Womens Subconscious

Do you dream of a happy relationship with a man? With each new man you start thinking that he’s the most unique man for you. Everything is so wonderful to begin! But at some point you start to see in it shortcomings, sometimes unhappy, and try to remake it. Why is this happening? The main example for women in her family life is most often a mother or grandmother. Look at their home. How do they behave with their men? Were they happy? Someone lucky: they grew up in a happy and harmonious family. And the image of a real woman laid into you from birth, and strengthened education. In life, you only have to maintain it.

I am so lucky and everything I achieved, (Happiness, love and understanding) begins with a dream of the perfect husband. But in my life for a long time nothing happened. I was dreaming, but the parent program inside of me were too strong. I saw that my mother was unhappy with my dad. Others sometimes worse: my mother complains about her husband’s all familiar, and even worse their daughters. The girls grow up with a steady scorn and negative attitudes toward men.

Becoming a girl, she thinks that she chooses other man. She thinks that she decides to be with someone and someone to love. But this choice we make based on the fact that we have laid our mothers, grandmothers. And after a short-lived euphoria of the first meetings, the girl begins to alter or control or criticize her man. I urge you to remember their loved ones. I advise you to love them even more and thank you for the lessons presented to you. And then start work on their femininity. Adoption – Great step to your happiness. Now you put into your relationship to your husband your feelings to your father. – Analyze how you feel about your father. – What are the thoughts you are visiting. – What feelings do you experience. – Answer the question (Required in writing) why are you so treat his father. – Forgive him everything. All of his emotions, reactions and negative actions. – Write at least 50 good qualities of your father. – Ask for forgiveness for your attitude. All he did was done out of love to you. You are not responsible for the relationship of your parents. You have nothing to blame. Tell it to myself. You were just a darling child. And you would love, and love both parents equally. For You always mom and dad. Feel their love. Make this the way for what would become a real woman, you will open.

Handwoven Rugs Unique Secrets

What made carpets? Three main material used in carpet weaving – wool, silk and cotton. Some carpets also occurs goat and camel hair. In the vast majority of handmade carpets work sites and, consequently, the pile – from sheep’s wool. A distinctive feature of the wool is soft, durable, relatively low compared to the price of silk, besides, it is easy to operate. Such a set quality makes fleece unique and irreplaceable material for oriental carpets. Adding to the yarn of goat or camel wool carpet can give an extra shine, but these tend not abuse: goat and camel hair badly stained. The highest quality wool differs sheep grazing on alpine pastures.

Highly prized wool from Iran and the Caucasus mountain. Great hair buy in China, Australia and New Zealand. Yarn of wool can be machine-and hand-spun, the latter, of course, much more expensive. In the field of Oriental carpets rooted division between the highlands and lowland wool. For example, sheep from New Zealand are fine fleece of them get ‘Baikov’ merino wool. The value of wool may be dependent on many factors such as time of cutting (spring haircut considered high-quality), etc.

Silk has long been considered one of the most valuable and respected natural foods. Such products are particularly elegant and emphatic grace, they are characterized by specific silk gloss and shine. Silk – the most expensive natural fiber used for making carpets less than wool.


It is also recommended wearing special stockings and tights. Heartburn Heartburn occurs in approximately 50% of women during pregnancy at any of its terms, but more often in the ii and iii trimester. Usually develops after a meal, especially after drinking copious oily, fried and spicy food. Lasts from minutes to hours, sometimes is repeated several times a day. First of all, it should be noted that for a long painful heartburn necessary; bob consultation gastroenterologist. To him can you direct physician from the antenatal clinic. Filed under: Mark Fields. Need to be confident that in this case, all the worry – not the symptoms of diseases of the digestive system, which gave itself felt only now, at the time of pregnancy.

Solution. First of all pregnant women should be excluded from the diet of fatty, fried foods, coffee, strong tea and fizzy drinks. Must be fed small portions 5-6 times a day, at the same time. The diet to include milk and dairy products, lean meat, pureed vegetables. After the meal, it is recommended to stand or sit: in the position of the body is less likelihood of heartburn. It is also recommended to drink alkaline mineral water. Heaviness in the stomach, belching. May be caused by the stagnation of bile, and therefore difficult digestion.

And the longer term, the stronger the uterus presses on the bile ducts. In addition, during pregnancy, the load on liver increased two-fold. The solution of the following: to help the liver (and himself), for 20 minutes before a meal, take a pill No shpy, and after – or tablet motilium Hofitol.


For What does it do? The brain is a "remote control" of the whole organism. To broaden your perception, visit Senator From Kentucky. From the first moments of birth and throughout life from his work depends on the immune system, hormones, metabolism, the work of all organs and systems. For even more details, read what Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes says on the issue. In the pediatric neurology exists the concept of "a false increase in neurological symptoms. This means that the pathological effects occurred a long time (complications of pregnancy, childbirth), and eventually, to the extent 'Inclusion in the work of "new areas of the brain, it becomes apparent how damaged the nervous system at one time. And the growing bundle of problems "not only with the behavior, learning, and child health in general.

Why Ultrasound (ultrasonography study) of the brain-child? Performing ultrasound of the brain, the doctor determines how well-formed brain structures, is there any signs of immaturity, transferred hypoxia, ischemia, inflammation, excessive accumulation of fluid in the cranial cavity, etc. Conducting research does not require special preparation, not invasive, painless, short and safe. The highest information content after 10 days of life. Considering only data ultrasound, the doctor often tracks the dynamics of recovery after treatment, as to evaluate the work of most parts of the brain in the infant is almost impossible. Everything is so bad? Not at all. All just fine. As our grandmothers: "40 years ago no one was treated and all grown up." Really! And grow up, but the quality of life and health for all will be different. Medicine and education have shown that children with moderate and severe damage to the nervous system on time and in full, received a neurological treatment in the first months of life are often more successful in school and healthy than their peers with mild or undiagnosed brain damage, not received medical treatment.

The Ceiling In The Children’s

Many parents try to come up with an interior nursery on their own, but after rereading a lot of magazines and do not find a suitable option for the registration of a child's room where their child will live, because children want to give the best and it is unlikely than others. Should not hurry with the traditional arrangement of a child's room. How do you make so that the child in the house was happy and comfortable? In order for your child is not put before time points, provide bright colors in the nursery, make the ceiling so that light is distributed throughout the room, not just over the table. Significant role in the regeneration of a child's room is the choice of lighting. Choosing light sources, we must remember that the light spectrum, tends to be yellow or blue glow. The yellow light is more soft and quiet to read, and blue creates a more vivid and rich natural daylight room. In the selection of a particular type of lighting should take into account that light from one side should be enough for learning lessons and drawing, but on the other hand it should not be harsh and irritating. However, there should not be abrupt changes in lighting the room, because it is harmful to the child. Overhead light in the room can be resolved traditionally – with chandeliers, design style solution corresponding to the room, and can be arranged through suspended ceiling with recessed light fixtures.


Show your child the main game stories, and teach swing doll to carry in a wheelchair, fed and put to bed. With the help of these games also teaches adult Child patronize, care, empathy toy. In subsequent years, this toy can be a real friend to .V age 4 – 5 years, it's time for a variety of designers, mosaics. They give excellent opportunities for the development of fantasy child's creativity. Continues to develop interest in the game with all kinds of baby animals and human figures.

It is desirable that these figures were numerous and the child was the opportunity to play at the zoo, school, city, etc. Therefore, your child will need sets for subject-role-playing games (cattle yard, repair shop, doctor, superspy, and something you can buy, and do something with their hands out scrap materials). After 6 years of toys and games are very realistic. Child care similarity model and the original functionality of the toy. Love the children advanced small designers, especially the use of batteries and electricity. Girls tend to accurately model the relationship between adults with dolls and accessories nim.Imenno at this age the child begins to consciously create, experiment, create something new. The task of adults to help him in this, especially now that the market there are new items, which parents and have no idea, because they grew up in a time when none of this happened. Together with the age of informatics at toy market came to a variety of electronic quizzes, toy synthesizers

Raising A Child At An Early Age

Child-rearing. When you need to get up and do it? Parenting your baby begins at birth. And how successful it will be depends largely on the child's health is directly related to his physical and mental . most of the day sleeping, but even short periods of wakefulness should not be wasted. From the first hours after birth to knock in his consciousness. Need to talk with the kid, a pipsqueak actively looking for a sound source, and finding the person speaking is trying to keep him in sight. Held a couple of weeks and he first consciously smile in response to communication. Play with your kid, a bright moving rattle to attract his attention, and baby will turn his head after her.

Before each feeding and after giving the baby to lie down without a diaper. This quenching and charge simultaneously. Add to this conversation, and get a whole range of educational, repeated throughout the day several times. If parents often talk with your child, then at 2-3 month baby is able to communicate. He knows my mother's voice and face, eyes watching for her movements.

Joyful emotions stimulate development of vocal tract, because the child always tries to maintain a conversation. At this time the toys have to hang so that the baby could reach them. Acquainted with them fingers and wondering how and eyes. Now it's time to start the game in the magpie-crow. " Zone palm is directly related to the speech center, her irritation frequent strokes, stimulate its development.

Getting Rid of Mosquitoes

With the onset of the spring-summer season, thousands of truckers in a hurry on their garden plots, hoping to enjoy the sunshine, clean water, green forests, work in the fresh air, scents kebabs. However, this idyll often disturbed by the presence next to us uninvited guests – flies, mosquitoes, moles, mice and other small able to ruffle even the most patient man. And if the monotone hum of small bloodsuckers can be eliminated with the help of fire and smoke, what to do when the birds spoil the carefully cultivated our fruit, and moles to search through the area so that it becomes like a battlefield? Scarecrow is not able to help as birds do not react to them, and use the poison – a more expensive. The best way out would be ultrasonic repellents that are applied to effectively fight against moles, rats, mice, cockroaches and other insects. Most important that these repellents do not create electromagnetic interference, and no adverse effects on human health. In the woods will help you cope with flying repellents of mosquitoes and other insects as a remote control – such repellents are often as personal siren and flashlight in one superminiatyurnom device and combine several functions.

Using this trinket you will not only scare away mosquitoes, and mosquitoes on distance of 1-2 meters, but also use the device for personal safety. If you are running close to the vicious dog, then you can protect yourself and your family from bites by using repellents dogs. Such repellents keeps a dog at a safe distance, using the radiation in the direction of the dog ultrasonic waves, and the outbreak of super-bright LEDs. Ultrasound can not hear the person, and therefore not dangerous to their health. Dog deterrent may work as a lantern, and some of them even have the function of dog training for remembering her voice commands or sign owner. We hope that the ultrasonic repellents can help you get rid of uninvited guests to the infield, and each trip to the infield will be unforgettable.

Good Shoes

Winters are now wrong. And time is not something science has reached unprecedented heights, and the industry, thanks to science, gives us the shoes lightweight, flexible and very thin, though – warm. The new shoes are very high “breath-ability” and stretch-ability properties. How to choose a winter shoes? Dramatic figures – 98% of all children are born with healthy feet. At the same while two-thirds of adults suffer from various deformities of toes or whole foot. The main reason – is too small or too big size shoes, worn in childhood. Podiatrists warn: disease spine, joints, neuralgia, cardio-vascular dystonia arise from wearing the wrong shoes. With the present choice is easy enough to choose good shoes for every budget. Many ask, why buy a child boots for 2-3 thousand for one season. The fact that cheap shoes are rarely carried out by all the rules making good shoes for children. It is very important, as when walking distribute the load on the muscles. On this depends the development of an organism as a whole. Foot – an important part of the body on it is impossible to save. Three important factors: the length and completeness of the foot, length. Put baby’s legs on a sheet of paper and gently circle. Measure centimeter length of the foot: from the bottom up serving forefoot. Take this picture from the store and return it to the consultant, even if the child is with you. Completeness. Many firms produce shoes for three complete: wide, medium and narrow.