
Plan of Lesson Subject: How we can characterize the new world-wide order? Series: 1 I love? Average education. Time of Lesson: 3 Objective lessons: To understand which they are the main characteristics of the old one and the new world-wide order; to understand the plurality of vises concerning the world after cold war and its consequncias; to constitute and to relate the vision of the place, from practical the space ones of the parents of the pupils and the global one from the vision of the videos and the reproduced one in the didactic book; to construct slight knowledge of new world-wide order. Content: Old world-wide order, new world-wide order, globalization, conflicts, cold war and consequncias of the end of the cold war, bipolar world and multipolar world. Activities: I? The pupils will have to interview the parents questioning on the end of the cold war, the opinion of the parents on the conflict, the consequncias of the end of this conflict and if this conflict impactou of some form in the life of them. II – Systematization of the main ideas of the parents of the pupils in the classroom, reflection on the war notion cold and end of cold war of the pupils and a small sketch on the vision of the book concerning the ticket of the old world-wide order for the new world-wide order, through a comparative picture.

III – Presentation of two clips that portray in different way the ticket of the old order for the new world-wide order, is these: Wind of change (Scorpions) and Welcome you the Jungle (Guns n Roses). IV – Construction of a text on the vision of the pupil concerning the consequncias of the end of the cold war, in one synthesis form, having as base the distinct vises worked in the lesson. V? Debate on the conclusions of the pupils.