The Book Highlights Of The Last Decade

Bestseller of the zero marker years the last decade brought a number of tidbits, as well as dissuade fare literature operation. Although an overview of the most important books of the last decade will remain always incomplete, but some trends can be made. And above all, there was a book, that stole the show for everyone else. The online store reported. The zero marker years are mainly the Decade of the know-it-all. “Bastian Sick explains why be the genitive of dating death” is and Richard David Precht of Western philosophy the question who I am and if yes, how many? “.” Everywhere it seems on misunderstandings, to which it is discussed. A relatively new author figure has produced the television: the TV chef.

Because Jamie Oliver, Tim Malzer and Horst lights swing not only the wooden spoon, but also the spring. This is reflected on the book market, and the abundance of cookbooks. In addition to the TV chefs, as well the TV comedians on the book market have established themselves. Eckardt of Eckart von Hirschhausen grew the liver with its tasks, Susanne Frohlich wrote proudly about her kitten self”, Mario Barth wrote a dictionary of men and women and Hape Kerkeling was going to go away. “Nevertheless, it was a little boy, who stole the show for everyone else: Harry Potter”. With the first volume, Joanne K. Rowling’s books hard the entire book industry. There has never been a book, similar to successfully moved captivated both adults and children. Massenhysterien book stores, costume fairy hour and highest security levels before the appearance of each new volume. More information: press / contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59