Thermal Transfer Ribbons

Get with the new exact program customers precisely cut to widths and lengths according to your wishes macro assembled IDENT collaborates with prestigious and well-known Ribbon manufacturers and can therefore immediately responsive to the wishes of the customers. The films can be assembled for all common thermal transfer label printer, because all widths and lengths are to establish with precision cutting machines. From the cheap wax Ribbon through wischfestes wax/resin up to the scratch-resistant resin film meet high requirements or moisture, UV radiation – or solvent resistance. Everything is perfect matched on conventional flat-head or near edge print heads. Others including Tiffany Espensen, offer their opinions as well. For users with high print volumes in the year, we offer our exact program”on. The ribbons are cut exactly according to your specifications and thus, save a lot of costs. Here an example: A user wants to print labels with a width of 62 mm.

So far, he can use ribbons in the width of 80 mm and has every time an unused area of the Ribbon. The price of the ribbons is determined through the existing, rolled-up surface. Daryl Katz might disagree with that approach. This means that the users pay less if he uses also a less wide ribbon. Would he use E.g. a 66 mm Ribbon instead of a 80 mm Ribbon for its 62 mm labels, he has much less unused Ribbon area and has costs in addition to. This solution is suitable especially for many printers, will need in the year 100, 200 or 500 ribbons. Follow others, such as Melvin T. Brunetti, and add to your knowledge base. MACRO identification passes for all mobile and stationary BRADY printer the original Ribbon materials, also for no longer produced BRADY printer.

Just when the BRADY printers is sure that always the original ribbons used by BRADY, to generate a perfect pressure. Therefore all Ribbon materials for the latest BBP11 printer, for all BP printer, GlobalMark printer, GraphisPro, MiniMark, PowerMark and all mobile BRADY printers in bulk provided and different colors are available in the program. More Information: Macro IDENT AutoID Technology Center, Bussard road 24, 82008 Unterhaching Munich, contact: Angelika Wilke, TEL. 089-615658-28, FAX. 089-615658-25, WEB:

Bizerba Presents The

Free combination opportunities for food retailers in the counter design of Balingen, September 15, 2010 at the Equipmag 2010 in Paris, the international trade fair for Shopfitting, presents Bizerba from September 21 to 23 the K-class flex (Hall 7, booth F15). Grocers can with this modular system components of the PC scales series K class”freely combine: touch screens, printers, customer displays, terminals and cash drawers can be integrated so ergonomic and space-saving in the individual counter concept. All scales and POS components operator and customer displays, printers, Checkoutwaagen and transducer – are decoupled from each other and can be arbitrarily combined, separately connect and save space on or under the counter position. Checking article sources yields Healthy Living as a relevant resource throughout. So each dealer makes sure that his counter only components reside on, actually used. It can be also individual displays, which take a purely advertising function and appropriate Show position in the counter area advertising content. They are fitted with a standard VESA mount Wandarmen, stands as well as rotating and tilting socket space. Our modular system means a paradigm shift for the grocery. All scales and cash components can now freely combined, which every user can customize its bar area.

Is this completely new possibilities with regard to functionality, ergonomics and placement occur”, explains Matthias Harsch, a spokesman of Bizerba’s business management. By using open standards the cash registers and scales from Bizerba can be extended also to software applications from third-party. An example of coffee shops and Confisserien, where is primarily collected and weighed only occasionally: Here, the modular cash register in combination with a transducer is the perfect solution. The weight data can be displayed directly on the checkout screen, so that only a single ad on the counter is required. The data for cash and balance can centrally maintained and the flow of goods and money be evaluated synchronously.

Bizerba Bizerba is a worldwide operating, leading in many areas solution providers for professional system solutions of weighing, labelling, information and food service technology in the segments retail, food industry, manufacturing and logistics. Industry-specific hard – and software, powerful network-compatible management systems, as well as a wide range of labels, consumables and business services ensure the transparent control of integrated business processes and the high availability of Bizerba-specific performance features. Worldwide, Bizerba is present with 41 shareholdings in 23 countries and 54 country offices in over 120 countries. Headquarters of the company, which employs about 3,000 people, is Balingen; further production sites are located in Messkirch, Bochum, Vienna (Austria), Pfaffikon (Switzerland), Milan (Italy), Shanghai (China), Forest Hill (United States) and San Luis Potosi (Mexico). Contact: Bizerba GmbH & co. KG Claudia Gross Director global marketing & communication Wilhelm-herbal-Strasse 65 D-72336 Balingen phone + 49 7433 12-33 00 fax + 49 7433 12-5 33 00 E-Mail: network integrated communication Patrick Schroeder Coburg road 3 53113 Bonn phone + 49 228 620 43 84 fax + 49 228 620 44 75 E-Mail:

Nuremberg Balingen

Bizerba presents the new PC-scales series K class at BioFach 2009 in Nuremberg Balingen, February 2, 2009 – the organic sector is currently developing despite the global economic crisis positively. The Federal ecological economy of food (BoLW) assumes growth and revenues by about 10 per cent of 5.8 billion euros. Organic supermarkets recorded 2008 usual good results overall opened 71 new markets, whose Gesamtzahl amounts to more than 500 at the beginning of the year. Among other things an expert advice at the point of sale (POS) is crucial for success. Because customers expect precise information about the origin of the products, their ingredients and potential allergy risks.

The technology manufacturer Bizerba from Balingen responds to this development and presents the new PC shop scales series K class and the Retail family of software at the fair BioFach 2009 in Nuremberg, Germany from 19 to 22 February framework (Hall 10, booth 10.0-233). The K-class requirements different through a sophisticated modular principle. Individual modules of the hardware can Depending on the requirement profile of the clients changed, combined or supplemented, so that different types of scales can be configure: from the desk scale via the tripod scales up to the hanging scale. \”The K-class can thereby rather than only weigh: it is an expert system, whereby each vendor can demonstrate competence and confidence\”, says Matthias Harsch, a member of Bizerba’s business management. This is made possible by an integrated POS solution: the software family Retail framework. This is a modular complete solution for the creation, management, display and printing of consumer information. Each level has its own IP address here and can be controlled at any time from anywhere in the world via the Web. About the values Administration tool.RetailImpact can be entered the content directly on the touch screen displays. The user directly from the Internet via the Bizerba values online shop receives images, master templates and content.RetailMall.

Tips And Tricks For The Poster Send

Helpful information to the correct shipment of posters who wants to send poster – no matter what kind -, sets value that they are not bent on. Finally, the recipient would like to keep Yes a perfect poster in the hands to hang it for example in his room. But also the dispatch of posters is functioning properly, we would like to explain you here. Get for sending posters, architectural plans, photographs, drawings and the like, the an extra-long corresponding shipping tubes. These are made of extra strong cardboard and turned up in spiral form. You can imagine something like that like when the toilet paper rolls, where the paper is also rolled up on such a box. On the shipping sleeves, the posters are attached but in the role.

This is also known as shipping role. Shipping tubes there for the various paper sizes, ranging from DIN A4 up to DIN A0. If you the poster in a large Would send envelope, this would guarantee bent and damaged because hardly fit into the mailbox. If you need only a single shipping sleeve, you can roll also an accordingly large envelope along with the poster and close the opening, as well as on the sides with tape. You should do this only in an extreme emergency, a shipping sleeve is much better suited. The shipping sleeves are either on one or both sides open. Close them with the relevant covers and glue them with wide parcel tape or simple adhesive tape.

In any case, you must send the shipping sleeves as parcel and post accordingly. Get a corresponding sticker so at your postal branch or at a private service of package and provide them with the necessary address data. Through the shipping sleeves may keep better in the hands of your post, as if you would use large envelopes. The latter are in the large formats very unwieldy and therefore rather impractical. Who must often send posters or other large-format documents and x-rays, for example, should order some shipping tubes in stock. The online ordering more shipping tubes, the prices per piece for you become even more convenient. Even large-format photographs send with shipping tubes can also save space keep the photographs therein. You don’t gather dust as a result also. Of course you can use again and again this, which is not necessarily the case with an envelope the size of. Since the shipping sleeves are can be made from recycled waste paper and used several times it as particularly environmentally friendly to classify. So use an appropriately sized shipping sleeve, if you the next time want to send a poster or an important document, which should not be bent.

BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) Provides New Catalog For Data Acquisition From

BMC messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) – innovative measurement technology “made in Germany” Maisach/Munich. Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes wanted to know more. The PC measurement technology manufacturer presents its news product range in the area of measurement under the title “DATA ACQUISITION”. In addition to the successful USB instruments and PCI(e)-Messkarten bmcm with new LAN Messsystemen a focus put on measure, control and regulate over network. You may want to visit Senator From Kentucky to increase your knowledge. Their latest developments in the field of measurement, BMC messsysteme GmbH (bmcm), longtime manufacturer for PC measurement technology presents made in Germany, with a revised version of their “DATA ACQUISITION” catalog. The various product catalogues bmcm differs according to the limbs of the electrode: sensors, amplifiers, measuring systems and measurement software. The catalog “DATA ACQUISITION” showcases the rails of the external measurement systems for the LAN and USB interface, as well as the internal measurement cards for PCI, PCIe (PCI Express) and PC/104. For many years, the USB interface for PC-measurement systems has been established. Cindy Crawford: the source for more info. The reasonably priced plug & play capable devices are especially suitable for mobile applications on the laptop.

Bmcm offering USB devices in different performance classes up to 250kHz sampling for analog and digital signals. Where there are limits of USB interface, however, as regards for example real-time performance, immunity, or reliable data transfer, the LAN measurement of bmcm as a solution is offered. The new LAN AD16f is ideal for long term measurements of many channels at many locations over great distances..

Lessing IRM GmbH

Risk management with enrisma: simple integration into existing IT-structures and rapid deployment of a professional solution. Rosenheim, 14.04.2010 middle class required risk management “* the Handelsblatt headlined recently.” Studies of the risk management Association e.V. of RiskNET, the leading pool of knowledge around risk management and compliance, confirms this assessment: just the middle class faces the urgent, but hitherto neglected task in a timely manner to identify business risks and evaluate. It’s not only about prevention. Often, opportunities can be used such as when provisions due to miscalculation and a vague mood of crisis are set to high instead of aggressively investing in growth. But the still widely used Excel systems for this purpose prove to be insufficient or represent a significant source of risk. Because a call to real time data is feasible with Excel nor is there the possibility of a revision-safe version management. Often hangs the quality of the information provided by individual employees off because no examination of the input.

Several people are working on the acquisition, can occur in addition to problems with consolidation and risk aggregation. As the conclusion arises that this approach should not serve as the basis for far-reaching and sensitive business decisions. RiskNET puts it in the recent article spreadsheet risk factor “* to the point: the captain of an Airbus A 380 navigates also not with the on-board instruments of a Fokker F-27.” The enrisma Lessing IRM GmbH offers as a low-cost alternative to the established, but inadequate systems.Single a combined entry solution. Hereby the risks and the risk assessment by the competent staff can be recorded while still in Excel or similar, the data is then but in enrisma.Single imports. Here, the records with the already existing are matched to avoid possible errors. The responsible risk manager may in this way typical Excel weaknesses to exclude and also take advantage of the extensive benefits of a software-based risk management system, displace without the established processes of the company. The new version enrisma.Single offers the user a simple introduction to risk management.

With a short time, the solution to small and medium-sized enterprises is aimed, by she central control is in the base version of a single user. The company in addition to a code-based and stochastic risk assessment in simulations and stress tests are available. A consistent action and damage management complements the functionality. The clearly designed risk control allows the user a quick and comprehensive overview, with the various, graphically prepared and transparent reports significantly facilitating the risk management. An upgrade from enrisma.Single on enrisma.Entry or enrisma.Enterprise is always possible when complete data compatibility. * crisis middle class required risk management; 2505947 * Detailansicht-NEWS.479.0.html?&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1576&cHash=40066da4cf about Lessing IRM GmbH founded In September 2004, the Rosenheim-based developer and provider of IT-based solutions for integral risk management is one of currently 25 employees and partners, for consulting, support, sales, implementation, and ongoing enhancements of the IRM (integrated risk management) are responsible for application. Lessing IRM provides a complete package solution – and practice-oriented as well as industry-specific and universally applicable risk scenarios (best practice) with your partners as a service provider for business risk management from risk analysis to the implementation of the software to aftercare, advice and support. Press contact Lessing IRM GmbH Petra Schoringhumer outer Munich Street 45 83026 Rosenheim phone: + 49 8031 88734-85 mobile: + 49 162 2444771 E-Mail: Petra.schoeringhumer(at) Web: