Currently the macadamia is cultivated also in Bolivia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Dominican Republic. Only two species have commercial importance for being the only ones that have edible Walnut: Macadamia integrifolia and Macadamia tetraphylla. Nuts of other species are poisonous (for example the Macadamia whelanii and Macadamia ternifolia). Toxicity is due to the presence of glycosides. These glycosides can be eliminated through a process known by the natives.Macadamia nuts growing on trees or large shrubs that starts to produce after four or five years. The trees will be in full production after six years and it will continue indefinitely.
There are several main varieties of macadamia nuts including Cates, Beaumont, James and others. Depending on the variety, dried fruit can fall when they are ready to harvest, or perhaps need to obtain it from the trees. This usually starts in late October and will continue until the end of January. The tree of macadamia nuts are harvested (collect) frequently. This varies according to the weather conditions. The most experienced producers of California recommended harvest at least every two weeks, when the week is sunny and dry. Be descascara within 24 hours of harvest. Leave the shell for some time cause the shell tends to harden.
With care and order dried fruits can minimize the loss of quality. Collect the macadamia shell as soon as possible after its fall. The shell should keep moisture which, if not removed will batter is stale and not be marketable. Mass or meat then must be air-dried in the shade for at least two weeks. During this process of drying, the moisture content of the meat shrinks and becomes firm. The dough must then be verified by the quality. It is important that all the nuts that are obviously not salable be removed before delivery to the warehouse. This includes any with worm holes, cracks, discolored shells, etc also remove nuts that are less than 1 / 2 inch in diameter. Extracted from the Blog: Agronomy for all original author and source of the article.