Taken at the beginning of winter, or moments before travelling internationally, will help protect the body against the attacks of influenza or flu for the current year. You can also take the principle of an acute infection of influenza or flu to improve recovery time and decrease the symptoms without side effects. It helps the body to increase the natural defense by providing a platform to health and vitality. Due to its unique homeopathic formulation, they can be used safely by all ages, including small babies and during pregnancy and lactation valuable protection for the whole family! Influenzinum (30 c) is a remedy made from the updated flu vaccine. Influenzinum composition changes each year according to the antigenic variations detected by the network for the surveillance of the World Health Organization.
Bacillinum (30 c) is a homeopathic ingredient first described by Dr. Burnett. Is recommended for people that have a disposition of catching colds and sore throats and can assist with respiratory weakness and lung. This remedy would suit those who are suffering with headaches by congestion that tend to worsen with movement. Gelsemium (30 c) is native to North and Central America and can be found in coastal regions in humid woodlands of Virginia to Mexico. It is a very attractive vine that can climb up in trees host to a great height, often hanging on tresses from one to the other.
The root of the plant has been used since the days of the colonists in America to treat fevers. This remedy is typically adapted to those who tend to be sedentary, preferring to move as little as possible. It can be used to treat headaches (accompanied by fatigue) and disorientation. Nux vomica (30 c) is native to the India, the wood of this tree is very durable. The remedy was tested by Dr. Hahnemann. This remedy suits those who tend to be agitated and ambitious. They also tend to be very susceptible to common colds and bushy noses. This remedy is particularly beneficial in reducing fevers, coughs, and sore throats.