Risk management with enrisma: simple integration into existing IT-structures and rapid deployment of a professional solution. Rosenheim, 14.04.2010 middle class required risk management “* the Handelsblatt headlined recently.” Studies of the risk management Association e.V. of RiskNET, the leading pool of knowledge around risk management and compliance, confirms this assessment: just the middle class faces the urgent, but hitherto neglected task in a timely manner to identify business risks and evaluate. It’s not only about prevention. Often, opportunities can be used such as when provisions due to miscalculation and a vague mood of crisis are set to high instead of aggressively investing in growth. But the still widely used Excel systems for this purpose prove to be insufficient or represent a significant source of risk. Because a call to real time data is feasible with Excel nor is there the possibility of a revision-safe version management. Often hangs the quality of the information provided by individual employees off because no examination of the input.
Several people are working on the acquisition, can occur in addition to problems with consolidation and risk aggregation. As the conclusion arises that this approach should not serve as the basis for far-reaching and sensitive business decisions. RiskNET puts it in the recent article spreadsheet risk factor “* to the point: the captain of an Airbus A 380 navigates also not with the on-board instruments of a Fokker F-27.” The enrisma Lessing IRM GmbH offers as a low-cost alternative to the established, but inadequate systems.Single a combined entry solution. Hereby the risks and the risk assessment by the competent staff can be recorded while still in Excel or similar, the data is then but in enrisma.Single imports. Here, the records with the already existing are matched to avoid possible errors. The responsible risk manager may in this way typical Excel weaknesses to exclude and also take advantage of the extensive benefits of a software-based risk management system, displace without the established processes of the company. The new version enrisma.Single offers the user a simple introduction to risk management.
With a short time, the solution to small and medium-sized enterprises is aimed, by she central control is in the base version of a single user. The company in addition to a code-based and stochastic risk assessment in simulations and stress tests are available. A consistent action and damage management complements the functionality. The clearly designed risk control allows the user a quick and comprehensive overview, with the various, graphically prepared and transparent reports significantly facilitating the risk management. An upgrade from enrisma.Single on enrisma.Entry or enrisma.Enterprise is always possible when complete data compatibility. * crisis middle class required risk management; 2505947 * Detailansicht-NEWS.479.0.html?&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1576&cHash=40066da4cf about Lessing IRM GmbH founded In September 2004, the Rosenheim-based developer and provider of IT-based solutions for integral risk management is one of currently 25 employees and partners, for consulting, support, sales, implementation, and ongoing enhancements of the IRM (integrated risk management) are responsible for application. Lessing IRM provides a complete package solution – and practice-oriented as well as industry-specific and universally applicable risk scenarios (best practice) with your partners as a service provider for business risk management from risk analysis to the implementation of the software to aftercare, advice and support. Press contact Lessing IRM GmbH Petra Schoringhumer outer Munich Street 45 83026 Rosenheim phone: + 49 8031 88734-85 mobile: + 49 162 2444771 E-Mail: Petra.schoeringhumer(at)enrisma.com Web: