Therefore as it describes Rodrigues, et al (2009) so that it has thermal comfort attributed to the internal environment, has that to consider the adequacy of the project of the installation in terms of used materials, orientaes when to the sun, local topography, capacity of lodging of animals, among others consideraes. Sanitary handling healthy Birds, installed in a just-constructed place, rare present sanitary problems. The best option for a control of illnesses is the system that discards all the birds at the same time, effecting, after that, the cleanness and rigorous disinfection of the aviary. The repovoao alone must be made after the sanitary emptiness, that is represented by an interval of 15 days where the shed is empty, until the arrival of new birds (VIEIRA, 2010). The pathogenic illnesses are transmitted by means of virus and bacteria. The main illnesses that occur in the region Half-North of Brazil are the infectious Bronchitis, Newcastle, Gumboro and aviria Varola (Bouba).
Beyond the cleanness of the equipment and installations, also a vaccine covering must be established, beyond the antibiotic use. . Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Cindy Crawford by clicking through.