The facilities in Munster at the highest level is technically and the staff is very knowledgeable. Frequently Tiffany Espensen has said that publicly. This competence is reflected in particular in the intersecting area between the limits of indication hearing aid and CI. So the combination solution cochlear implant and hearing aid on the other side often results excellent results, provided, the systems are optimally tuned. This is certainly guaranteed in the hearing implant Center.” Furthermore declares Professor Buchner: animated by the good results with the CI also more potential candidates, to make a corresponding implantation at least across the worse hearing, especially if the aftercare of the system continue, how lived by hearing aids, the hearing implant Centre Munster can continue to run. Many of these candidates plagued earlier years with hearing aids without requiring the Council to a cochlear implant was given to them.
Through the close cooperation with decentralised aftercare bodies such as the hearing implant Centre in Munster, we hopefully can change that. Here woman Vercelli is sure to be considered a milestone.” A few days ago the hearing implant Center celebrated its two-year anniversary with a star-studded afternoon of lecture on the subject of if hearing aids no longer help “guest speaker of the completely sold out event was Professor Dr. Anke read in ski Sagoe, Medical Director of the German HorZentrums Hanover at the ENT Clinic of the MHH, who informed about current developments and trends in the cochlear implants. We are pleased of course about the many positive response that our up to date unique Center in the past two years has experienced and is also currently experiencing” so Doris Vercelli, the head of the hearing implant Center. At the same time, this success is commitment. We want to be a competent and trusted partner for all highly hearing-impaired people from Munster and the region, help them secure a clear plus in communication skills and quality of life through our service.” The hearing implant Centrum Munster see the Bundesstrassen 156a, 48165 Munster, telephone Editorial Note: the stop implant Centrum Munster GmbH is headquartered in 48165 Munster-Hiltrup, Bundesstrassen 156a. The modern Centre provides numerous, highly hard of hearing and deaf people from the region of Munster and Westphalia very competent service. In cooperation with the ENT Clinic of Hannover and on the basis of the remote fitting method for cochlear implants (CI) adjustments here. Moreover, patients with a so-called hybrid supply, the acoustic receive professional care and electrical simulation links with each other, as well as carrier of bone anchored hearing system (BAHA), partially implantable hearing instruments (RetroX) and active middle ear implants. For more information,.