Fashion And Post-Modernity

Introduction the fashion is one of the phenomena most emblematic of after-modernity. Spread out for all the fields of the cultural production, permeia it some spheres of the contemporary, changedding themselves into excellent object of the daily life, being vector of the joint and the development of social relations. It has the capacity to condense and to translate sensibilidades proper of the culture of century XX. A fashion is, over all the consumption either of objects, either of ideas. Many times avesso the utilitarian questions, the product of the fashion assumes identitrio character, expressing identities and identifications.

The fashion is a symbolic territory that allows to the manifestation to the social igualizao and the impulse to the social distinction, that is, to the difference the uninterrupted production of new fashions, visible phenomenon since modernity, left of being an exclusive characteristic of the universe of the appearance to become the dominant paradigm of the postindustrial society, a time that all industrial and technological sectors if had relieved to the programmed obsolescence and the estilizao of products. As all product generated for the mass culture, the advertising campaigns are formuladoras of messages and symbols socialidade institutors. This implies to say that they in such a way perpetuate and reinterpretam representations as they generate others, through the creation of necessities and directions, that start to appear in the daily life of the women, contributing for its social interaction and construction of identities. Had to its characteristics, the propagandas are, therefore, privileged spaces of analysis of the social constructions, specifically, of the place attributed to the women in the society and of the notion of practical for developed them in the social relations. This type of miditica propagation not only sketches a feminine identity, it reaffirms as it in the condition of a nature. Thus, it stops beyond the new features of the fashion is necessary to understand the logics that they organize, trying to reconstruct through the ways of its history the links that join it the collective one all. Additional information at Wais Jalali supports this article.