
As you have probably guessed, this is periodontitis. (And its initial stage – gingivitis) can be considered a disease of the century. Suffers from gingivitis (not always aware of it) is not less than half the adult population of our country. In this disease develops hypertrophy interdental nipples edge gums become inflamed, gum bleed, sometimes observed tooth mobility. Unfortunately, pregnancy greatly increases the likelihood of ill gingivitis – There is even such a thing as "gingivitis pregnant." If gingivitis developed during pregnancy, the chances that oral health after giving birth to normal, the woman is much greater than in the case to the moment when she became pregnant, she had already suffered from this disease. So my advice to you – do not neglect the visits to the dentist (at least every six months) before conception! Treatment of gingivitis reduces to an anti-inflammatory activities and the systematic renovation of the oral cavity. Should regularly refer to the dentist to remove plaque and kamney.Bolnye teeth during pregnancy to treat not only possible but absolutely necessary – otherwise after birth may happen that has nothing to cure. In addition, carious teeth – a haven for a variety of microorganisms, including pathogens that can cause very unpleasant illness like his mother, and at Child.

Anaesthesia. Local anesthesia (an injection in the gum) is quite possible, however, during pregnancy, there are a number of constraints and features, so you should always inform your doctor that you are expecting a baby. Even if you only suspect that you may be pregnant, it is better to be safe and talk about their suspicions to the dentist – he'll pick up an effective and safe for you and your child anesthetic (eg, ultrakain or ubistezin).

Tooth Price

In the dental office after the gynecologist – a dentist! If your guesses about pregnancy confirmed, first, or one of the first doctors that you visit after exit from the women's consultations, should be dentist – even if you never had the teeth did not complain. In the mouth there are about 50 million bacteria, which are the main food – carbohydrates. The lack of power they obviously do not have to complain, so they multiply – the warmth and fullness – with a truly incredible rate, especially if their "owner" – a sweet tooth! And if it does not host and hostess "in an interesting position," the conditions for life in freedom and rapid breeding of germs even more. Increased appetite, usually accompanies pregnancy, contributes to consume more carbohydrates. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Senator From Kentucky by clicking through. Frequent vomiting in the first trimester may increase the acidity of saliva. Acidic environment and an excess of carbohydrates – what else would you microflora? In response to growing demand for calcium greater than usual risk of being during pregnancy and tooth enamel – a shield that protects the teeth from contact with the oral microflora. In your position slightest damage to the tooth enamel is fraught with the rapid development of dental caries: in fact the fetus is actively formed bone system, and the slightest lack of calcium in the body it begins to "leach" from the teeth and bone materi.Est another reason during pregnancy and after birth are absolutely necessary to find the time to visit the dentist (and if possible – to a specialist, periodontics). . Mark Fields often addresses the matter in his writings.

Medical Center

Look for information about the specialist and you will want to join us on the diagnosis! With systems "Oberon" and "Ray" RK Shikherimov for 8 years. The most complete picture gives it diagnostics in agriculture OBERON. Many people ask why we recommend a comprehensive survey, even if symptoms indicate a specific location of the problem. In I give a clear answer case, said Academician BV Poppy on one of his lectures on private pathology – as one well-known in certain circles of people suffering from pain in the heart. It seems, then treated for angina. But it did not help. And once he came down with a running stomach ulcer (now as much a protrusion formed).

This story rather sad ending, especially considering that the heart just the same was healthy … Complete examination by a competent specialist could improve the situation. Not for nothing they say: who correctly diagnoses, treats correctly. Now the drawbacks: Yeah, do not be surprised ..)) – Limited number of clients. We can not accept diagnostic results of 90%, ie 50 abnormalities detected an average of 45.

– Doctor does not hold preliminary consultations free of charge. Perhaps in the future, when staff will be completed, we will introduce such a service. As you may have you know, our doctor will reveal even the initial signs of each disease, in order to prevent the progression of disease detection, many patients have successfully used traditional Chinese medicine preparations. This allows them to safely (avoiding the side effects) to restore the internal power balance, the normal regulation, and as a result – the functioning of organs and tissues. Our friends from the site just work with world-famous companies producing recreational products in accordance with the concepts of U-Shin, a traditional Chinese medicine. Obraduem:) For our clients that have passed a comprehensive diagnosis of "Oberon" in Tianshi products and Livest discounts are offered. More on Diagnost.Name We are very grateful to partners for their support Och.priyatno, is not it? Medical Center in which our office is working diagnosis is in the street Krzyzanowski, near st.m.Profsoyuznaya. We work by appointment only. Call me at any time. If I'm busy – can leave a message on the answering machine. PS Here we discussed the pros and cons of computer examination of the body. What now remains? And only one thing – to decide how many seats to reserve for a comprehensive diagnosis:) Come to the whole family!

Colds And Flus

As soon as the cold, many people neglect basic rules on health and sovego it all begins with mild cold. Many slight cold does not cause any concern, but it is starting point for all other viral diseases. The common cold is the reason for the manifestation of various underlying ailments. Correctly chosen treatment cold by natural means, not only will help quick restore health, but also protect against complications (such as the flu), bringing a lot of trouble and often dangerous. It is usually good enough to warm the body inside and out, sweat, put the banks to health, because then inevitably will, be felt different ailments to cure that will be much harder than the common cold.

Should bear this in mind that the flu most often develops in a weakened cold body. Flu manifested in the same way as the common cold, and then there are fever, headache, muscle aches or joint pain, gastrointestinal disorders, cough, and prolonged bad cold. Bad flu often cured changes in lung inflammation. In addition, during the influenza manifest all sorts of hitherto hidden disease, liver disease, kidney, bladder. When the above symptoms, precursors of influenza, immediately go to bed, sweat, warm, and further treated by natural means, which are described on this site. If you do exactly what you will find a quick recovery and back down the flu and possible complications will be prevented. But in any case can not be ignored colds and flu: it's too dangerous for your health.


Fear for their health – causes and treatment of recently increased the number of people who are concerned about their health. And all because they are a powerful impact on the psyche. Constant stress and information from outside destroys nerve cells. And the man starts obsessive-compulsive disorder. The same people are worried about their health, because it increased the number of diseases and mortality.

Many people forget about healthy lifestyles and provoke various diseases. And then there are some fears, such as hypochondria. It is therefore important to watch TV less, and communicate with people who always inspire different thoughts about how many diseases now. And since childhood to take care of your health, increase resistance to stress, to follow the diet and regular workouts. What is hypochondria hypochondria, hypochondriac neurosis – is heightened concern for their well-being. These people have intrusive thoughts that they are sick in some serious illness and experiencing about this unnecessary suffering. These people at the slightest change in the body begin to worry about, going to the doctors. AND it makes their life – a living hell.

In addition there is hypochondria, and specific phobias, obsessive-compulsive when a person experiences the fear of a specific disease, such as cancerophobia – fear of contracting and dying from cancer, or kardiofobiya – Fear of dying from heart disease. All hypochondriacs is the fear of death, fear of death, he used them and managed. He foundation, the root of all other concerns. And we need to work with that fear and overcome it and become brave and fearless man. How to treat fears for his health In order to get rid of fear, you need to combine self-medication and professional help. An integrated approach is always more effective. So if you or your friends have wanton concern for their own health, you should contact the therapist. It will help to overcome fear with the help of psychotherapy and medication. The main thing is not to be shy and do not postpone march to a specialist. Not prolong his frustration to such an extent that it is hard to do anything. And do not be afraid that you are going crazy. This is not madness, it's just a neurosis, which can be healed or at least learn to manage their state, time shifting from thinking about illness to positive thoughts.

Disease Life

Much more the likelihood that you will live a healthy and vigorous life, if you become positive thinking, stop being angry and offended on every occasion, and you will clearly know your near and distant goal in life. Very high the likelihood of diseases of the body may occur due to a rejection. Almost all the people that do not like in yourself, do not like appearance or certain character traits. This is a very common cause of occurrence of various diseases. Also, often the disease, illness and depression may mean that you do not have specific goals in life.

That is, you do not know exactly what you want out of life. Just sleep, eat, go to work and watching TV. And even if you read many of psychological and developmental literature, it does not mean that you have clear goals in life. But if you think you set a goal stupid, and life is still all happen as laid down by fate, or at least try to do it for the sake of the experiment. Of course, there are thousands of options causes you a disease. And here do not necessarily look for the answer in books or Internet. Better counselor than your body, you will not find anywhere else. There is a very simple and affordable way to each person how to understand the cause of his disease or infirmity. All the events of our life (and disease among them), we create themselves. "No, I do not want me to have the disease" – you say.

Testosterone and Nutrition

Many people know about the impact of testosterone on physical, psychological and sexual performance by men. This time, the relationship of testosterone and nutrition, herbs and other gifts of nature. The use of drugs, increase levels of testosterone have long managed to become one of the methods in the fight for medals in the big sports. Doping control is precisely designed to identify drugs that stimulate the production of male sex hormones. Except chemistry of this therapy helps in some cases to restore reproductive function, but the chemistry – a double edged sword. Artificial increase in testosterone levels by chemical means sometimes compromising the health of men and athletes. Meanwhile, there are enough resources of natural origin. Of great importance is human nutrition.

There are products stimulate the production of testosterone, but there is that stimulate estrogen, female sex hormone. I'll start with alcohol. Alcohol in small doses stimulates the production of hormones. However, here too, its fun. Pure or diluted ethylene – vodka, alcohol and spirituous beverages, from grapes, apricot, mulberry, etc.

– Natural wine, brandy, brew, chacha, etc. stimulate the release of testosterone. Then, as fermentation products (beer, ale) stimulate the production of estrogen. In addition, hops added to the beer itself inhibits the production of testosterone. The results of long-term use of these types of drinks are often affected by the figure on the areas of fat deposits. The situation is similar with the products. Huge importance for the hormonal status of man is the quality of protein consumed.

The Disease

. As the experience of physicians resorts Essentuki, the prevalence of harmful factors on the background of a bad heredity leads to the disease. A great role and has an infectious factor. The practice of treatment in sanatoriums Essentuki shown – helikobaktera role is that he is in the process of their life produces ammonia, the presence of which leads to increased production of hydrochloric acid. Helicobacter also produces substances that damage the cells lining the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer, causing inflammation. In the destruction of infection signs of inflammation disappear. Symptoms of peptic ulcer disease (medical practice physicians resorts Essentuki). The first sign of peptic ulcer disease – it's a pain in the stomach: a sharp, burning, aching.

Pain may be vague, dull and felt as a feeling of fullness, heaviness in the abdomen and may resemble the feeling of hunger. According to the observations of doctors in health centers Essentuki – ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer pain occurs after a certain time after the meal, very often at night, sometimes reduced immediately after a meal or reception of such money as Almagel, which leads to the neutralization of hydrochloric acid and reducing its irritating effect. In cases of stomach ulcers or pain occurs worse after eating alkalizing agents reduce its not so good. For patients with gastric ulcer is characterized by nausea, vomiting more frequently than patients with ulcers of the duodenum 12. Many lose weight, eat as little of the lack of appetite. But according to medical practice sanatoriums Essentuki – about half of relapses of ulcers are asymptomatic. Pain is often accompanied by nausea, heartburn, regurgitation. There are no typical symptoms: lack of communication pain with food intake, lack of seasonality of exacerbations (spring and fall). How to treat peptic ulcer disease (a value of natural factors in treatment sanatoriums Essentuki)? Treatment of gastric ulcer and peptic ulcer disease Twelve duodenal ulcer most efficiently performed in specialized sanatoriums.

HDL and LDL Cholesterol

Cholesterol – a natural fat (lipophilic) alcohol contained in the cell membranes of all living organisms (except bezyadernyh organisms). Cholesterol – a valuable element of cell membranes, without it cells can not or HDL – are called 'good' holisterinom. Podschityvanie general location of cholesterol in blood is based on the analysis of blood. a lot of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, it will gradually accumulate in the inner walls of arteries. Together with other substances will be created so-called plaques, narrowing the arteries and make them less flexible. This disease is called atherosclerosis. Blocking of the arteries with plaque can cause stroke or heart attack.

On average, 25-33% of cholesterol transferred HDL or "good" lipoproteins. High levels of HDL protects against heart attacks. Low levels of HDL (nezhe 40 mg / dL) increases the risk of heart disease. Triglycerides – the form fats, formed in the body. High level of triglycerides is often combined with low levels of cholesterol, high density, that is 'good cholesterol', and this indicates that the fat particles into the blood, what is the cause of vascular disease.

Consequently, high triglyceride levels should be perceived as a danger signal. One of the fatal mistakes that people make with respect to cholesterol, is that they believe, supposedly all the foods that are high in fat are rich in cholesterol. Those who reduce the acceptance of various vegetable oils in order to reduce calorie intake, while at the same time the levels of fat and cholesterol, does more harm than good. Vegetable oil contains no cholesterol! Yes, it is 100% composed of fat, but fat is important to us in order to effectively burn fat! Simply add to food omega-3 fats, which are in oil and fish, and the body begins to burn fat, as in the furnace of a locomotive! Reduce cholesterol levels contribute to the garlic, folic acid, vitamin E, green tea, niacin. Perfectly helps reduce cholesterol levels and normalization of blood pressure unusual juice noni. In the human body cholesterol is the 'raw material' for the formation of steroid hormones, particularly sex: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Without cholesterol education can not be vitamin D, deficiency of which provokes in young children rickets. In the end, of the formation of cholesterol in the liver, bile acids, which are necessary for digesting fats, and this, of course, many mean for normal functioning of all organs.

First Aid For Burns

Burn – one of the most dangerous injuries to the body. Factor plays an important role and degree of burn size (household burns, burns, severe). Depending on the level assigned to the appropriate medical care. Burn – this is tissue damage under high temperature or chemicals. They come in four vidov.himicheskie burns, electric burns, thermal burns, radiation burns.

Experts estimate the seriousness of the burn area and depth of damage. What these figures is less than the faster and easier to burn heals. In order to measure the surface of the damaged section, enter the following standard. It is known that the hand of man is a percentage of the surface of his body. To determine the proportion of the damaged surface of the human body decided to allocate 11 segments of 9 percent (the so-called rule of "nines"). So, each arm is 9 percent of the total body, a leg – 18, face and neck – 9 and so on.

Thermal damage to the covers are most common, often accompanied by thermal inhalation injury (TIT), combinations with mechanical trauma. Heat damage includes heating of tissue above the critical level – 45oS. This is accompanied by denaturation of proteins. Tissue damage is the total derivative of heat and is characterized by a view (source) of the thermal agent, the duration of his and thermal conductivity of the tissue. Hydrophilic human skin has a high specific heat and low thermal conductivity (so the skin is overheated very slowly, but slowly and cooled). Thus, thermal damage continues even after, when the thermal agent has been extinguished or removed (this is of great importance in terms of first aid). Dead as a result of the thermal factor superficial tissues are said to burn scab. A slight warming of the skin (up to 60 C) leads to the formation of wet (kollikvatsionnogo) scab. A more significant warming of the skin formed a dense dry (Coagulation) scab. The degree of density and thickness of the crust can be different (depending on temperature, exposure, exposure, etc.) Burn wound – a three-dimensional mass of damaged tissue. On its edge is determined by the congestion zone, and center – the area of coagulation. The intermediate zone – a zone or a zone of stagnation paranecrosis, so named because it becomes a static circulation. As a result, the thermal effect of the microcirculatory bed in this area fixed red blood cells and mikrotrombov. Depending on the depth of destruction are following the severity of burns: I degree (minor burns) – redness, pain and minor swelling of the skin; II degree (mild burn) – severe pain at the site formed a burn blisters filled with fluid; III degree (severe burns) – necrosis and peeling of the skin. Pain with weak or absent, since the nerve endings are destroyed; IV degree (very severe state) – the destruction of not only the skin but also the deeper tissues and even bones. First aid for burns 1. If possible, remove all clothing covering the burned body surface. It can only cut and not removed. 2 burnt place with oil or alcohol. You can not pull anything that is stuck to the surface of the burn. 4. If there are bubbles, puncture, or delete them. Protect their cotton-gauze bandage, taking care not to put pressure on the sore spot, where the fiber wool should be fairly thick. 5. If you have already broken through the bubbles, cover with a sterile bandage them, and put the top layer of cotton and secure. Further to accelerate tissue repair using Polimedel.

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