Impact of Colors

For example, go to a business meeting, wearing bright clothes caller would not be very good idea. Initially, this type will generate interest in your colleagues or partners, and later, this interest turn into anger and aggression. Generally, all the angular shape of clothing, such as triangular incision or deep cleavage, may act on the surrounding otvlekayusche. Influence of colors on our reality incorrectly underestimated. Each shade is behaving differently, some colors absorb light, some of it reflects.

And it is no secret that colors have an impact on the person. Yet, as life Very strong influence have pure colors of the spectrum. For example Green (natural color) – improves health, nerve system, and generally sets organism into a harmonious work. Orange (the active color) – helps to lift mood, lift depression. However, as the color of a bright and active, can be tiring.

The yellow color of the most joyful, optimistic – relieves stress, raises the spirit. Violet color of creativity. Red, of course, the color of passion and love. Depending on the saturation and hue can be tiring. Cold blue tint – soothes, relaxes, however, together with the overwhelming. Blue tint of serenity, purity, peace. Change the colors around you depending on your own feelings and their desires. For a better focused approach deep thick tone, such kind of like green, blue, slightly red-ruby. These colors also help to achieve great comfort and convenience. Experiment with colors, observe, and practice. Batik Gallery will help you select the colors on own taste.


I love themselves and, therefore, take care of your body. I fed him healthy food. I lovingly take care of him and dressed him, and my body pays me for the care excellent health and vigor. I love myself, so I create a house in which to live comfortably, the house that meets my needs, which remain a pleasure. The whole atmosphere in the house permeated with love.

Everyone who comes to me, feels it and feeds it. I love myself, and as a consequence, I do a job that brings me real joy. I fully spread on the job, working with and for people using all their creative potential, and the surrounding meet my love. I earn well. I love myself and therefore I think and treat all people with love, as I know: all that I give will come back to me a hundredfold. I admit in my world just loving people, because I know that they are like two peas in a pod like me.

I love myself and as a consequence, say goodbye to your past and get rid of him. I'm free. I love myself and as a consequence, I live only the present, taking each moment as a blessing. I know that ahead of me waiting for a bright and happy future, it will not let me, because I – particle of the universe, which is lovingly cared for me today and will take care of tomorrow. And it's true. I trust the flow of life evolving in accordance with the divine order.

Getting Rid of Mosquitoes

With the onset of the spring-summer season, thousands of truckers in a hurry on their garden plots, hoping to enjoy the sunshine, clean water, green forests, work in the fresh air, scents kebabs. However, this idyll often disturbed by the presence next to us uninvited guests – flies, mosquitoes, moles, mice and other small able to ruffle even the most patient man. And if the monotone hum of small bloodsuckers can be eliminated with the help of fire and smoke, what to do when the birds spoil the carefully cultivated our fruit, and moles to search through the area so that it becomes like a battlefield? Scarecrow is not able to help as birds do not react to them, and use the poison – a more expensive. The best way out would be ultrasonic repellents that are applied to effectively fight against moles, rats, mice, cockroaches and other insects. Most important that these repellents do not create electromagnetic interference, and no adverse effects on human health. In the woods will help you cope with flying repellents of mosquitoes and other insects as a remote control – such repellents are often as personal siren and flashlight in one superminiatyurnom device and combine several functions.

Using this trinket you will not only scare away mosquitoes, and mosquitoes on distance of 1-2 meters, but also use the device for personal safety. If you are running close to the vicious dog, then you can protect yourself and your family from bites by using repellents dogs. Such repellents keeps a dog at a safe distance, using the radiation in the direction of the dog ultrasonic waves, and the outbreak of super-bright LEDs. Ultrasound can not hear the person, and therefore not dangerous to their health. Dog deterrent may work as a lantern, and some of them even have the function of dog training for remembering her voice commands or sign owner. We hope that the ultrasonic repellents can help you get rid of uninvited guests to the infield, and each trip to the infield will be unforgettable.

A Simple Way To Throw Money Down The Drain, Helping Your Health

How do I choose products for your health. I think that by reading this article, you agree that some things are not what may seem at first glance. Here are some criteria by which I compared: price, quantity, number of active substance in a unit of measurement of literacy production, quality certificates. Most people when choosing products take into consideration only 1.2 points from the list. Very often only interested in cost and this basis, make their choice. As compared patented mix and will be nearly impossible, I looked at the example of calcium. Body in the middle need 1000mg of calcium daily.

Most often we not receive substantial part of it. Calcium deficiency can cause the development of some of the more than 150 diseases caused by its deficiency in the body for a long time. Thus, two cans of calcium from different manufacturers 900 rubles. and 120 rub. The first is a Calcium Magnesium Chelate nsp and the second any cheap pharmacy ionic calcium. At first glance, the choice is obvious. We take the one that is cheaper and the question is closed.

Along the way, you can accuse the company of overstating nsp 7 times prices. Yet not we jump to conclusions, and analyze the list above. 1. This criterion is the price we have already evaluated. What did we pay? On this later. 2. the number and here we see that a competitor for a suggested price 60 tablets (sometimes less, and with such price), while the nsp 200! 3. quantity of active material per unit of measurement 250mg each. Or if it is 30 tablets or lower quality, then the calcium may be cheap 500mg. Terms of roughly equal in this particular paragraph. 4. Literacy Production One of the things that I attribute to the production of literacy – the degree of digestibility. For the successful metabolism of calcium needed magnesium. Magnesium is much more expensive than calcium, so the content of this mineral price depends to a large extent. How much magnesium in one pill? Calcium Magnesium Chelate (NSP): 125mg (the ratio of calcium to 1 / 2) Cheap Calcium: 30 mg (ratio of approximately 1 / 7) Of course, literacy is not the end of this production. Calcium Magnesium Chelate (NSP) – Cheap chelate form of calcium – the ionic form of calcium ion, getting in the gastrointestinal tract, reacts and turns into a calcium phosphate mineral trudnousvaivaemy. An adult man with his digestibility typically 5%. Chelate forms a strong link of the mineral with an amino acid. With this he easily passes through all the biochemical barriers. Metabolism of this form of calcium is many times higher. 5. Quality Certificates Calcium Magnesium Chelate (NSP) Here the undisputed leader. The highest demands of the international gmp standard against the minimum requirements for the production of cheap calcium. Now you can calculate how much to pay miserly. I can safely say that this will be considerably more than twice.

Yoga – Health, Strength, Beauty .

Yoga – a great method of maintaining soego body and spirit in good shape. Yoga exercises (asanas kompeleksy) are included in the program many fitness clubs. However, beginners yoga face the fact that most of the asanas are not obtained from the first or even the second time. We would like to give some tips that can help you work on yourself. Yoga This mysterious word fascinate and frighten. And those who do yoga seem to us almost demigods.

Easy, smart and calm. It seems that it is impossible to achieve the same result. Yoga, asanas? Is it possible to emerge as halves, really here these tied in a knot and then his legs will go? They still smile in the such a position? Believe me, everything is possible. Yoga can not stand the theory and bustle, so start practice. Like any well thought-out system, yoga begins with simple things. It does not matter – if you have a physical training or not. The main thing – it's your desire to become more healthy, to find impenetrable calmness and composure, to feel the fullness of life.

Beginners are often faced with the fact that many of the postures and breathing practices seem to be complicated or even impossible. A person who has not everything feels out of place, suggesting that some yoga exercises simply are not available, but something altogether seems unreal. Interest in yoga is reduced, the person omits hands, and sometimes even stops training. And he does it for nothing. We would like to give some tips for beginners that can help in the early stages of development of the ancient science of man – yoga.

Health Benefits of Water

Water, which has its own memory (as proved by scientists), acquires in this way a large supply of information, which is very beneficial effect on the general medical background fluid. In general, thermal springs Belokuriha have a complex effect on rights. Along with the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, the adoption of thermal baths, improves the condition of the nervous and endocrine systems of the body, stabilizes overall hormones, naturally strengthens the capillary blood flow and lymphatic flow, thereby triggering the immune mechanisms. Unique anti-inflammatory properties of local term – a real gift to travelers with chronic diseases may be difficult microcirculation organismic liquids (infectious arthritis, traumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis deformans, osteochondrosis), also lend themselves to the spa treatment. With extremely common Today thyroid diseases, diabetes and other disorders of the endocrine system, the application of thermal sources also gives a significant positive effect. Adoption of water treatment in such patients recommended in the autumn-winter period, when direct sunlight is reduced to a minimum. Thermal properties of warm keys used in the treatment of functional disorders of the central nervous system, leading to a variety of diseases such as neurosis, neurosis, vegetative dystonia (VVD), hypertension, coronary heart disease, early atherosclerosis, etc.

Combining all treatment factors that has a resort , can eliminate the root cause of most diseases. Thereby increasing the overall effectiveness of rehabilitation programs. Mud mud treatment – one of the health practices came to us from antiquity. Egyptians used for medicinal purposes silt mud of the sacred Nile.

Healthy Russia

And then – washed down with two glasses (milk fermented lactic acid bacillus), and – still alive From this it follows that these lactobacilli to be done for society today available. After a hundred years we have revived the production of these bacteria to the public, because Prevention requires everyone, starting from the words of the Russian genius – Mechnikov (1908). " As soon as the child taken away from the breast should begin to give him lactobacilli for rich quality of life and longevity." Studies of the effectiveness of the method "Oseyanie" performed by doctors and trainers for Contemporary Mechnikovskogo Movement for the 10-years. According to the results held in Moscow a round table. Results were recorded by leading Russian microbiologists and the Bureau Ltd. "For the Healthy Russia.

The proposed product of lactic acid bacteria, made on the recommendation of Metchnikoff, the extract of cereals in improving techniques "OSEYANIE" will help solve the described above problem. The mechanism of action technique is simple – to accept the proposed starter, "Oseyanie" restore personal microbial flora of man. It remains to teach a man to realize his state of conscious thought and control it during the day. This behavior, which reproduce and enhance the protective and not pathogenic, some microorganisms of man. Degrading bacteria "OSEYANIE" that is not a pharmaceutical product. And maybe used in the general population. Safety is confirmed by a resolution to institute the use of power M rf. Conducted extensive testing of over 10 years.

Good Shoes

Winters are now wrong. And time is not something science has reached unprecedented heights, and the industry, thanks to science, gives us the shoes lightweight, flexible and very thin, though – warm. The new shoes are very high “breath-ability” and stretch-ability properties. How to choose a winter shoes? Dramatic figures – 98% of all children are born with healthy feet. At the same while two-thirds of adults suffer from various deformities of toes or whole foot. The main reason – is too small or too big size shoes, worn in childhood. Podiatrists warn: disease spine, joints, neuralgia, cardio-vascular dystonia arise from wearing the wrong shoes. With the present choice is easy enough to choose good shoes for every budget. Many ask, why buy a child boots for 2-3 thousand for one season. The fact that cheap shoes are rarely carried out by all the rules making good shoes for children. It is very important, as when walking distribute the load on the muscles. On this depends the development of an organism as a whole. Foot – an important part of the body on it is impossible to save. Three important factors: the length and completeness of the foot, length. Put baby’s legs on a sheet of paper and gently circle. Measure centimeter length of the foot: from the bottom up serving forefoot. Take this picture from the store and return it to the consultant, even if the child is with you. Completeness. Many firms produce shoes for three complete: wide, medium and narrow.

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