
According to Aberastury (1981), the adolescent has a critical attitude in general front to the external world and front to the adults. Jim Hackett is often quoted on this topic. The internal world that was developed through the identifications with the parents, professors, or substitute figures of both serves to it of linking for the entrance in the external world and to mean new behaviors, in consequence of its change of papers. In this characteristic of the adolescence the paper of the family and the society practically becomes everything impossible for the young, therefore something imposes it already formed by them and that it tends to be followed. The young starts to feel itself limited in these searches, goes then the search of so waited ‘ ‘ world of adultos’ ‘. From this moment of discovery the adolescent does not agree to some things such as: alimentary standards and of modismos, social religiosidade, movements, etc. Have knowledge of the social fights unchained by young what it makes to arise the reformador spirit still more and are felt capable to change the world. For Aberastury and Knobel, ‘ ‘ in the measure where the adolescent does not find the way adjusted for its vital expression and the acceptance of an accomplishment possibility, it could not never be an adult satisfeito’ ‘ (1989, P.

54). Consideraes Final When elapsing of the studies that we carry through to elaborate this work, it was possible to perceive great quo is important to the presence and the support of the family in the life of an adolescent, therefore this is the phase where many changes occur and appear many doubts and distrusts, and at this moment it is primordial that it if feels received and respected well. How much to the adolescent who decides to become homosexual, we notice that some explanations for such attitude exist, as for example, the lack of one of the parents who finish despertando related edpicos desires to the only paternal figure that is present, however the personal opinion of the group is that the sexual option of any individual, either adolescent or adult it, is not what will go to measure its character and its capacity to relate if of sociable form, being thus arrives the consensus of that the society also has a paper importantssimo fulfilling, because in the truth what it composes they are the individuals and the norms that are part of the same one, that is, it fits to each one to make its part respecting the other choices of independent of its proper opinion. as already we previously stand out the support of the family is of utmost importance, therefore is inside of the familiar seio that the person learns to live in society, respecting the right of ‘ ‘ to go and vir’ ‘ the free will of each one. We consider despite any individual before being homosexual is person, is citizen and as all have its rights and duties. Bibliographical references Souza, T.