The Pilates Method

The Pilates method was born in years 20 in New York. Joseph Pilates developed then a program of slow and controlled exercises where the body like a whole worked and where also the mind took part. In the last 10 years, we have attended a recognition of the Pilates method as it forms to obtain a muscular balance, reinforcing weak muscles and extending shortened muscles. It is a method been worth for all, sport are advanced or nascent, one even is integrated in rehabilitation programs. To make particularly suitable Pilates this for pregnant and majors in order maintain a good tonicity muscular and prevent skeletal problems muscle. The bases of the Pilates method? CONCEN TRACION: necessary for the coordination of the breathing and the exercises. CONTROL: the art of knowing how to control our body. FLUIDITY: the grace and the rate of the movements.

PRECISION: the method for the perfection. BREATHING: it controls all it. The breathing is a vital parameter in the method pilates. Some advantages of the Method of Pilates are: It improves the Position. It alleviates the lumbar pains.

It increases the development of abdominal muscles. It favors the agility. It favors the coordination? It favors the skill? It favors the corporal balance? It favors the flexibility. It favors the sanguineous circulation? It favors the tonificacin of the great muscular groups without forgetting small and deep muscles. It fortifies muscles without increasing the muscular mass (hypertrophy), this is optimal for those people who wish to style the body without increasing the musculatura. It favors the improvement of the physical training conditions and mental of the medical instructor. It develops to the concentration and the attention? It favors the treatment of the osteoporosis, since when stimulating the formation of bony mass, reduces the risk of fractures. It reduces the anxiety and stress, since this discipline, requires a good concentration for the accomplishment of the exercises since it clears the mind of the personal problems. The Pilates system increases the repetitions of the exercises and the amount of the same in gradual form, thus almost it does not produce muscular stiffnesses or pains.


It must be emphasized that in infants (with no overgrown fontanel) at the age of 4 months rigidity neck and Kernig's sign may be physiological phenomena. The main symptoms of meningitis, they are stress and a bulging fontanelle, restlessness and crying at the beginning of the disease, sometimes wearing character sudden sharp piercing cry, as well as "a symptom of suspension." In cases of meningitis that occur with severe dehydration and intoxication patients in the presence of thick pus on the surface of the brain convexital subarachnoid space. Changes in cerebrospinal fluid occur gradually, so in the early hours of the first day and it may remain normal or resemble his picture in the cerebrospinal fluid serous meningitis. However, even in this period is usually lleotsitoz neutrophilic in nature. Often, the first day of illness at the puncture are turbid cerebrospinal fluid.

Recently, cases of meningococcal infection without pus was 3 – 4 weeks, only occasionally observed during the abortive ending with recovery in 5-12 days, sometimes the disease took a long undulating course (2-12 months) in such cases is usually observed as phenomenon ependimatita (drowsiness, muscle rigidity is very high, a disorder of the intellect, and progressive cachexia, severe headache, CSF hypertension, vomiting, congestion nipples optic nerves). Death could occur at any stage of the disease. With lightning-fast form of epidemic meningitis death may occur in the first duck of the disease, when changes in the cerebrospinal fluid have not time to develop. In such cases, particularly strongly expressed intoxication and often develops psychomotor agitation, convulsions, coma replaceable. In the pathogenesis of fulminant forms of pain belongs to the main toxicosis. One of the immediate causes of death are acute swelling and edema of the brain, leading to wedging of the brain in the foramen magnum and the medulla oblongata mindalikami infringement of the cerebellum. Characterized by increasing bradycardia, convulsions, increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, respiratory system.

Lessing IRM GmbH

Risk management with enrisma: simple integration into existing IT-structures and rapid deployment of a professional solution. Rosenheim, 14.04.2010 middle class required risk management “* the Handelsblatt headlined recently.” Studies of the risk management Association e.V. of RiskNET, the leading pool of knowledge around risk management and compliance, confirms this assessment: just the middle class faces the urgent, but hitherto neglected task in a timely manner to identify business risks and evaluate. It’s not only about prevention. Often, opportunities can be used such as when provisions due to miscalculation and a vague mood of crisis are set to high instead of aggressively investing in growth. But the still widely used Excel systems for this purpose prove to be insufficient or represent a significant source of risk. Because a call to real time data is feasible with Excel nor is there the possibility of a revision-safe version management. Often hangs the quality of the information provided by individual employees off because no examination of the input.

Several people are working on the acquisition, can occur in addition to problems with consolidation and risk aggregation. As the conclusion arises that this approach should not serve as the basis for far-reaching and sensitive business decisions. RiskNET puts it in the recent article spreadsheet risk factor “* to the point: the captain of an Airbus A 380 navigates also not with the on-board instruments of a Fokker F-27.” The enrisma Lessing IRM GmbH offers as a low-cost alternative to the established, but inadequate systems.Single a combined entry solution. Hereby the risks and the risk assessment by the competent staff can be recorded while still in Excel or similar, the data is then but in enrisma.Single imports. Here, the records with the already existing are matched to avoid possible errors. The responsible risk manager may in this way typical Excel weaknesses to exclude and also take advantage of the extensive benefits of a software-based risk management system, displace without the established processes of the company. The new version enrisma.Single offers the user a simple introduction to risk management.

With a short time, the solution to small and medium-sized enterprises is aimed, by she central control is in the base version of a single user. The company in addition to a code-based and stochastic risk assessment in simulations and stress tests are available. A consistent action and damage management complements the functionality. The clearly designed risk control allows the user a quick and comprehensive overview, with the various, graphically prepared and transparent reports significantly facilitating the risk management. An upgrade from enrisma.Single on enrisma.Entry or enrisma.Enterprise is always possible when complete data compatibility. * crisis middle class required risk management; 2505947 * Detailansicht-NEWS.479.0.html?&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1576&cHash=40066da4cf about Lessing IRM GmbH founded In September 2004, the Rosenheim-based developer and provider of IT-based solutions for integral risk management is one of currently 25 employees and partners, for consulting, support, sales, implementation, and ongoing enhancements of the IRM (integrated risk management) are responsible for application. Lessing IRM provides a complete package solution – and practice-oriented as well as industry-specific and universally applicable risk scenarios (best practice) with your partners as a service provider for business risk management from risk analysis to the implementation of the software to aftercare, advice and support. Press contact Lessing IRM GmbH Petra Schoringhumer outer Munich Street 45 83026 Rosenheim phone: + 49 8031 88734-85 mobile: + 49 162 2444771 E-Mail: Petra.schoeringhumer(at) Web:


Father’s day is here and this year we suggest that you give him something different, something other than a tie or a colony. You have the possibility of creating your own gift idea, something that you can’t buy in a store because on this occasion gift is going to be really original and unique. How is it possible? Well because advances in recent years have given a new dimension to all things and the father’s day gifts they are no exception. The use of digital cameras, programs for the treatment of images and sending files over the internet makes this possible. To make original gifts, surprising and unique, just bring your own digital photographs you can add to your own designs and custom messages. Increasingly there are more services on the internet that you can develop your own ideas.

Below we offer you a selection of details that you can put your photos that may interest you as a father’s day gift. Aprons, cushions, notebook covers, Photo canvases, photo cubes, bags of bath, travel bags, Puzzles, place mats, coasters, Ipad cover, chaise lounges or chairs. You can customize each and every one of these products with your own photos and does not need you to be an expert in Photoshop since most companies treat your photos to correct small imperfections for free. So this year get something really original and create your own gift for your father. Original author and source of the article.

Ramon Gallegos

This book speaks of love as essence of spiritual intelligence, which is the only one that allows to act with honesty, responsibility and respect in everything we do; It points out the importance of meditation as an act of investigation to overcome the State of ignorance, aversion and attachment, which are the causes of suffering, and emphasizes that meditation is even-handed in reality contemplation, presence full, careful observation that illuminates the conscience. However he says that the suffering should not be avoided but dissolved by a rigorous self in one’s consciousness work, since the spiritual intelligence helps us focus on solving the problem rather than stay in the emotional lamentations and the own shame. Poses that consciousness is the only real, the foundation of all, our true nature, we are aware that seeks itself. The spiritual awakening is the conscience Recognizing herself. Happiness is an inherent part of the human being, never lost, has always been there, our ignorance does not allow to view it, but has always been with us because it is our true nature, the cause of suffering is not the actual loss of happiness, it is only ignorance imagine a loss that does not exist, because in essence, that is what we are: happiness, says Dr. Ramon Gallegos in his books of spiritual intelligence. In the book the Nectar of the happiness intelligence spiritual III, Dr. Gallegos exhibits some characteristics of spiritual intelligence, all of them as capabilities that are derived from the inside, by being inherent to being, as the happiness that is real and the suffering is an illusion, the two exist, but one exists as a reality and the other as illusion, happiness is the real substrate and suffering as appearance imagined by the ignorance of our true nature. Dr. Gallegos shows in this book, which the spiritual awakening means end with the dream of the duality that we It conditions to live in an imagined suffering, believing that our identity is the body and mind, awakening is to recognize that our true nature is spiritual; only the discernment may lead us to the union of being original, which is being, consciousness, and happiness, to understand it, is to find the nectar of supreme happiness.

Stima Profecia

Jimmy Szaragosa (John Taylor) rejects the idea and follows oseu calvrio conscientious, until being died involuntarily for the Lucci priest (naverdade it was Cartfilos, the Roman soldier who esbofeteou Christ, and to queriamatar Abby, that tried to hinder the death it boy and to stop the sequence of selosapocalpticos). For Lucci, that would only die if the signals were true, it mattered to keep all the sequence of stamps, for after all seeing free damaldio not to die, in vigor since the time of Jesus (Mc 9:1). When seeing ogaroto died by the shots gone off in its now also mortalmenteferida direction and, Abby gives up living and passes its vital energy for its nonascido son, changing finally the sequence of stamps and giving to new hope aomundo. Last cena> and ‘ ‘ ministro’ ‘ simply to laugh and says, compr-concept: ‘ ‘ Hare-Khrishna? ‘ ‘. The Seventh Sign is one of those filmesextraordinrios that the industry of the cinema goes to take much time to make umoutro that if it equalizes. not without reason, it loads some mistriosinquietantes as it never had in the history of the Seventh Art, and the deixarfcil posterity to never decipher it.

The first mystery is such ‘ ‘ GUF’ ‘ , or Hall of the Souls, that indicates the end dagerao of souls in the Sky and therefore the end of the life human being in the Land. It was a lindahistria counted for Bannen and proven by Abby in the reading of a book old demitos. But ‘ has others as many propositais mysteries; ‘ of enredo’ ‘ , comoquando if it tries to answer to the following questions: 1) Why the sparrow died so fast (to the foot of the stairs)? 2) As the Priest Lucci and Abby (it also was presentena scene of the tortures the Jesus) they had survived as much time without dying? How Abbyapareceu without a childbirth and a current birth certificate? 3) What it was the white spot sweeping the red Moon? 4) Why the Christ-Bannen needed a radio of ondascurtas? 5) What it was the full bag of ‘ ‘ eggs cozidos’ ‘ dependuradosobre a water pan fervente in the hour of the execution of Jimmy? At last, ‘ ‘ AStima Profecia’ ‘ it is much more of what one has filmed. It is a new reading of the Apocalypse, worthy of an official register in theological doctrine. Of the one another one interpretao Parusia and express an idea without fear of religious inquisitions, namely: anoo of that the Bible of the edge if to think about Christ-Witness, caminhandonos last days of the terrestrial chaos and trying to see if finds something that seaproveite of love to the next one, faith eesperana. If to find If It to find, the world will have one segundachance. If he was God, I also I would come thus, before the end, as Lion-spy. Brave Prof.


Do you intend to retrieve to your ex? Do you think that the lost forever? Don’t worry, safe that you can reverse this terrible situation in which you see now. Although you feel badly, but I do believe that there is no solution, you have to always think everything has a solution, so just relax, cool a little your impulses to be able to analyse the situation that these living, tries to first analyze the whys of your break and when it tries to find a good solution for both. Try to not only think of a solution for it, that logically would be back at any price, try to get your goal your partner needs to make so the objective is achieved without the possibility of creating a new rupture in the short or long term. To accomplish this, I recommend that the first thing you have to do is get away a little bit of your ex, and although it sounds contradictory, it is necessary to let you breathe and take your a little air. When we say that it is better to stay away from your partner is not only to satisfy your need to be alone / a if not more importantly for it alone. It is very difficult when these love not thinking about your ex, but is necessary in these hard times think as little as possible in your ex in order to reach a State of stability and mental balance needed to start taking action as soon as possible. When we are in love and leave us, we become obsessed rather than lovers and that is very damaging to return to that relationship.

My own experiences reveal me that when you obsesionas you with a former, may you might finally get to retrieve your partner, but always be da case that the situation and the whys of that prior break are never corrected and finally that relationship always ends up breaking at all. The solution is to avoid it as the dreaded obsession by be with your ex, win back your ex. Of course love will remain but must not be confused with obsession, remember that love is a feeling of pleasure, is a sense of positivity, happiness, and as such, do not confuse with obsession that only poses problems, lack of individual and sentimental freedom. If you want to find out the way to avoid this obsession and focus you on retrieve to your beloved, in addition to other many techniques that will help you no doubt retrieve to your ex, just visit the guide that I have created after my years of experience making couples who love to retrieve that life together that both crave. Click here. To your service always, Jose. Original author and source of the article

The Membrane

Device that operates on this principle – “stimulant energy metabolism” – dual-chamber bath limbs invented and patented. Man is comprised of 70% water. Its fabric is a kind of “living the electrolyte. If we include the body in a special way as the electrolyte in the chain of classical galvanic cell, is released into the environment (External e-mail. Chain) of bioelectric potentials. External source of current is absent, which fundamentally distinguishes the device from various types electrostimulator. The artificially created a small leak amount of energy the body reacts to the increase in its production due to strengthening mechanisms for restoring the membrane potential and the growing activity of the “power station” of the cell – mitochondria (MCh).

If we thus take area of hand or foot, which are integral reflexogenic zones, which show all the organs and systems, the reflex is activated energy metabolism of the organism as a whole. Regularly held procedure gradually raise the overall energy level and eliminate the energy deficit. Since bath limbs eliminates energy deficit, it must have a rejuvenating effect on organism. And indeed, as a result of regular procedures observed decrease in biological age, measured by the method of the Institute of Gerontology ams of Ukraine. harmless, because no external power supply. Generated currents are at their own bioelectric potentials (currents, used in physiotherapy, a hundred times bigger). Number of released energy is very small, but the cells of all organs through reflex zones of feet as it were, get the alarm – “Attention! Is leakage of energy! “.

Workplace Filter

The use of three-, four-treatment, of course, produces a great effect. These air purifiers are an order of magnitude greater. We should also mention the emergence of a new air purification technology – photocatalytic filter. This type of filter consists of a foamed titanium or aluminum plate that is exposed to ultraviolet radiation in a special way. To date, the photocatalytic filter – the most effective filter for air purification. If your financial opportunities allow, we recommend that you purchase units with this type of filter. This filter is suitable for home or office, which stands in an area where factories and cars pollute the air too much, and, of course, in the workplace.

Also do not forget that this device works is not silent, and the greater the processing speed of air, the louder it works, many buyers do not take this into account and make a mistake. Many of today's air purifiers have several modes, including fan. Often people opt for the least noisy machine. It should be mind that the silent machines tend to have low productivity and deep cleaning of air, since the effective air cleaning is necessary circulation of air through the purifying filter, which creates an easy Noise of air flow. A number of modern devices have the function of "night mode". When operating in this mode, the cleaner produces minimal noise, which does not prevent you from falling asleep. We recommend that you purchase air purifiers from availability of options "night mode". Management apparatus by using a remote control, it is very convenient, since often the unit is installed high on a wall or ceiling.

Healthcare Marketing

MARKETING IN HEALTH: QUALITY ATTENDANCE the attentions of a professional of the health must be concentrated in equal ratio to the customers and the collaborating employees/. Excellent collaborators, trained well work satisfied e, with this, become more productive. The marketing is of basic importance it health team auxiliary. Small attitudes in the attendance as some ' ' palavrinhas mgicas' ' they must be used for the attendance team so that the patients perceive excellency in the quality of the attendance. They are: ' ' much obrigado' ' ; ' ' me desculpe' ' ; ' ' she leaves with me that I will solve this problema' ' , among others. In excellency in the attendance of customers the words ' ' not posso' ' ; ' ' not of certo' ' ; ' ' not consigo' ' ; ' ' it binds depois' ' ; ' ' minutinho&#039 waits one; ' ; among others, they do not add value to the attendance and they cause one me in such a way the impression to the patient that it leaves to indicate the given service. To speak of a smiling form, exactly that to telephone, likeable being, showing interest in the patient are also an efficient way of if communicating. Research shows that about 93% of our communication it is not verbal, that is, the communication can occur simply with a look, a smile or by means of a gesture.

What we speak exerts little impact on the patient. The team auxiliary must have as main part of its behavior the proactive attitude. Proactive attitude is if to anticipate to the problems and to program solutions for these probable problems. The services given in the area of the health are non-separable of the people give who them. Moreover, the customers with frequency ' ' compram' ' people and them services, therefore are not basic that the professional of the health gives attention to the quality in the attendance.

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