How much bigger the level of sanitary conscience of professionals of health and the population biggest will be the capacity of choice for products and quality services and consequentemente the exposition to the adoecimento risk diminishes. The sanitary education is one practises educative that it induces one definitive public to acquire habits that promote the health and prevent the illness and have of being a continuous process, permanent and constructed in the measure where the individual deepens its knowledge. The focus of the sanitary education must be come back toward professionals and population in interaction relations, communication, cooperation and joint responsibility in solving problems. The communication and the education can gain concrete expression in the actions of mobilization of the professionals of health, the community and of social movements, so that these actors reconstruct its practise. The development of instruments and mechanisms that make possible the dialogue enters the segments of the society, as fruns of quarrel and the audiences, is other strategies of stimulates to the participation of the society that can stimulate the debate of the main challenges of the area (PDVISA, 2005). According to Letter of Otawa, the promotion of the health and ' ' …
qualification of the community to act in the improvement of its quality of life and health, including a bigger participation in the control of this processo' ' (Brazil, 2002, p.19). What it demonstrates the necessity of empoderamento of the people as principal actors in the maintenance of the individual and collective health. The sanitary education, the participation of the community, the social control, is instruments that to the few are being incorporated to the practical ones of the sanitary monitoring. The information, the education and the communication are instruments basic for the democratization of the knowledge and development of the practical ones in IT AIMS AT. Also they contribute for the formation of practical conscientious citizens against the harmful ones of the productive system.