Latin American

For the first time in history the troy ounce of gold rose to more than US $ 1,000 and oil at more than $US 110 barrel. This goes hand in hand with the collapse of the currency and the American economy. In 1979-80 revolutions anti-U.S. ogy-spa-gtc-t/’>Technip FMC. of Nicaragua and Iran made that an ounce of gold to fire from slightly more than $200 until just less than $700. This was then be dissipating until in June 1996 these prices fall then that IMF sold many ingots.

When you start the foreclosure crisis in North America many go running to gold. In November an ounce of the metal was at $800 and today has grown 25% more. Save on gold has high costs of storage and security, but do this is a measure that many go when falls the value and the banking interests of the main currency in the world. The dollar will remain low because Bush wants to avoid recession by reducing interest and having a currency underrated to be able to export more and import less. If before many Latin American currencies were much devaluaban against the dollar today happens the reverse. Original author and source of the article.

Spectacular Premiere Events

Event agencies experience through live communication brand the uncontested every communication task can be achieved by event agencies aims to establish active dialogue between brand and consumer. In particular, this applies to the Live Communications. Effectiveness and efficiency of brand communication therefore top priority, if event agencies stage such as roadshows, trade fairs or exhibitions for the purpose of the active experience of a brand. It serves personal communications of direct encounter of the customer with the brand, while the possible interaction with him can sustainably promote its aspiring to emotional attachment to the brand. For more information see this site: Gunnar Peterson. But one after the other: marketing agencies are the advertising companies as its clients not only the page if the “production” of the actual brand communication is needed. You already start with perceiving of target groups and to recognize their motives, as well as in the exploration of market potentials. That they are close to the consumer, enabling designated event professionals, their clients to assist in the development of innovative and market-driven strategies effectively.

And if it then comes to this brand strategies, event agencies put all their creative power to transpose promising brand messages into the consciousness of consumers. A particularly suitable for branded entertainment and therefore promising marketing tool from the “tool kit” of specialized event agencies is the premiere event. There are many ways to present the brand in an exclusive or unusual in any case great attention environment according to a clear dramaturgy. Speaking of clear dramaturgy: this claim was at all times for the staging of a premiere of importance, which was originally only the first performance of a play, an opera or a ballet. But with the advent of the industrial age, the advertising steadily gained in importance and the marketing outgrew its infancy, the concept of premieres learned an important extension: Clever marketing agencies opened up the attention and sympathy of the premiere for the brand communication potential.


Every human relationship always has conflicts. The conflict is established that think different, because we feel differently, also because we have priorities and expectations that do not match. But that’s normal, fix our differences to reach an agreement and having solutions that help us to grow and strengthen us to both sides of the problem. But when it comes to couples, the problem is further complicated, you hear the word conflict and we temblamos, we feel that we are seeing the devil, but it is that we are already in hell. Conflicts appear naturally, there are no two people who perceive life, relationships in the same way. Some couples have an acceptable degree of communication and are able to fix their differences, have agreements, where both come out winners.

By way of example, if a couple has conflicts in what refers to its leisure interests, one wants to go to the cinema and the other wants to go for a coffee to have a chat. Perhaps agree to go to film one day and the other having the space to take the coffee. This is a good arrangement, either, going to the movies and then coffee. Acceptable solution. But if instead, the coffee turns into claims, anger and bad ways, there is no way to solve the conflict. Communication is closed in this couple.

Then starts the violence, the anger, the resentment and aggression appears as a way of wanting to solve problems or conflicts. Aggression is always related to power. We exert violence when for some reason we feel offended, abandoned, injured, vulnerable, humiliated, i.e. we need to exert power over the other person and the circumstances. Here, Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Aggression and power go hand in hand. If only through violence or aggression can solve conflicts unilaterally, then you want to say, that does not live as a couple, or understand the life in common as an imposition. And that way of being with your partner wears life, relationship and love. In my book How to regain the trust in love: injuries and scars in the couple relationship, I speak widely about the risks of love couple, one of them is violence, conflict, aggression and how to operate it. I invite you to visit us at and if you subscribe to our newsletter to receive free of charge: the ten commandments of the life partner. Thanks for reading, my mission is the quality of emotional life and its impact on the social.

Rhinestone Finishing With Hot Fix Swarovski

Find who style his own wants, must go their own ways a study has resulted in brought to light an interesting point the subject of fashion. Namely the that interfere with many folks at the millions copies of branded goods. But is it any wonder? Actually not, because every man is inherently unique, and seeks to emphasize his individuality. With branded goods, which is hardly possible in the fashion sector. The coat is Khujo, the upper part of winter Kate, jeans by true religion and Sonia Rykiel shoes. Everything commodity, which could theoretically be carried by ten people, which in the subway sitting together.

The individuality is on the line. While there is much more variety and selection than even a few years ago today by countless brands, but there is a run of mass on some few brands Funnily enough on the other side repeatedly, as the tastes of the people would be turned equally abruptly, so that despite the diversity yet again all look the same. There is a constant cycle of the discovery a young and trendy labels that promises a high degree of exclusivity and satisfies accordingly the pursuit of the individual for individuality, and its development to the mass-produced goods. This rise is a red cloth for all individuals and will inevitably lead to the destruction of the spirit and of the myth of the brand. An example of this kind of rise and decline is the brand cheap Monday. At the beginning of the last decade this Swedish company was considered hip and cool, making tight jeans tube cut again extremely popular. Later became aware then of the omnipresent and powerful H & M Group brand and absorbed it a.

With this step, the brand was the attribute edgy go, even though it economically sure should have paid off for the company. The has who opposes the purchase dictates of covered more expensive branded goods and more on retreats, to highlight his own individuality, Clothcraft next to himself other ways that require less mechanical skills. Learn more on the subject from Daryl Katz. It is the issue of refining. When it comes not just to the cut, for example, a pair of jeans, but about their appearance, the preconditions for action on their own could be better. Which you can refine a pair of jeans? For example with Rhinestones by Swarvski or unique. With so-called hot fix Rhinestones, you can buy 9417_deu.html among other things here on the Internet, that is technically seen, a very simple thing. The rhinestones with adhesive applied to a transfer foil. Then, the application on the denim will be set and heated with an iron that stick the rhinestones. You have a trendy and individual jeans in a stylish look. The selection of different rhinestones in shapes and colors is so huge that no look a second time appears with certainty. And if it once again expect but time is someone whose jeans has the same look as your own, then own jeans was perhaps so cool, that she may have served as a template. So a little creativity spray and its individual style would like to find, which can dare finishing on the rhinestone. Although you can’t go wrong here, one might should not brand new jeans by diesel choose for refining, but an old, worn out jeans in the used look.

Lose Weight

Fasting has been practiced for centuries in some cultures and religious traditions. It is also an integral part of many of the practices of holistic health. The benefits of fasting are generally related to cleaning and detoxification of the body. Is fasting a good strategy for weight loss? Fasting and weight loss if calorie intake is restricted during a very long period of time, for example one week, you can lose weight permanently. Medical experts are in agreement, however, this is not a healthy way to lose weight. The first will be a rapid decline in calories, the initial kilos are lost and the weight of the water. When your body does not get enough nutrition through time, it begins to burn fat for energy and breaks the muscles to carry out bodily processes with the need for protein.

Fasting for weight loss challenges moving from a juice fast, for example, where the only drink liquids for a week, ten days or more, will lead to weight loss. The body’s response to that strategy, however, slower metabolism. When resume normal patterns of power with a slower metabolism, it is likely that weight gain return. The additional challenge of fasting to lose weight is not it teaches you how to implement a healthy diet. Fasting can be a process without sense. You are simply not eating. Finished the fast come to old eating habits and is safely regain the weight lost and something else.

The other disadvantage of prolonged to lose weight fasting is that it usually feel uncomfortable side effects such as dizziness, fatigue and headaches. An extensive fasting can be exhausting for the body and definitely not if you are pregnant, or if you have heart disease or other serious illnesses should be practiced. In general, a rapid and extensive restriction should only be conducted under medical supervision. Healthy ways to lose weight if your goal is to fast a day or two each month, to break the sugar addiction or cleanse your body for a long period of eating foods high in fat, then this may be a good strategy. However, you want to lose weight and stay in shape, the best way is to practice healthy eating habits. Medical experts agree that the best way to lose weight is to reduce calorie intake, choose more healthy foods, exercising more and reduce your stress levels. These habits can take time to develop and adjustments should be carried out gradually. Dieting can be stressful, so focus on one behavior at a time is more effective. If your daily caloric intake is high, choose foods with lower levels of fat and sugar. Choose a form of exercise that you like, and so do it at least three times a week. Make sure you drink enough water. Limit your levels of stress. Daryl Katz can aid you in your search for knowledge. Not getting enough sleep also can create fatigue and stress which sometimes leads you to eat for emotional reasons. It’s sleep a minimum of eight hours every night for that healthy weight loss is effective. Visit in next article here how loss of weight with extract of green tea

Atmospheric Christmas Days In Vienna

Waiting for the Christmas in the capital Vienna is considered a year-round attraction for many tourists. Particularly at Christmas, when snow covers the town, the city on the Danube radiates a special charm. As soon as the first flakes of snow have fallen is a wonderful rest of Vienna. t/’>Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. Through the wonderful Christmas decorations on the houses and the thousand luminous lights you fell in just a few moments in this beautiful city. Christmas market the advent season attracts with many Christmas markets in Vienna. Visit the most beautiful such as for example the front of Vienna City Hall or the Christmas market at Schonbrunn. Wander from stand to stand and admire the unique craftsmanship and inspired for your next Christmas gifts.

Of course not a delicious mulled wine and chestnuts may missed during a visit. Warm up in the fresh winter air with a hot drink and listening to the choirs and their Christmas songs. Holy night of course cares the whole team of the Schick hotels that the December 24 will be a memorable and stress-free day for you. Enjoy also the Christmas Eve in our restaurants and spend a wonderful evening with culinary delights from our kitchen. Events round about Christmas in Vienna are also many events take place which provide for an entertaining evening. Visit one of the musicals that are currently offered in Vienna or spend an evening at the theatre or cabaret. Our team at Schick hotels help of course, to make Christmas in Vienna an unforgettable stay for you.

Dental Insurance Reward

More grant for tooth replacement – pension well worth! Anyone who regularly goes to the dentist, knows it: the regular screening by the dentist helps maintain healthy and beautiful teeth. Thus it provides also the 5 social security code (SGB v): is defined in article 55 that the increase of the fixed cost grant is intended for patients who regularly seek to keep of their teeth healthy. The increase will be granted when the dental condition of the insured person reveals the regular dental care and five years prior to commencement of treatment pursuant to 22 were carried SGB V. the checkups. These efforts the patient help of course in advance, to reduce costs in the area of private dental insurance. Therefore different societies increase also the portion of the refund when it comes to a tooth replacement measure. Source to the rack measures: IAK Ltd.

– comparison of dental insurance broker: zahnzusatzversicherung.html the Barmenia is generally accounted for the dentures at 85% including the performance of the statutory health insurance (GKV). If the regular interest is demonstrated, reimbursement increases to 100% including the wholesale of the statutory health insurance. The Signal Iduna also staggered the refund after the proof of regular prophylaxis: increased the reimbursement share 95%, if it is shown the regular pension 10 years 5 years proof of interest, will be refunded 100% including the GKV performance. The AXA provides 35% of the eligible expenses normally to advance of the statutory health insurance. If here is evidence of the interest, this proportion rises to 40% of eligible expenditure. Also by the Gothaer, own the tooth preservation efforts will be rewarded. The services can be increased to 75% including the GKV performance if the five-year provision is proved. At 10 The Gothaer provides 80% including the GKV years of continuous care then. The private dental insurance here offer a whole lot of ways to reward its own provisions. Charles Margulis insists that this is the case. To find the best dental insurance for themselves, an independent insurance broker can help. He has an overview of the variety of society and can offer the matching company according to the individual needs of the customer.

Pregnancy And Feelings

Obstetric causes of sensations. In the mid-end of the 2 trimester fetus begins to move. Julio Diaz: the source for more info. Initially, the expectant mother feels the perturbations as mild flutter. Over time, perturbations become more intense since the end of pregnancy mass and size of the fruit growing – now it is not so free in the uterus, as it was before. The number of movements gradually decreased along with increasing their strength. Fetal movements, particularly intense, can cause periodic unpleasant sensations in the mother, especially in the right or left hypochondrium. The reason is that in a normal, cephalic presentation (the baby is head down in the uterus) attacks directed at the baby leg Mom's area of internal organs: liver, stomach, intestines and spleen. Such sensations and even pain are natural and require no treatment.

Also, do not need to treat blurred pain in the lateral abdomen. The reason for these pains are Restructure and sprain of the uterus, changes in the fallopian tubes (thickening, increased blood flow) in the ovaries (increased in size, they cease cyclical processes, and the position of the ovaries varies due to increasing the size of the uterus). Such complaints may occur several times during the day, but usually, they quickly disappear if the woman is comfortable to her position. Drawing pain in the abdomen and the sacrum, as well as pain cramping nature, especially with the secretions of the genital tract, can be a symptom of threatened abortion, and therefore requires immediate medical attention. Most often in such cases, a pregnant woman hospitalized for diagnostic measures and treatment in hospital.

Free Software

As you probably noticed from the stores began to disappear from the collections of software “kryaknuta” programs. Now hard to find CDs with Photoshop or with Soundforge. The fight against copyright violators beginning to bear fruit. A fly program for rabid prices from the manufacturer with our salaries very expensive. How to be internet businessman, especially beginners, who need to create and edit images, record and edit sound? I think it is possible to do free software. Most free software has a nasty feature – the promise, but to limit the most needed functions.

For example, a free program AV Music Morpher Gold Basic allows you to record and edit audio files in mp3, wma, wav, aif, the interface has buttons with lots of effects, you can zapisyvatCD, place the disc packaging … Everything looks fine at first glance. But when you start to use it, it turns out that record a sound file is longer than one minute will not work. Pops up a polite sign: “You can write files more than 1 minute if you purchase the professional version of our program.” Then discover that the file also can not be normalized, and a set of effects operates only half. A similar situation with other free programs such as the sound and the graphics. That is what they receive such advertising. Get more background information with materials from actress.

We can help here is that many software vendors and in their free versions have different functions. Connect with other leaders such as Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta here. Let me explain with an example. To work with sound is the best paid program Soundforge. Of course, businesses use the Internet far not all of its functions. Most commonly used features: Audio recording Normalization (reduction to normal volume) Editing (deleting unnecessary parts, clicks, etc.) Convert to the format you want all these function can be found separately in a few free programs. You can record the sound of free software: Stepvoise Recorder, Audacity, SwiffRec voice-to-Flash 1.04 (write-only files in the flash). Normalize the audio file can be in the program Solution 11. Edit the file possible programs: Audacity AV Music Morpher Gold Basic Soliton 11 (format wav) Convert audio files can be in the programs: Audacity (wav, mp3) River Past Waveatmp3 2.1 (wav, mp3) LS MP3 Encoder (only mp3) OrlSoft Mpeg eXtension (mp3, mp4, wma, ogg, mpc). And it is only those programs that I know of. Pokopaytes the Internet and find more. If you still desperately need more advanced features audio program, you can use for free during the month featured programs on the sites or. But what to replace Photoshop? And the plot has enough many good free programs. Let me remind you of two. The program Serif Photo Plus 6.0 has the same design as that of Photoshop, only much smaller instruments. The program GIMP Portable 2.2.13 I like the previous one. In addition, it can be used in its stick on any computer. If you want to download the free programs mentioned, type their name into Google search box and you will be given sites of manufacturers. Usually it’s registration is required. Do not use during registration Cyrillic and specify real email, on which you will send an email with a link. Of course, the use of free software often leads to loss of time, sometimes for money. The choice is yours – pay or no pay.

Toucan (Pertseed )

Pertseed or a toucan – representative of the family (Rhamphastidae) climbing birds (Scansores), peculiar to South and Central America and Mexico. This medium-sized bird with a brightly colored, disproportionate, but, moreover, easy, sawtooth serrated beak, with peristoobraznym language parnopalymi bare feet and bridles and a circumference of the eye; gloss black, which, according to the mind, act white, yellow or red spots on the neck, back and nadhvoste; Female similar to male, but less than him, the young get a bright beak, only a 2-3 year. In Brazil, belong to the common birds, live in the woods, kept mostly on the tops of trees on the ground is extremely clumsy, feed small birds and fruits, nesting in hollows, lay two white eggs. For assistance, try visiting Dr. Gerard Addonizio. Bright feathers are highly valued by savages as a decoration. It is known to 59 species, attributable to 5 genera. The most famous and largest species of toucan large or Toco (Ramphastos toco)..

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