Japanese Restaurants

When Japanese food type sushi is pass two things, or it mistresses you hate or it. Really there is no a midpoint, and the good reason would have to do whereupon sushi is preparation with crude fish and some other ingredients that generate reactions very different in each from us. Those that adores sushi agree in which there are equipment advice who can help any person who wants to know how how to identify good restaurant of sushi in the city. These recommendations you will be able to enjoy sushi to the maximum: The freshness of the fish Taking notices of some establishments in your city and vistalos. Sushi discovers more approaches delmejor visiting our page of Sushi in Guadalajara. A good way to identify good restaurants of sushi is to verify that they have a bar where the products used for the preparation of your food are unfolded.

The objective to show its products in these display cabinets is indeed so that you can verify the freshness of its fish and other ingredients. Quick attention to the fish. It is important that they shine substantial, that is not parched and that is in fact the same products that chef is using to cook. If you discover that the fish that are at sight they are not the same that are used in the subjects of gossip, asks which is the reason. A good establishment of sushi presumes with pride products used in its kitchen and the freshness of the same; after all, this delicate gastronomical art depends to a great extent on the freshness of the fish. Supposing that the establishment abiertamente does not show its clients products and fish, perhaps then he is better to look for another place to eat. If you want to eat good sushi, aljate of the establishments of sushi type buffet we return Here to make emphasis in the quality and the restaurants that offer to you to eat everything what you can, of insurance almost prepare sushis in great amounts and with much anteriority.

France Mon Amour

The decolonization of many countries has been bloody, brutal and irrational, due to the obstinacy of the powers to want to perennizar themselves in the occupied territory and to continue operating to the population and the natural resources. In World War II, Great Britain recruited soldiers of its colonies to part that to the native ones was considered them like citizens of second, like for example to the Indians (inhabitants of India, do not say Hindu, because they are those that profess Hinduism) and France to the Algerians, to those who in spite of them to have helped to release Paris of the Nazis dealt, them with inferiority and never they even considered for the indemnifications and/or retirements. Many died waiting for that recognition. One calculates that about 200 thousand Algerian soldiers were under the command of the French Armed Forces. Whereas other countries retired of their colonies, some ” honorablemente” , France empecin and had catastrophic defeats in Indochina and Algeria. It had to retire without honor nor glory and worse still with the image completely notched by the vandalism, the generalized torture and the indiscriminate slaughters realised by its troops of occupation.

After a revolt of the Algerian independentistas forces by which 50 and 100 French or pieds-noirs died between (Colonising), in retaliation the French assassinated 50 thousand Algerians in Setif, in 1945. Altogether, in the long war of independence 1.5 million Algerian civilians died, in addition, the Gauls destroyed 8,000 villages. Although the French ambassador in Algiers said that the massacre of Setif was one ” tragedy inexcusable” , the Algerian president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, demanded that Paris admits its responsibility. The French agent chief executive, Nicholas Sarkozy, only limited themselves to criticize the past colonial of his country in Algeria and asked not to pause in that past and to watch the future.


In her the importance of the assertive procedures is indicated to treat psychological disorders of type and people who present/display inhibition, and includes the exercises that must be put in practice in this procedure which is enunciated in brief form next. 1. – The use to express the feelings. 2. – The use of the face expression.

3. – The practice to express an opposite opinion when it is of discord. 4. – The practice of the use of the first person. 5. – The practice to accept praises. – Lauge and Laurubowsvi (1976), Identify four basic elements for the assertive training.

a) To teach to people to differentiate between aggression and assertiveness, and the lack of assertiveness and educated being. b) To help the people to identify and to accept its personal rights as much as the other. c) To reduce the cognitive and affective obstacles, to be able to act assertively. (Ex: Irrational thoughts, feelings of fault, rage or excessive anxiety). d) To develop assertive abilities through active methods of practice. – Rich and Schroeder (1976), raise that diverse forms of training in assertiveness exist, between which they are: Constructive hierarchic presentation of situations of stimuli, moldeamientos, critics, game of rolls, test of rolls, retort of answers, practice of answers, allocation of tasks for the home, training in the vocal and postural analysis, exhortation, exaggeration of rolls, instructions, external reinforcing and autorreforzamiento. – Perez, E. (1985) considered that since does not exist a common package of training and in term of functionality, the training procedures can be classified in some of the following categories: 1. – Operations of acquisition of answers. Following the cause that produces the lack of assertiveness, it is recommended to use the procedure of lack of inhibition of the inhibited assertive answers, training in discrimination or learnings of new answers for intense emotional and cognitive situations, absence of ability to detect situations that respectively require effective answers or deficiency in the individual behavioural repertoire.


The importance of these acts resides in its frequency, and in which the majority is related to basic aspects, like the survival or the care of the health. When we are conscious of the intention that are behind they, we obtained excellent benefits; among others: 1. – The results are normally better. 2. – We are more conscious of possible potential dangers or boicots to which we do.

3. – It is easier to avoid the sadness or the boredom that sometimes produces the routine to us. 4. – It gives an opportunity Us to reconsider our intention in more excellent aspects. Evidently, if we were able to improve what we do every day, our life will improve. For that reason the intentionality is so important. We are going to put a small example practical: I am preparing the weekly menu for house. If I know clearly when beginning that my intention is that the meals more are balanced and healthy, surely plates will be happened to me that reunite those characteristics.

I am doing if it with haste simply because that he is more comfortable to have the thought menu beforehand, and is only a task more, it is possible that the first options that is happened to me are not most healthful, but those that I like more or easiest to prepare. Of the quality of the intention that we put in which we do depends the quality on the result. We also see another habitual example (unless some of my readers has made vote of abstention), but pleasanter: our intention when we make the love. Behind the reasons obvious to have an intimate encounter with our pair, while we prepared ourselves, we can define an intention clearly; for example, that is in addition a union concerning soul, and a synchronization energetics. The then encounter becomes an instrument to reinforce the union of the pair, and so it becomes more important and rather more interesting.