What are canker sores and mouth lesions? What are the irritations and oral lesions? Irritation and mouth injuries are bumps, spots or sores in the mouth, lips or tongue. While there are many types of sores and mouth disorders, the most common canker sores, cold sores, Leukoplakia and candidiasis (thrush) found. These are discussed below. If you have a sore in the mouth, is not alone: nearly a third of all people suffer from them at some point. However, the sores, irritations and oral lesions are painful, unsightly, and can interfere with eating and speech. Any mouth sore that persist for a week or more should be examined by a dentist. I may recommend a biopsy (removal of tissue for analysis), which usually allows you to determine the cause and to rule out diseases such as cancer and AIDS.
How do I know if I have a sore or an oral lesion? The following signs may indicate a sore or an oral lesion: Canker sores are small white bumps or sores surrounded by a reddened area. Canker sores are not contagious, usually are confused with cold sores, caused by the herpes virus. Perhaps useful to remember that canker sores appear inside the mouth, while cold sores usually does so out of it. Canker sores can recur and minor (small), major (large) or herpetiformes (multiple, in groups or clusters). Canker sores are common conditions and often recur.
Although the exact cause of the same is unknown, some experts believe that involved problems of the immune system, bacteria or viruses can be seen. Factors such as stress, trauma, allergies, smoking, other vitamins or iron deficiency and inheritance also contribute to make a person more prone to suffer from canker sores. Cold sores, also called blisters fever or herpes simplex, is a group of blisters that appears around the lips and sometimes under the nose or Chin.