The model of current behavior falls again on the consequence estresse of it daily that part of the public knowledge becomes and that has exerted strong influence on the structure of work of the great majority of the population. It estresse in the same way that vices as tobaccoism and alcoholism, can have favorable effect in the physical health and mental it is what it happens with the professionals of nursing in its environment of work, since such profession is considered the fourth estressante one. ( The work in diverse health takes the nurse times to abdicate of its personal life in favor of the cares given to the patients, being thus imposed a folloied routine of high degree of estresse, is what it also occurs in the unit of emergency. Supermodel understood the implications. This sector presents some factors estressores as I transit intense of people, indeterminantes sounds of some people aspects, fast dynamics always based in urgency and emergency, what it composes the daily exercise of nurse and what sujere the same to a psychological upheaval. Morris and Maisto collaborate (2004, p.373) placing that: For Morris and Maisto (2004), the term estresse mentions the psychological pressure to it or tension you discomforted emotional and physical reactions the estressantes situations. It is known that the professionals of nursing acometidos by estresse, are citizens not the adequate accomplishment of its activities in the unit of emergency, ahead of this appears to the problematic one: To identify the incidence of estresse in nurses in the unit of emergency. The raised hypothesis and that it stimulates this project is the fact of that the professionals of Nursing of the city of Are Desidrio ahead estresse of it, can be citizens not to carry through the cares of nursing adequately given its patients..