally the hair loss occurs after 30 years, although some people begin to experience these problems at an early age (around 18). Today there are many treatments for the hair. The most common are shampoos and lotions that help to stop the hair loss, but there is also another type of revolutionary products that can help to prevent hair from falling, as laser Combs used to stop baldness. Many people try to avoid the fall of hair using this type of product.

Below, I offer you a few tips to prevent hair from falling: uses nutritional supplements: such products can help strengthen and prevent hair from falling. Washing the hair often, but not every day: one of the most recommended hair treatment is keeping hair clean and healthy, washing it a day if a day does not. He is not recommended to wash it every day now that this is detrimental to the same, weakens it too much, thus facilitating the fall of hair. Healthy and balanced diet: bad eating habits contribute to hair loss. The first step to be followed to prevent hair from falling is to begin by a healthy diet. Go to a professional: If the hair loss is excessive, the best treatments for hair specialist gives them. The Sun: it is important to protect hair from the Sun and the water of the sea in the summer months, since it breaks down so much and contributes to that this fall.

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