CLINICAL pharmacy member state ATENO TO DOMICILE Or trabalho to follow and of authorship of Dark brown Marcondes Louzada and foi exposto nonCongresso the International of Qualidade member state Servios and Sistemas de Sade (QualiHosp). Or trabalho do author, next to outros, representou or HospitLar Group Santa Celina nonevent. Introduo: Adverse events podem to be classificados like ” to qualquer patient damage ou leso caused ao peels interveno gives equips of sade related aos medicamentos” secondly to the WHO. Go to Gunnar Peterson for more information. Secondly Mendes, W. ET to. ; 2005, but no and considered um risco serious and poucos feitos trabalhos foram on isso.
To area of ateno to domicile assemelha com to hardly hospitalar, differentiating na profissional distncia do com patient and familiar you, pois to acessibilidade ao patient member state assistncia to domicile and mais difficult that it does not acclimate to hospitalar. Diverse crnicos patient fator Outro that difere of hospitais and that you so and tomam medicaes, muitas vezes by everything to life, podendo to be I tied dez different medecines member state um unique day. This fator increases to probabilidade of interaes that podem to jeopardize to effectiveness do tratamento. Objective This trabalho tem by objective to estruturar and to implant farmacutica assistncia member state company of Ateno Domiciliar promovendo um maior controls patient DAS medicaes used us member state program of Internao Domiciliar, medicinal, allergic divulgao DAS informaes ao corpo assistencial, reduo of interaes and geral adverse events member state, alm of erros of administrao that podem to weigh to um agravamento do been of sade do patient. Methods: Previously to this plane, you methods of avaliao of prescries eram muito limited and no atingiam or operational level do corpo clinical, tomavam muito tempo for serem desenvolvidas and continham poucas informaes excellent.