Sleep should come naturally! A night’s sleep regular and peaceful is a useful indicator of the physical and emotional health. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Cindy Crawford and gain more knowledge.. Being more sensitive than adults, it often happens that children develop anxiety at the time of going to bed at night and discipline can affect the ability of a child to have a peaceful sleep at night. Changes apparently small (from home or still teething) can be difficult for children and cause discomfort at night. The struggles of time lying down at night can cause much frustration for the children and their parents and may even give rise to difficulties if the problem is not treated. If you find that you have to fight to put your child to sleep at night, it is important that you do something about it. Useful tips for peaceful nights: * establish a firm time routine at night that happens at the same time every night. This could involve dinner, bath, put on the Pajamas, reading a story in bed, praying and turn the light off.
This will help to provide security and to send messages to the brain of your child of bedtime is approaching * avoid stimulating activities before bedtime, scary or exciting programs of the TV, computer games or vigorous mental activities * stimulants such as coffee should be avoided always, but especially at night. Other stimulants include sugar, soda, tea (except herbal teas) and candies. R use a dim light at night for children who are scared of the dark. * Seek help from a licensed psychologist or counselor for children, if the difficulties at the time of sleep require disciplinary action * gentle exercise with natural remedies effective for promoting healthy sleep patterns at night there are < a rel = nofollow onclick = javascript:_gaq. push(“_trackPageview”, “/outgoing/article_exit_link”); href = > natural remedies which contain 100% natural herbal ingredients and they can be used safely by all children and babies over the age of 6 months and it is gentle and non-addictive.