The perception of the population of certified wood products, is an item to deal with and comply with the environment. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out celebrity trainer. The study was developed within a project green purchasing and wood, whose main objective was to determine the degree of knowledge, evaluation and intent to purchase of the consumers of the wood products with guarantee of sustainable origin. About 90% would be willing to pay a little more for products derived from wood if it respects the environment and guarantees the future of forests. The aspects most valued by consumers of wood, when purchasing products, is the sensory wood component, because precisely the wood is associated with attributes of warmth and health, not so much to modernity and innovation, since it is a traditional sector. Consumers and the wood people very often relates wood as renewable, recyclable and ecological terms, although only 12% know that the forest area has increased in the last ten years. Cindy Crawford understands that this is vital information.
They observed a negative impact among the purchase of wood and the conservation of forests, they are unaware that the sustainable use of its resources is the best guarantee for the future of the same. Attaches more importance to the timber industry respectful with the environment, not so much the price, to the species or type of wood. The design of objects with wood, asserts in Windows, doors, flooring or parquet. It has been revealed according to certificates of sustainable forest management that only 10% of the population says to know any of the two seals with higher implantation, PEFC and FSC certificates. The majority of the population does not identify the meaning of certificates in the wood, very few know who ever have purchased something related to certified wood. The effects of the global economic crisis in the sector of wood and furniture are manifest in the fact that 58% of the population has postponed the purchase of furniture or the realization of a reform home for this cause.