Stretch marks – scars on the skin that appear at the site of the connective tissue due to overdistension of the skin and hormonal changes. By the formation of stretch marks causes damage to the second layer of skin, so called. dermis. Streamers initially manifested in the form of white or purple (red) lines in places stretching of the skin, and then gradually the color is paler and more natural, which makes the less visible stretch marks. The way most people appearance of stretch marks due to weight gain, pregnancy classes and weightlifting.
In addition, often stretching appear at puberty, when growing breast – is one of the "side effects>> Unstable hormonal levels. Most often, this unfortunate cosmetic defect appears on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and breasts. Do athletes who regularly engage in bodybuilding, stretching may appear on the site shoulder and forearm. Note that the stretch – primarily a cosmetic defect, and not a disease, therefore health hazards they pose. How to prevent? Unfortunately, the appearance of stretch marks in teenage girls and pregnant women can not be prevented. Quickly adding or dropping weight may also contribute to the formation of stretch marks, as are accompanied by a loss of skin elasticity. If you anticipate the likelihood of stretch marks, for example, planning to become pregnant, try to use creams or oils containing vitamin E, cocoa butter and lavender. However, we can not guarantee the desired effect – it is only assumption.
Removal and treatment of stretch marks Treatment for Stretch Marks is best to start just when you first notice them. When they change color from reddish to flesh, to get rid of a lot harder. To remove stretch marks often recommend creams and laser treatments. Also, for this purpose are often used chemical peeling, but there is no evidence of the effectiveness of this technique. If the stretch marks creams prevent you from sleeping at night and cause psychological uncomfortable, pay attention to special creams. Any teleshopping offers miracle cream that within a few weeks to rid you of stretch marks but buy it in any case does not need! Most It's soothing, but does not eliminate the stretch marks. However, some creams that can prescribe cosmetician contain tretinoin, facilitate the removal of stretch marks. Before using these creams, Check with your doctor. Creams containing tretinoin, are contraindicated for lactating mothers. Laser treatment Laser treatments are performed by a qualified surgeon, using different types of lasers depending on the color of stretch marks. Laser is one type of stretch makes less visible, muting their colors, while the other removes the subtle stretch. The newest laser treatments stimulate the production of collagen in the body, helps to restore the skin. Despite the fact that the removal of stretch marks – is difficult and often thankless, remember that from this cosmetic defect affects almost all women! Stretch marks are even Kate Moss, not to mention your slender glamorous girlfriends and colleagues. Prevent new stretch marks can help a healthy balanced diet, and Maintaining a normal body weight.