Mouth Lesions

What are canker sores and mouth lesions? What are the irritations and oral lesions? Irritation and mouth injuries are bumps, spots or sores in the mouth, lips or tongue. While there are many types of sores and mouth disorders, the most common canker sores, cold sores, Leukoplakia and candidiasis (thrush) found. These are discussed below. If you have a sore in the mouth, is not alone: nearly a third of all people suffer from them at some point. However, the sores, irritations and oral lesions are painful, unsightly, and can interfere with eating and speech. Any mouth sore that persist for a week or more should be examined by a dentist. I may recommend a biopsy (removal of tissue for analysis), which usually allows you to determine the cause and to rule out diseases such as cancer and AIDS.

How do I know if I have a sore or an oral lesion? The following signs may indicate a sore or an oral lesion: Canker sores are small white bumps or sores surrounded by a reddened area. Canker sores are not contagious, usually are confused with cold sores, caused by the herpes virus. Perhaps useful to remember that canker sores appear inside the mouth, while cold sores usually does so out of it. Canker sores can recur and minor (small), major (large) or herpetiformes (multiple, in groups or clusters). Canker sores are common conditions and often recur.

Although the exact cause of the same is unknown, some experts believe that involved problems of the immune system, bacteria or viruses can be seen. Factors such as stress, trauma, allergies, smoking, other vitamins or iron deficiency and inheritance also contribute to make a person more prone to suffer from canker sores. Cold sores, also called blisters fever or herpes simplex, is a group of blisters that appears around the lips and sometimes under the nose or Chin.

Cancer Screening

Dentist Dr. Hans-Dieter John and general practitioners Dr. Wilhelm Reich advise the daily dose of aspirin for the prevention of cancer. Chronic inflammation must be eliminated. The dentist, Dr. Hans-Dieter John and the specialist in general medicine and Naturopathic Medicine Dr. Wilhelm Reich respond with clear criticism on the recent study of the University of Oxford.

The researchers recommend an aspirin a day as a precaution and awaken the hope of a panacea against cancer”, explain the physician. We advise against urgently.” Aspirin have many positive qualities, but it is not a miracle cure. Aspirin have not only numerous side effects up to dangerous stomach bleeding. The active ingredient of acetylsalicylic acid, also known as ACE, percent of people also only works at 25 to 30″, know Dr. Wilhelm Reich. Just in dangerous diseases such as cancer treatment and prevention could not be reduced to a means.

Rather, a holistic approach is important, of the many different factors take into account the emergence of cancer play a role in that. Recently brought into focus are for example chronic inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a healthy reaction of a healthy body first. While taking ACE suppresses the inflammation and the symptoms subside. The causes are not eliminated, but”the dentist for example warns a trafficked gingivitis. Subliminally, continued on the inflammatory process become chronic and in the gums, teeth and jaw bone would be severely damaged or destroyed. The chronic inflammation which causes tumour-promoting prostaglandins and also the inflammatory material MMP-8 as a late consequence. This leads to heart attacks, stroke, premature births and is also involved in the formation of cancer”, emphasises Dr. Hans-Dieter John. Aspirin for inflammation – that is how ash to tip on a fire. Subliminally, it glows and the fire can flare up again,”explains Dr. Reich. Against this background, the prevention and diagnosis receives a higher priority. Aim should be to find the trigger of inflammation and secondary diseases, where possible, organic and tools to handle. For example, Indian frankincense and turmeric, and that have a similar anti-inflammatory effect as aspirin without side effects such as stomach bleeding or ulcers. In the patients, but also the willingness there must be specifically to eliminate the cause. Because to extinguish a fire, I must also not just cut the whole forest”, so the two physicians. The prevention and elimination of chronic gingivitis was no longer just a dental treatment, but also an important part of the General screening after today’s level of knowledge. The knowledge about the interrelationships between dental health and General State of health are growing steadily.

Dental Implant Initiative

nersatz: Facts about the combined tooth replacement the dentist implant initiative low-cost dental implants and aesthetic dentures offers, so that patients no longer perform these services abroad must be. In Berlin, right on your doorstep, you experience that low prices and top quality treatments are not mutually. How does implant initiative, to offer such low prices? The dentist implant initiative invests in a technological equipment, to allow more patients better access to dental implants and dentures. In addition, a systematic concentration of shopping and consistent price negotiations lead providers of dental products to reduce costs. Through the optimized organization, the dentists can concentrate entirely on the medical part, while the administrative team takes care of all other aspects of the patient, such as treatment and cost estimates. After registering on the site of implant initiative will call a Counselling appointment in the dental practice.

This is a precise diagnosis and a treatment proposal with a most precise estimate. By mutual consent, an appointment at the dentist in Berlin is made to insert the dental implants. Experienced dentists use dental implants and continue the work to post processing. It follows a healing phase that lasts 4 to 6 months under normal circumstances. Once the dental implants in the bones are healed, the dentures, which consists mostly of ceramic, is produced and adapted. The dental practice is located 20 minutes from the Centre of Berlin. You make very sure that the atmosphere for the patient is comfortable and relaxed. Implant initiative is there for you. No longer doubt and contact initiative with implant! The dentist implant initiative helps you thanks to low-cost dental implants and aesthetic dentures to regain a radiant smile.


Anyone who has ever suffered from toothache, knows how uncomfortable this throbbing pain is. But tooth pain is not just tooth pain. Depending on the cause, the pain can be perceived as throbbing or attractive, stronger and weaker. Tooth pain can have many causes and often also pain that occur with other diseases, radiate to the jaw, and give the appearance of painful teeth. Cause of toothache pain in the oral cavity are often generally called toothache. Often, it is also not easy to localize the pain. Toothache is caused by the stimulation of the sensitive nerves in the teeth. This can happen due to inflammation at the tip of root of the tooth, injury or pressure, for example, the wisdom teeth have too little space in the jaw.

Toothache can be triggered by the colloquially known holes in the teeth by dental caries, which exists due to bacteria from tooth decay. Often it is considered Periodontal disease than tooth pain causes. The periodontitis is inflamed gums and leads to the pain in the tooth. In diseases such as migraine headaches, ear pain, or a sinus infection, it can happen that radiate pain in the jaw and then be perceived as a toothache. Tooth pain treat and prevent a regular and thorough maintenance of the teeth and the gum diseases like tooth decay and periodontal disease can be prevented. The correct oral hygiene not only include at least twice brushing your teeth daily, with a fluoride-containing toothpaste, but also the use of dental floss and the regular visits to the dentist. Toothache occur nevertheless, an appointment at the dentist should be agreed, in particular, when the pain is strong.

Often pass toothache by itself again after some time, however, cancelled the visit to the dentist to determine the cause. To relieve dental pain in the short term, the point should be cooled well from the outside. The Chewing cloves can help due to the contained oils, to inhibit inflammation and relieve pain. If you don’t like the taste of cloves, can rely on Sage tea, this also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Analgesics for pain relief can be taken temporarily for severe pain.