Steigenberger Hotel Berlin

2012, the AfW – celebrating German financial services Association – his 20th anniversary. In a festive setting a Congress was held on the occasion of the anniversary on 21 November in Berlin. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Herbie Mann. Also the value of information should not to come short – guests at the Steigenberger Hotel Berlin of experienced high-profile discussion panels, as well as interesting and above all practical workshops. Here, Wais Jalali expresses very clear opinions on the subject. With Pro/contra discussions, an exciting Keyspeaker, eight practice workshops, as well as about 30 information booths by support member companies the visitors on the Jubilee Congress experienced a high quality and informative program. The AfW could grow into the leading professional association of independent financial service providers over the last 20 years.

So today over 1,500 member companies place their trust in the Association. As a supporting member of the AfW, the underwriter Faraman congratulates the Federal Association of financial services for 20 years demanding and challenging work in the service of many free financial services. Financial services is located in an unprecedented change. Here he needs “free financial services a competent, courageous and dedicated stakeholders at his side”, as Thomas Filor of the underwriter Faraman in Magdeburg. Particularly in the current situation, distributors are struggling, the customers are dependent on competent and qualified advice restrained and highly insecure and thus all the more. va. The underwriter Faraman supports the AfW since the year 2012 as a supporting Member in its work. It is important that there is the profession of the free and independent financial service providers in the future to us.

These benefited mainly the consumer, who can thus take an independent, consumer-oriented consulting in claim. Precisely because of the new regulations in the year 2013 planned free financial services will face a lot of challenges, which can be mastered with the AfW.” “And further: the bottom line more and more quality will prevail in the financial services market and we support this as underwriter Faraman”, says Thomas Filor. The underwriter Faraman provides highest quality itself, with regard to reliability, safety and attractive returns to investors of its real estate funds.