The importance of the consultation is in the fact of if characterizing as a set of developed actions in systematic, dynamic, private and independent way, expressing a visible possibility of knowing and making of the nurse, who has as central focus the care of the human being, with its singularity (TASCA, 2006). The consultation appeared in the profession as efficient strategy for precocious detention of health shunting lines and to follow and to give pursuing to the instituted measures to well-being of the involved people (PINK et al., 2007). It is an independent activity, carried through for the nurse, whose objective propitiates conditions for improvement of the quality of life by means of a contextualizada and participativa boarding. Beyond the ability technique, the professional nurse must demonstrate interest for the human being and its way of life, from the reflexiva conscience of its relations with the individual, the family and the community (AXE, PIG, HOLLAND, 2005). Blacksmith (2006) standes out despite the relation established in the meeting between that the customer takes care of and is mediated by a intersubjetivo space that allows the communication and leads the interaction between them. This meeting implies, also, in construction of knowledge from a system of differences and in a commitment it enters the citizens to understand such differences.
To know them, the affection and the passions are imbricam enter itself permeando this relation. 4 Communication as instrument of the care the extreme attention given to the verbal communication makes with that let us be deeply uninformed regarding the not-verbal language and of the importance that it has in our relationships, they are personal or professional (ARAJO, HISSES, PUGGINA, 2007, P. 425). During the performance of its functions, the nurse establishes communication with the patients in diverse situations during its hospitalization, in which it involves people of regions, beliefs, values, attitudes and standards of different behaviors. These factors have a direct relation with the way of being of each person, being able to modify its to feel, to think and to act (ESTEFANELLI, OAK 2005). The nurses do not have to forget in daily practical its, that the necessary verbal communication to be associated with the not-verbal communication so that effectiveness in the communication acts (OLIVEIRA et al, 2005). Santos and Shiratori (2008) when studying on ' ' Not-verbal communication: Importance in the care of enfermagem' ' they referenciam that, the deficiency in the understanding of the not-verbal communication on the part of the nursing is in mome