
As you have probably guessed, this is periodontitis. (And its initial stage – gingivitis) can be considered a disease of the century. Suffers from gingivitis (not always aware of it) is not less than half the adult population of our country. In this disease develops hypertrophy interdental nipples edge gums become inflamed, gum bleed, sometimes observed tooth mobility. Unfortunately, pregnancy greatly increases the likelihood of ill gingivitis – There is even such a thing as "gingivitis pregnant." If gingivitis developed during pregnancy, the chances that oral health after giving birth to normal, the woman is much greater than in the case to the moment when she became pregnant, she had already suffered from this disease. So my advice to you – do not neglect the visits to the dentist (at least every six months) before conception! Treatment of gingivitis reduces to an anti-inflammatory activities and the systematic renovation of the oral cavity. Should regularly refer to the dentist to remove plaque and kamney.Bolnye teeth during pregnancy to treat not only possible but absolutely necessary – otherwise after birth may happen that has nothing to cure. In addition, carious teeth – a haven for a variety of microorganisms, including pathogens that can cause very unpleasant illness like his mother, and at Child.

Anaesthesia. Local anesthesia (an injection in the gum) is quite possible, however, during pregnancy, there are a number of constraints and features, so you should always inform your doctor that you are expecting a baby. Even if you only suspect that you may be pregnant, it is better to be safe and talk about their suspicions to the dentist – he'll pick up an effective and safe for you and your child anesthetic (eg, ultrakain or ubistezin).

Tooth Price

In the dental office after the gynecologist – a dentist! If your guesses about pregnancy confirmed, first, or one of the first doctors that you visit after exit from the women's consultations, should be dentist – even if you never had the teeth did not complain. In the mouth there are about 50 million bacteria, which are the main food – carbohydrates. The lack of power they obviously do not have to complain, so they multiply – the warmth and fullness – with a truly incredible rate, especially if their "owner" – a sweet tooth! And if it does not host and hostess "in an interesting position," the conditions for life in freedom and rapid breeding of germs even more. Increased appetite, usually accompanies pregnancy, contributes to consume more carbohydrates. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Senator From Kentucky by clicking through. Frequent vomiting in the first trimester may increase the acidity of saliva. Acidic environment and an excess of carbohydrates – what else would you microflora? In response to growing demand for calcium greater than usual risk of being during pregnancy and tooth enamel – a shield that protects the teeth from contact with the oral microflora. In your position slightest damage to the tooth enamel is fraught with the rapid development of dental caries: in fact the fetus is actively formed bone system, and the slightest lack of calcium in the body it begins to "leach" from the teeth and bone materi.Est another reason during pregnancy and after birth are absolutely necessary to find the time to visit the dentist (and if possible – to a specialist, periodontics). . Mark Fields often addresses the matter in his writings.