Daily people who are unfamiliar with different ratings given to some medical situations in the United States, are doubts because they don’t know that they are referring to. That is the case of calls: PRE-existentes diseases, or what is the same, diseases that occur or are before hiring the services of an insurance doctor nobody wants to of course feel rejected when trying to join a health insurance. The time of the application and its subsequent analysis by the medical insurer is decisive for the adoption or not, client/patient.Of echo is also unpleasant to the agent that you don’t want these things to happen. A truly professional agent defends and joins forces with the patient and wants the best for him, but this is nothing for a sentimental issue, unfortunately the insurance companies and different companies have the solution or the adoption of appropriate, in your hands. Therefore sometimes diabetics, people suffering from blood pressure, which have high cholesterol, asthmatics, those suffering from cancer (healed or not), and many more, spend much work to get health insurance. Some solutions to the presence of a pre-existent illness and the approval of a health insurance. What can you do to find a solution to the dilemma of not being approved by a health insurance, by having a pre-existent illness? 1.
Try be well advised by a good medical insurance (health insurance agent) agent of this depends on knowing the different alternatives to apply with you with regard to minimize the possibility of do not approve it. The good agent knows that insurance is more or less demanding with his illness and knows how manage your application so that it will be adopted. Of course this is not a guarantee, but what I mean is that the agent has the experience and skill, since it works with this every day. 2-Do not despair and do not apply at all and with all the first premise that you should keep in mind that you as patient with pre-existent disease (s), are not interested in this health insurance.Therefore will try not to approve it. 3 – All is not lost, there are some alternative solutions which can be applied and can be risk and apply for that health insurance and 3 things can happen: a) one that approve it miraculously b) not to approve it, c) and the third that approve it but with a restriction during a period of time where cannot fulfill this health situation (if by others(, but not by the prior situation of disease). (4) And in last place that may be the first, it is possible to apply for the so called health plans or medical plans that many of them are not secure medical, but if some of them are serious and respond by the benefits they promise. Advice from an agent of medical insurance, which can lead you to the door of your home or work the solution to your health problem is always recommended in all cases.