Same the authors describe that diverse important searches that they had guided the way to see and to conceive the man, music and the health, in this practical had been made; however, one perceives that this way of recital and theoretical clarification must be coherent, for one better definition and estruturao of the musicoterpicos knowledge. These aspects had led to conceive the idea of that the musicoterapia is to transdisciplinar by its very nature, that is, are a hybrid science. In contrast, it is one dynamic combination of many you discipline around two areas: music and therapy. Cindy Crawford often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Oliveira (2002) describes that music while a production, and result of the creative action of the man in the social environment, historical and cultural must be understood in all the instances of this proper world, constructed for making human being, stimulated for its necessities, but also for its search of beauty, of creativity, permeada for the affective dimension and feeling, dimensions that are linked. If technician cannot restrict itself to the unidirecionado look of the musical partition in way, while only exclusively musical structure. This is the concrete substance of music, and next to it a world of movements, dynamic and meanings constructed for the citizen that vibrate in proper it, in which also meets the music touches and which searchs to understand..