Cervical erosion is one of common gynecological diseases, it is observed in 10-15% of women seeking medical attention. Often the disease is diagnosed in women who consider themselves healthy. Pseudo cervical uterus may be a precancerous condition. There are different types of erosion: an innate, true and pseudo. Congenital erosion rarely turn into cancer. True erosion – acquired the disease process, characterized by damage to the epithelium of the vaginal cervix. Formed an ulcer or wound to the manifestation of the inflammatory response. Such erosion is often bleeding during sexual intercourse, often accompanied by a purulent secretions from the genital tract.
True erosion – the process short, it's been 1-2 weeks and into the next stage – the pseudo, which is usually detected by a doctor. There may be a long pseudo (Months or even years), while not eliminated inflammatory diseases and other pathological processes that served as the reason for its creation and stability. At the same time she supports pseudo chronic inflammation in the cervix. After appropriate treatment the healing process of erosion can be from healthy uninfected cells that surround it. In the long and pseudo- concomitant inflammatory response may have pathological changes – cell hyperactivity manifestations of atypia of cells, which is a sign of precancerous abnormalities. The emergence of pseudo-cervix can help: colpitis (inflammation of the vagina), including Trichomonas, birth injury, trauma of the cervix with the product of abortion, and hormonal disorders. To date, one of the informative methods examination of patients with pathology of the cervix is colposcopy.
Extended colposcopy – is available and very effective. The main essence of colposcopy is to survey the state of the surface epithelium of the cervix and vagina using a special device. The basis of colposcopy on the assessment of various reactions of normal and pathological changes of tissues after treatment specific medication formulations. The method allows identify and specify changes in cervical epithelium, which are difficult or even impossible to identify by visual observation. With colposcopy, the doctor can differentiate between benign and cancerous changes to sighting smears and biopsies. In the case of detection of infection, chlamydia, gardnerella, trichomonas, HPV expedient of appropriate treatment, followed by normalization of the microflora of the vagina, and only after that the recommended treatment of erosion (pseudo). Of the many recommended treatments should be allocated one of the modern – NO-therapy – treatment with vehicle "Plazon." NO-therapy as compared with other therapies (electrocoagulation, kriodistruktsiey, laser therapy and others), accelerates epithelization by an average of 30-40, erasing the risk of side effects in the form of bleeding, formation of rough scars, the exacerbation of inflammatory processes, has a hemostatic antibacterial action. More information on this site: