For Jund (2006, p.648) the finalidadebsica of the auditorship in the public administration is: To prove alegalidade and administrative legitimacy of the acts and facts and to evaluate osresultados reached, how much to the aspects of efficiency, effectiveness eeconomicamente of budgetary, financial, patrimonial, operational, countable and finalista the management of the units and the entities of the public administration, emtodas the government spheres and levels of being able, as well as the application of recursospblicos for entities of private law, when legally authorized nessesentido. The modernization of the public sector requerque the Governmental Auditorship contributes in the elaboration of pointers dedesempenho, pass to monitor the updates that if made necessary and quese gives to an effective accompaniment of the adjustments and considered corrections. It is necessary that, with mudanasintroduzidas in the public sector the governmental auditorship can consider oajustamento of norm that comes to discipline the managemental actions, possibilitandoa otimizao of the organizacional structure of the state that is composed of recursoshumanos, financiers materials. In general any that is the deauditoria type that if goes to carry through, this must be planned in way that to venhamproporcionar security how much to the verification to the length of the laws, applicable norms eregulamento the public administration, in the execution phase, will have serverificada the aspects of the legality and legitimacy of the practised acts public pelosgestores and its accord with the norms and the princpiosaplicveis to the public administration in obedience the legislation in vigor. 2.3.FORMAS OF EXECUTION OF the GOVERNMENTAL AUDITORSHIP In accordance with the foreseen one in in in the 01/2001, of the Federal Secretariat of Control, the auditorships in the area governamentalso executed of the following forms: Direct, when one is about the activities deauditoria executed directly for servers in exercise in the agencies eunidades of the System of Internal Control of the Federal Executive, sendosubdividas in: Centered, that it is executed exclusively by servers emexerccio in the sectorial agencies central or of System of Internal Control of the Federal PoderExecutivo.
Month: February 2015
If The Mobile Becomes The Facilitator
What to do when the boss calls, “fast times” to incorporate into new subject areas such as search engine marketing or email marketing? Roll books, researching on the Internet, visit a seminar? Or perhaps with a mobile tutorial entertaining, inexpensive and time-totally flexible in the new field of knowledge learn? Damha marketing makes possible this approach together with the software and program provider of black labs for various marketing topics. Market of iPhone users with its wide business target group developed can in Apple’s app store since March 2010 that two programs “will be first email marketing – professional” and “search engine marketing – professional” from the category economy directly on the iPhone are loaded. All other cell phone users receive the programs through the site by Studymobile – there is also a version for the learning with the PC. Long trial for mobile tutorials. Who is the cell phone as a seminar leader still skeptical, is from July 23 to 25 of this relatively new form of learning feeling your way. During a weekend of action, black labs offers all its mobile tutorials at the special price of the 79 cents.
“Because I love it of course with my specific marketing programs”, explains Sylvia Detzel, owner of Damania marketing (AppStore links:… and…). For essential future holds new ways of imparting knowledge. “Budget for company-specific workshops or individual advice is often not planned and staff must acquire the necessary know-how themselves.”, she adds. Knowledge comes quickly and safely in your head and stays also there may be a mobile tutorial can replace no seminar 1:1.
“But for all the the option seminar visit” didn’t have, is this new form of intensive involvement with a subject much more efficient and more sustainable than, for example, the reading of a reference book, Damania is safe. The methodology that is used and which is ensured by the classical learning box system the most is known: the tutorials are designed according to the question-answer principle. All questions are first into compartment 1 of the virtual learning box. You know the solution, the question in tray 2 goes further and finally in the third compartment. What you don’t know and only! presented as daily new one. You just repeat what you still can’t. Background information about black Labs: software and programs of black Labs was in the Baden-Wurttemberg Lichtenau founded in 2010. Studymobile goes up in the young start-up companies, serving since 2005 in addition to the technical platform, the Studymobile factory, many finished tutorials for mobile devices (PC, laptop, mobile phone, Smartphone, PlayStation). In addition to free programs to test or paid in Apple’s app store programs in different Ausfuhrlichkeiten and functionalities can be directly from the website available for download. Background information to Damha marketing Damha marketing was the diploma in business administration Sylvia Damha 2004 as Established consultancy with a focus on marketing in Rutesheim in Stuttgart. Customers receive everything from a single source from marketing consulting to implementation, of the marketing concept to the training. In addition to the classic direct marketing, a particular focus of the marketing consultancy on the online media. Especially with the topics of search engine marketing, Internet design and email marketing. In addition, Sylvia Detzel has several lecturer in marketing at the Duale Hochschule Baden-Wurttemberg. More information about the company and its services your press contact Sylvia Detzel will find on the Internet at Damania marketing, Dornier str. 9, 71277 Rutesheim phone: 07152 358182, fax: 03222 3777662 E-Mail: is an archive of texts, images, logos for download available: service/index.html
Ludger Abeln
At the goal wall shooting, the balloon competition and at many other stations, visitors can donate”, explained Gerrit Boekel man, headmaster of the IGS Moormerland. Also was for the Action opened an account for donations: DKMS account 150258192 at the Sparkasse LeerWittmund, BLZ 285 500 00. The day of action is a result of CSR partnerships, the SV Werder Bremen has built up in the Northwest of Germany. CSR, short for corporate social responsibility, identifies the setting of companies voluntarily and discuss legal claims, to assume responsibility for the company. MOVES under the brand name WERDER for the Green-whites with some 350 institutions and associations cooperate. Their common goal is to improve the region positive and lasting. The Association and its partners in the Moormerland to annually repeat the event of the DKMS-typing. Programme for the day of action was a type, Ty you!” 10: 00 Start of the event in the IGS/HRS Moormerland from 11: 00 actions with the Werder pros 13: 00 air balloon competition 14: 00 great raffle from Werder fan articles and donated prizes 16: 30-17:30 presentation by Klaus-Dieter Fischer over WERDER moved – lifelong 4-6 pm Zumba party in the Sports Hall 18: 00 NDR-moderator Ludger Abeln presents the big outside bet in the bag said…
“: the Organizer until 18:00, have found 500 recognizable Werder fans sing the Werder song together with the big band Moormerland, donates the newspaper group East Frisia 500 euros 19.30 clock NDR-moderator Ludger Abeln presents the big fundraiser with: school band teachers, school band, Zumba dance performance, low Saxon skits, green white fashion show, blacklight sports, instant Improv Theatercompany more information on the day of action and the programme there under.” About Werder Bremen’s social commitment of the SV Werder Bremen was founded on February 4, 1899 and has more than 40,000 members. Since 2002, the Green-whites socially engage in Bremen and Lower Saxony, Germany. In addition, they are involved in various national and international initiatives. The Club is considered in terms of community involvement, a pioneer among the Bundesliga clubs. He has a special Department with ten for the coordination of its activities built permanent employees. The budget year amounted to over one million euros. The Club sees it as his duty to promote the company.
The existing initiatives, projects and actions in the fields of social, ecological and economic commitment bundles Werder Bremen to a holistic approach to CSR. “” “” “” The brand moves all life WERDER integrates six subject areas in which the activities are structured: lifelong Grun-Weiss “, lifelong active” lifelong healthy, lifelong tolerant, lifelong environmentally conscious “and lifelong helpful”. Prominent ambassadors support the individual areas.
Ed Brazilian Civilization
Exactly knowing of the risks the health, this practical still is stimulated by the friends and girls who make certain requirements for the body perfect, many times inspired in youthful novels and the magazines of fashion. It does not have doubt of that the practical one of physical exercises is important for the development of the adolescents and the maintenance of the aged adults and, so that they can have a healthful life. The orientation must be made by a qualified professional and an academy duly enabled to supply the necessities of the individuals that they consider the training. However, the physical evaluation and the ticket for a doctor to initiate a good training are indispensable. Valley to point out that miracle does not exist, the desired body takes time and the good form not only requires a continuous training and ‘ ‘ fevers of vero’ ‘.
They still exist ‘ ‘ atletas’ ‘ of weekend, individuals that lead a sedentary weekly life and to Saturdays or sundays play soccer, make walked, walk of bicycle or any another sport, however this practical can generate risks the health, why in the greater part of the times does not have accompaniment of a professional. She has a difference in the reality of each individual, that is, each person must adapt optimum it for its life. Remembering the Greek philosopher Aristotle who teaches in them: ‘ ‘ The virtue is in the way termo’ ‘. It wants to say: everything in the certain measure, without suffering and with pleasure in the life that lead and the body that has.
Special Invitation
A special invitation for Dear Party of Anniversary friend, I am organizing a party for my anniversary and would very like to invite you. It would be to a great to receive you pleasure. Before, to use to advantage the party better, I go to pass you some warnings: Well, as we are of custom we will go to offer salgadinhos and therefore you acknowledgment that this type of food is very greasy and does not make well to the health; also we will have cocaine glue that affects the kidneys. We will also serve cakes and candies, that fatten and cause swell in the body. But nothing that if it does not decide with two weeks of heavy malhao.
In the party some people will be gifts who perhaps do not know them and thus will be able to feel fish are of water. But, she can be calm and if to entrosar with them and to try to talk, that the volume of sound will only be very high perhaps and therefore will not obtain to understand well what the people speak. Ah, it is good for leaving already informed you that I, due the three weeks of running for this anniversary I must be very tired, estressada and worried about reception, and therefore to follow I will not be able you during the party. It are of this nothing very important, only your work to buy gift for me. I ask for since already excuses, I know that it must be very busy, and also know that he is flat for two hours to be looking for in the store to buy a gift, that and nor always goes to be useful. The remaining portion I find that he will be very legal and pleasant, I am only worried that you will have that to lose one three hours of its precious time to be seated behind a table. .
Magazine Notebook
The city with all rigidity of its disciplines finished losing many internal inhabitants and also had the lack of the presence it proper Yokaanam Master. With the exit of many young, all the functioning of the farm entered in crisis reducing the food production. The number of workers that already totalized 1000 more than, today adds 207. The loss of heart has taken some workers to leave the city. Currently the city is a tourist point of the city and other people who look to cure spiritual.
In the weekends, the number of visitors comes close it 500 people. A bus line makes three daily trips of the Saint Antonio Discovered for the Eclectic City. Of morning and afternoon, a bus that comes of Brasilia passing for Pretty Waters, passes in front of city. In June the junina party that happens in the city congregates the integrant ones of the others branch offices located in Anpolis, Rio De Janeiro and also the ones that are in other countries as Paraguay and Argentina. At the first moment, the people who inhabited next the city saw it with diffidence, there for she disciplines existing and the simple fact of the alcoholic beverage prohibition in its area. With passing of the time, the medical attendance that the city offered, excusing consultations, remedies and internments, had created a bond of friendship with the local community.
The State contributes with resources of the SUS for the hospital of the city making with that this attendance if also extended the come patients of distant places. Professionals of fitoterapia manipulate grass producing boiled musts and pomadas and some remedies are charged the cost price. As for the health, nothing it is made aiming at the profit. The pupils who attend a course average education are banked by the city hall of the city, a bus take the students until the city of Saint Discovered Antonio. Who arrives in the city, the organization is frightened with its constructions and. city today is part of the history of Central Plateaus. Although so not to be known the peregrination, it marked the history of many people who had lived there.
Foundation Joo Pinheiroem Beautiful Horizontecom
The IDH if bases on the notion of capacities, that is, everything what a person is apt to carry through or to make. In this direction, the human development would have, as meant ampler, the expansion not only of the wealth, but of the potentiality of the individuals to be responsible for activities and processes more valuable and valued. Thus, the health and the education are states or abilities that allow an expansion of the capacities. (the PNUD, 1990 apud MINAYO, HARTZ and BUSS, 2000, p.2) Still, according to author above related, the IDH sufficiently is used and was the inspiration for the creation of the Index of Conditions of Life (ICV), developed for the Foundation Joo Pinheiroem Beautiful Horizontecom intention to study the situation of the mining cities. The ICV are composed of 20 pointers in five dimensions: 1) income (familiar per capita, degree of inaquality, percentage of people with insufficient income); 2) education (tax of illiteracy, average number of years of study, percentage of the population with less 04 years of study, percentage of the population with less than 08 years of study and percentage of the population with more than 11 years of study); 3) infancy (percentage of children that works and percentage of children that does not frequent the school).
The quality of life in work (QVT) has been an alternative for administrators, technician and researchers objectifying to fight the negative effect of the taylorismo, that involves the concern with the satisfaction of the necessities of the people and the humanizao of the work relations. (BECKER, BOSSARDI, OLIVEIRA, TOSO, p.2, 2011) Therefore, the quality of life in the work is had as an option for the improvement of the existing relations in the work of the individuals, bringing benefits in such a way for the workers how much for the production. Quality of Life in Trabalho (QVT) The author Jnior (2011, p.02) apud Huse & Cummings (1985) explains, in its workmanship, the points of bigger convergences and concerns on the dimensions that would bring to the individual one better quality of life in the work.