
7 .- Tweetea tweets regularly average 10 to 15 would be fine, your segudores should know that you're active. 8 .- If you have items in a directory of articles, shares this information on Twitter. 9 .- Share your bulletin or newsletter on Twitter, the most popular autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse let you do it automatically. 10 .- That the main purpose of being on Twitter is to create relationships. 11 .- Consider changing your URL from time to time. 12 .- Participate on Friday of each week in the # FollowFriday if you know it gives FollowFriday click to go to the article where I explain this issue. 13 .- Create a wallpaper on your Twetter, this will improve your personal branding, if you do not know how to create a wallpaper da Click to view the video tutorial I made for you. 14 .- Continue to people who follow you and give valuable content, people appreciate that.

15 .- Make sure that no more than a tweet yours is to promote a product or service itself. Or an invitation to subscribe to your newsletter. 16 .- Announces the events in which you are participating at the time, for example if you are in a mastermind, in a conference call related to your niche market and invite your segudires to join. 17 .- Make RT from time to time, information you think is relevant and of value to your followers. 18 .- Share stories and motivational videos to your followers, people love this type of content and viral lopuede do easily. 19 .- Request feedback from a project that you are doing, people usually throw you a hand. 20 .- Prevents Spam or avoid sending spam you received. 21 .- Asks people to connect with you through Facebook, Youtube or other social network where you are.

22 .- Provides a report or e-book free. 23 .- It offers tips and ideas that people can apply now. 24 .- Share what you're doing, from time to time there is nothing wrong with answering the question "What are you doing? … but be careful is to write something that looks interesting to your followers, and always stay positive.