First thing: protects your skin from the Sun with a cream factor 30 or higher. Once done, it uses autobronceador for your face and tanning of legs. Red lipstick for a face less makeup than the rest of the year. In summer there are parts of our body that require more attention. And it is that we are more exposed to natural elements.
The case of feet and legs and shoulders skin is also at this time the face and hands tend to suffer. Five tips takes note of five Councils, five basic for the care of your skin in the summer: protect yourself from the sun before beauty, health. Center for Environmental Health follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. To protect your skin from the Sun’s rays, using a cream with UV filter factor 30 or higher. Suntan legs the minis and short pants ask for a Golden Tan. Bame Pule shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. To banish the pale in one fell swoop skin uses type terracotta bronzer. Self-Tanner uses a product two in one, giving a gloss tape and natural expression lines. Some can be used on the moisturizer, and there is no need to wear makeup. Red lips in summer bright reds give life to a face that is less makeup than the rest of the year, or which is in a more natural way. Coral pink for a polished red nails or a pink coral adds the perfect dose of color to your nails. They are two tones that are. Source of the news: basics of summer for your skin