The result of this influence can be both positive and negative. Examples illustrating the above are well known since ancient times: the healing properties of baptismal water, the coding operation privorotnogo potions, etc. Moreover, the individual forces hereditary mechanism of information-structural renovation of the water consumed and depends strongly on the degree of influence of the "vodoinformatsii" on the state of the cells of the body. Note that the efficiency of the innate mechanism vodoinformatsionnogo cleanse affected by many factors: age, illness, fatigue, intoxication, etc. Therefore, the strength of our "water immunity," as well as various properties of water consumed varies quite widely. It is clear that their combination will be different and the response of the human body, our physical and mental well-being.
This explains many of the phenomena of non-traditional vodoterapii, both positive and neutral-negative results of its application. Explained above, though useful properties of a key and well water, water from mountain streams and sacred springs. Water in They usually have a rational chemical composition and concentration of information, primarily negative, as a rule, very small. Therefore, our body spends on individual restructuring of pure natural water relatively few subtle energy necessary for him to parry the other negative information effects. Thus, by determining energy expenditure, within us, the transformation of the structure water consumption, its as if the information rejuvenation. In other words, we have the unique ability to return the water you drink its pristine juvenile? structure, which is essential for the proper gidrofunktsionirovaniya cells in our body.