Teaching A Cat

Domestic cats are wonderful pets, but we must not forget that it is always necessary to provide basic care, no matter they are so independent. Although cats are truly self-sufficient animals, they require attention of humans. Some simple instructions on the care of domestic cat can be useful to ensure that your pet is in good physical and emotional condition.Firstly, it is important to relocate our new cat or kitten to the vet so that this can make sure the cat is healthy. This is the right time to apply the vaccines that correspond to their age and establish the vaccination schedule to follow, which will prevent problems in the future, since if our cat gets in contact with other cats disease-carrying, it will have appropriate defenses to avoid catching.On the other hand, it is necessary to sterilize our pet as soon as she is old enough, indicated by the veterinarian. A neutered cat will prevent large litters of kittens newborn babies and orphans, and live longer. Two cats, over a period of seven years, have the potential to produce about 420000 kittens. Many households to find, isn’t it? Adopting a small cat, it is necessary that we play with him often. He has left his birth environment and arriving in a strange place with people and furniture strangers can be very overwhelming.

To play with him, we create a link, which is a very important part in the care of pets and will last for the rest of his life. We must get used to our new kitten to use a box with sand to cats or sanitary pebbles. As soon as you arrive at our home, we must instruct you in the right place for your needs. We have to be patient with his training, and small stones from its box change twice per week. In this way we ensure that the feline is clean and has a nice bath at your disposal. Even if the cat is Interior, it is not recommended to surgically remove you nails. You may find it painful, it will affect your balance and the level of trust with the owner. Common is that domestic cats want to scratch something, simply offer them a trunk or a pole so they scratched. There are many alternatives to avoid the feline is obsessed with furniture and curtains, and the desungulacion or removal of the nail is not one of them.