Fragile Happiness

So, who beats? And yet it is safe to determine the motivations of senior lay hands on the younger, as well as the personality type of the seniors. Bute alcoholics with no brakes, hit emotionally unbalanced, beat people, having a lot of personal problems. Those who do not have the patience (no time to explain – it's easier), who ignorant in matters of child psychology (though well-versed by the "hot hand" can). Finally, those who do not know of other methods. In general sense of the beat of his own helplessness, and his actions in this impotence and painted. Physical punishment in the apparent effectiveness of its rapidly removes a person punished by guilt and prevents it from awareness.

Simultaneously, it sends information to the child: "When you are angry with someone – beat?. When you ask: "Why beat that?" Answer: "And to know." And many are simply out of conviction: "They beat me, and I grew up normal and the right person. " And what they think about the phenomenon of physical punishment of parties to the conflict "Parent", "child", the church, psychologists? PUNISH GOOD TO BE HAND-known American psychologist, who is also a preacher, James Dobson believes that nature has created specially in the lower part of the child seat in which to act in cases of outright defiance. Many children need it in the physical punishment of disobedience. Shall be punished by hand should be good, so D. Dobson recommends using rods or a switch, the hand may remain the same means of expressing love.

Corporal punishment must be rare, but accurate. Can be punished with 18 months already. But teenagers do not hit better. Physically punish the parent has the right to balanced and emotionally restrained. James Dobson says that all the social unrest in the world today stem from the fact that parents have moved away from the postulates about the penalties set out in the Old and New Testaments.

Katie Holmes

The twentieth century has fallen on the heads of the inhabitants of our planet, not only the two world wars and a jump of technical progress, but blew a lovely young ladies heads ridiculous hats, shortened the length of our skirts, and brought to vanderbra the shops. Having emerged from the dense jungle of prejudices, we are able to contemplate on the streets of beautiful children with belly brides who proudly bear in front of him, not hiding, but proud and glad nucleated new life. So, you're pregnant – what to do? So often in recent times is that the couple met, or living together and all the hard lays one of the most important events in our lives later. Reasons may be a hundred: that money does not enough, the repairs in the apartment, the bride seems to be that while she did not lose weight by 5 pounds, she would not go to the altar. And then there is in the womb, who will put all valuables in their places and negate unimportant, but seem so important, the reasons for the stroke of two slips on a pregnancy test. And now the couple have two choices: either wait for the child's birth and, as , Katie Holmes, to arrange a wondrous beauty of celebration, in which your child is involved, or not waiting for the birth, go to the registrar, in fact, many couples want their child is born already formed unit of society. If you decide to celebrate the wedding. . Rand Paul is often mentioned in discussions such as these.


If the overall health of future mothers is good, then the fillings are not contraindicated, as well as the use of lamps for curing seal. Local anesthesia (an injection in the gum) is used with restrictions – more favorable for this second half of pregnancy when the placenta is formed and the fetus is less vulnerable, but in case of emergency can be made and some more complex surgical procedures, such as remove the "running" the roots or razbolevshiysya and not subject to restoring the tooth. Used anesthetics do not penetrate through the placental barrier. This does not mean that analgesics can drink uncontrollably, replacing this approach to doctor. If there is a need for X-ray examination, then you need to know that in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is not desirable. A doctor may be embedded in the tooth cavity temporary medical material, until the opportunity make sure that the channel is passed. But if the situation is critical and urgent, it remains to console himself with the fact that X-rays in dentistry – low-doze and carried out with the mandatory use of protective apron.

Very often the companion of pregnancy are of gum disease. Hormonal changes lead to a deterioration in their blood. They often become cyanotic hue, begin to bleed, even when minor injuries, such as brushing your teeth is not too soft brush. These phenomena after childbirth can take themselves, but we can not exclude the development of gingivitis – inflammation. The reason may be modified remineralizuyuschih properties of saliva by reducing the concentration of calcium and phosphate, which should normalize acid-base balance after a meal.

Svetlana Child

That is, he will tell you if you are doing something wrong. Vulnerability Svetlana was detached placenta, and most of the pregnancy she spent in the hospital, at a saving. Births were prolonged, the child was a short umbilical cord. The kid had to push. Its posted on his stomach, but my mother started bleeding, so attached to the boy's chest was not possible. In three years child diagnosed with hyperexcitability due to intrauterine hypoxia and birth. " The boy is scared to take up something, if it considers that it is difficult.

He was very emotional and vulnerable children. Council Psychologist: together with your child step by step plan of action for the job, breaking a large task into parts, for each result, even the most insignificant, encourage, praise. Then the child will be much easier to handle, he will get positive emotions from an assignment, to enjoy his success, and in future not to be afraid of large and complex cases. Comment: Indeed, so sensitive kiddies psychologically difficult to digest a lot of people. They need to plan ahead for situations to stimulate to action, noting the slightest shazhochki, any manifestation of independence.

Such a child may be raised anxiety sensitivity. He definitely need support of a neurologist or a homeopath. Baby can be difficult to break away from his mother (because the umbilical cord, then there is a connection with her mom, was short). But mom can be difficult to "let go" Child. In such situations, at a reception at the psychologist is working with a sense of guilt and anxiety, moms and, of course, the condition of the child.

Geography Health

Therefore, as my mother, in elapsing of first infancy I ' ' levei' ' three times, candles in the hand. In the first years of college, not rare it left house with apparent health and hours later it was with fever, in full classroom. Me Ices cream, banns of rain and tricks to the sun were forbidden, as to play soccer, to free hot arraias (pipes), etc. Sidewalk, it sun, nor to speak. The waters of rivers and lagoons did not only make me badly. Therefore I became, since early, swimming exmio. They say that it, the lagoons of Messejana and Parangaba, and the river Coc.

The reading, also, was my passes time. To the nine years, already it waited my father, to tardinha, with the periodical, to know the notice of World War II, while the other boys played ' ' of bola' ' , in the hot land, of which, for question of health, I nor to approach podi me. It was had arrived as soon as me, much early, some knowledge of Geography, in its aspects economic politician and. Early, yes, but the life expectancy does not stop who was extremely limited. It was not, therefore, always sad child. When it was not with fever, played gladly in company of friends, but already it noticed, distrustful, that all took care of of me, as my weaknesses were known; Literally, I age prisoner of the circumstances, but always surrounded of affection. Already of legal age, hearing my mother to speak to a friend who lived if preparing for mine it deixars a carne, early, I took the decision to prevent, all the cost, that it had that to pass for this. Then, I started to take care of of my health, methodically, adopting overcoming strategies such as the indicated ones, to the reader, in the start of this article.

Special Invitation

A special invitation for Dear Party of Anniversary friend, I am organizing a party for my anniversary and would very like to invite you. It would be to a great to receive you pleasure. Before, to use to advantage the party better, I go to pass you some warnings: Well, as we are of custom we will go to offer salgadinhos and therefore you acknowledgment that this type of food is very greasy and does not make well to the health; also we will have cocaine glue that affects the kidneys. We will also serve cakes and candies, that fatten and cause swell in the body. But nothing that if it does not decide with two weeks of heavy malhao.

In the party some people will be gifts who perhaps do not know them and thus will be able to feel fish are of water. But, she can be calm and if to entrosar with them and to try to talk, that the volume of sound will only be very high perhaps and therefore will not obtain to understand well what the people speak. Ah, it is good for leaving already informed you that I, due the three weeks of running for this anniversary I must be very tired, estressada and worried about reception, and therefore to follow I will not be able you during the party. It are of this nothing very important, only your work to buy gift for me. I ask for since already excuses, I know that it must be very busy, and also know that he is flat for two hours to be looking for in the store to buy a gift, that and nor always goes to be useful. The remaining portion I find that he will be very legal and pleasant, I am only worried that you will have that to lose one three hours of its precious time to be seated behind a table. .

The Process

As a result of his own work on her already well-known technique, it has established relations with her husband. And besides, in her life came to have long forgotten feelings and sensations of joy and completeness. She also met for a lot more surprising in the process of receiving a huge pleasure of seeing what was happening in her life. As a result of passing the training, you can: remove the constraints to change subconscious installation, blocking your ability to love ourselves, become the master their lives have a huge number of opportunities to feel its power, is in harmony with yourself and others, to implement their own plans and ideas, high income earners to be healthy and feel loved and to love, to establish a personal, family life, enjoy life, themselves and feel happy, constructive act in any stressful situations. Here are reviews of people who have been training my 'How to find himself and become success .. ' You can solve everything! 'I used to have failed badly in the emotions or depression, this takes a lot of time and effort.

Now, when I encounter a problem, I know it's not hopeless, and that when 'otstuchish', you see that the problem solved. Now I have confidence that we can all decide to remove any emotional background and sober to take constructive decisions. Fears were very bright. I was shaking in front of the aircraft. I tapped and released, and calmed down. And I felt cool and I'm not afraid. Technique gives the actual physical sensation that there is progress in life and more internal freedom, After working on the theme of 'forgive myself' something compressing and limiting element that was present before – was gone.

How To Dress A Child

The long-awaited and happiest event in the life of almost everyone – the birth of a baby. But with his appearance there is a lot of new trouble. Many moms and dad, wondering how to dress a baby? I choose to walk, and what to leave for home. And most importantly, how to protect your baby from colds and flu. Parents usually always fear that the child will be cold, but for some reason you forget that the overheating is dangerous for the baby and is harmful to his health.

Identify your child's cold or hot can be on multiple grounds. A sure sign that a baby is cold, is a hiccup. If he hiccups from the cold, you need to pay attention to the selection of the cerebral hat. After all, kids in the first place was freezing his head! Also determine the status of a child can be on the spout. If it is too hot, the kid is hot, and when cold, the baby's need to dress warmer. Normal state is warm nose – its owner is warm and comfortable.

There is quite a convenient scheme to which children's clothes should be. In the room at a temperature of 22 C on a child should be wearing a thin cotton shirt, 21 C – 22 C – single-layer or double layer lightweight clothing, as well as x / b socks. 17 C – 20 C – two-layered clothing, long sleeves, feet woolen socks. 15 C – 16 C – a three-layer clothing with wool socks. When entering the street, it is important to remember that Children's clothing should be large enough, it should be easy to shoot and dress, and she be made of a delicate quality materials. So, when entering the street, is to look at the thermometer, in accordance with weather, you can use the following scheme. Low 23 C – 24 C – a single-layer or double-layered clothing, it can be thin cotton underwear, lightweight suit and panamku. 20 C – 22 C – two-layered clothing, long sleeve, c / b socks. 17 C – 19 C – a three-layer clothing, with a light knitted cap. Temperature 14 C – 16 C – a three-layer baby clothes, do not forget about warm woolen socks and a hat. 10 C – 13 C – four-layer clothing, from 3 C to 9 C – has to be put on five-layer clothing, with two pairs of wool socks. At a temperature of -5 C – +2 C – and five-layer clothing, only from warmer materials. At temperatures below -5 C is put on the child more carefully and to monitor his condition. Now increasingly popular membrane clothing that displays the moisture out, keeping heat inside. The great advantage of such garments is just easy. Children can freely play, run and jump. But children Clothing should be selected taking into account the child's identity. If your kid likes to sit out for a walk in the sandbox or play active games, the clothes should be warmer. Therefore, if a child is such a temperament Membrane clothes he will not do. It will be cool in it. And remember, when your child's dress, which he spends two to three times more energy than an adult. And they have a metabolism is much faster, so do not coddle their kids. For it is overheating children catch cold more often than cold.

Black Chinese Tea

If your grandfather loves tea without additives, will concentrate on classical varieties. In the list below – for some, the "most recognized". But you, of course, can not be limited to: * Black Chinese Tea "Keemun." With a slight taste of wine and pine. One major advantage – a relatively small amount of caffeine. * Indian Black Tea "Darjeeling." Tart taste with nutmeg aroma. Interestingly, this tea is known as yet "Tea Champagne".

* Indian black tea "Assam". Very deep flavor. By the way, he prefers the Queen of Great Britain. If your grandfather does not refuse to try something new, stop your choice on one of the the following teas: * "Mate." Green herbal tea, common in South America. Along with him, by the way, we can present a special drinking vessel – kalabas. * "Earl Grey". Flavoured black tea with oil from the peel fruit bergamot. The name of tea is often translated as "Gray (Grey) Earl," but his real translation – "Earl Grey".

* White tea. Surely, this kind of tea would be "something new" and will be pleased with his grandfather. The more so that white tea has more pronounced healing and tonic properties than green. In addition to tea, and other attributes of good tea is good to give my grandfather a water filter. Then the tea, and all other meals to bring more benefits his health. Very easy to enjoy the cooler. Why do not you take care of signing a contract for regular supply of clean water for my grandfather and installing a cooler in his apartment? Just do not forget to replenish stocks in time and pay your bills! So, if a cup of tea and water, identified, left to think about how you can make a stay at home most convenient.

Choosing Puppies

So, you've come to the conclusion that this breed is for you, have decided to purchase a puppy and its floor. Let's start from the beginning. Where to buy a Yorkshire terrier puppy? Never buy puppies York market or pet store. Remember, in this case the person selling you the dog is not its owner, but merely acts as a mediator. He can not tell you anything about the puppy or its parents. Do not obsess on prices, the health of your baby is more important than the pursuit of cheapness. The only way to get healthy and beautiful Puppies apply to a private breeder, a kennel or club. Thus, you get a guarantee that you will always help, advise and give professional advice.

If you have the opportunity to visit several kennels or breeders, do not neglect it. When contacting the breeder beforehand and in detail tell him what puppy you want to see in my house and what the purpose of acquiring the dog: the desire to have a pet or a future champion, a member of prestigious exhibitions. If you considering what is the difference, please see the article "Puppy for exhibition or for home?" Now we shall proceed from the fact that you're going to get the kid home. What should be the puppy? 1) Puppies better to buy two-, three-month old. In Puppies are already self-sufficient and independent of the mother. It is sufficiently developed, is well adapted to their diets and diet. Besides, it's the right age to start lessons to teach cleanliness in the house.