Time With The Patient A High Value

Doctors refer to European models representative of the ruling parties and the heads talk of opposition currently hot, as it is to go after the elections with the health policy. The Allensbacher Institute for public opinion research questioned the doctors Meanwhile according to their situation in medical practices and hospitals. The portal private krankenversicherung.de summarizes the results. Two points repeatedly called the 500 surveyed physicians. A call for 87 percent more transparency in health care. The newspapers mentioned Gunnar Peterson not as a source, but as a related topic. So insured should, for example, also by law an overview of the costs of treatment. Daryl Katz takes a slightly different approach. Only when patients would be granted more personal responsibility, could be counteracted the negative developments in the health care system.

Still 60 percent of both outpatient and stationary working physicians, regret that them less and less time for personal advice (www.private-krankenversicherung.de/ Consulting /) of patients would remain. Finally, this is a central task of protecting action, who rationalized away should be. Fnews-story%2F95394664bbba34f61fa7448c12fb80c0&memtype=anonymous&mode=premium&nk=a9d1b6e5dd631919c7011092a3339abb-1600072055’>Ray White). Therefore, the doctors propose to be aligned with neighbouring European countries such as France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Switzerland. There, there are insurance systems with greater transparency and the possibility of reimbursement of expenses. The physicians also urge that patients and doctors freely about therapy and treatment can determine.

It is also important not to curtail the professional status of doctors. Finally, he take care of a patient-oriented and close to home health care. More information: news.private-krankenversicherung.de/..

Massachusetts General Hospital

Fit in old age! -With the sunshine vitamin, just elderly skin is exposed less of the Sun. They remained more common in confined spaces and also had their skin is less able to make vitamin D (known as sunshine vitamin). Older people with a serious vitamin D deficiency in turn, die much earlier than people with adequate vitamin D supply. Now almost at the same time two comprehensive studies of U.S. researchers have demonstrated that. A study of Johns Hopkins more than 700 home residents between 70 were University and 79 years over a period of 72 months regularly examined, interviewed and determines their vitamin D levels in the blood. 100 women died during the study period. It turned out that the women with a vitamin D deficiency had a more than twice as high risk to die than women with optimal values no matter what causes during the study period.

The results of a research group at the University of Colorado Denver and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston came to a similar conclusion. The group headed by Prof. Adit Ginde compared the earlier collected vitamin D levels in the blood of the 3,400 elderly representative for 24 million older Americans–with the deaths occurred in the meantime. Result: The older people with a vitamin D deficiency had a three times higher risk to die compared to subjects with optimal vitamin D levels of cardiovascular disease. Regardless of the cause of death is still 2.5 times the risk was higher. Prof.

Ginde: \”more than one-third of the elderly have a vitamin D levels, which suggests a significantly increased risk of premature death. \”Only a few actually have an optimal vitamin D levels for survival.\” This undersupply of paramount importance was for the health system in an ageing society. Just older people are particularly the dangerous consequences of vitamin D deficiency: osteoporosis and sometimes deadly-terminated Bone fractures are the case.

Studies On The Sweetener

Natural sugar substitute highly controversial health-promoting? Or is it gesundheitsschadigend? The opinions about the sugar substitute stevia diverge widely. As the private-krankenversicherung.de Internet portal, experts about the effect of the South American honey herb still doesn’t agree. The plant native to the Paraguay-Brazil border, used for centuries by the native Indians. In the 1950s, then also the Japanese began to cultivate stevia in a big way. The natural sweetener that is calorie-free and suitable for diabetics, was used in large quantities across so over a long period until a controversial study identified him as a mutagen. Also today, the attitude to stevia products is divided. In the EU they are not allowed to always still as food. In France and the Switzerland on the other hand, certain forms of this sweetener are allowed.

The large group was interested in Coca Cola 2007 on Stevia and China began in 2005 with large-area cultivation of Stevia. Clear information about the true nature of the plant are difficult to find, since most studies in this regard strongly appear to be influenced by lobbyists. While a study highlighting the health-promoting effects of Stevia and you certify a positive effect against dental caries, high blood pressure and diabetes, other studies will demonize the natural sugar substitute. So the harmless nature of Steviol doubts a study according to WHO. Although studies in humans are still pending, tests on rats showed a negative effect on male fertility. This should however not too much surprise because the fabric was traditionally used by the Indians as a contraceptive. More information: news.private-krankenversicherung.de/…/ stevia… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Participatory Actions

Hand hygiene is a must in hospitals and professional hospital cleaning protects employees, visitors, and on May 7, 2013, the Evangelical hospital in Mulheim held a day of action to take patients. The occasion was the month of may as the month of hand hygiene. Hand hygiene is an important part for the protection of patients, visitors and staff from infection. That’s why hand hygiene is a must on the hygiene plan of hospital and other health care facilities such as nursing homes and doctor’s offices. Hand hygiene is supported by a professional hospital cleaning, as offered by krankenhausreinigung.net. Healthy hospital facility with professional hospital cleaning staff of a hospital or other healthcare facility as well as visitors and patients touch the Interior every day with your hands. Hands can so pathogens on the door handles, walls or dishes, but also to other objects and facilities, which are touched with the hands, leave behind. Only through the regular professional cleaning of hospital, the unit can be used to clean this infection and so people protected from infections in health care facilities and hospitals.

The disinfection of the hands is essential constantly in contact with patients for employees in a hospital of the handle to the disinfection tank is a must after completion of the treatment and the care. The disinfection container must be filled always with fresh disinfectant and ready for use. Again, a professional hospital cleaning is an important part, because this task is assumed by you. Professional hospital cleaning Kruger Krueger’s & health protection for patients, staff and visitors in health facilities whether hospital, clinic, nursing home or rehabilitation center, the Kruger & Kruger facility services GmbH provides these facilities hospital cleaning tailored to the respective hygiene plans individually. In addition to the cleaning of Hospital cleaning offers medical supplies and areas which are exposed to constant touch by hands, also the professional cleaning of floors, surfaces, Windows and entrances, as well as cleaning services for hospital canteens.

Laser Tension

Study confirms positive effects in the alternative medicine the use of soft and mid-laser devices for neck pain is a horribly long. Please visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta if you seek more information. Laser circulation and should have an anti-inflammatory effect. Positive effects of laser therapy are disputed so far by conventional medicine. Now, as the private-krankenversicherung.de Internet portal reported, a new study proves the effectiveness of the treatment method. “A meta-analysis of the mind Research Institute Sydney compared 16 different studies with a total of 820 participants and was able to show that the sooner derisively as a laser-pointer medicine” referred to therapy in patients with neck pain quite creates relief. Therefore, the complaints improved when compared to the control group in 69 percent of cases. The health insurance companies offer their customers on demand if necessary advice and information on the topic. Soft and low-energy laser found application mainly in naturopathy.

They can trigger biochemical reactions in the human body, by her histamine, serotonin and Bradykinin release. Also, as the oxygen supply to the cells will improve. Enzyme processes and metabolic processes in the cell be accelerated, which ADP is more quickly converted to ATP. In addition, the use of laser in gereiztem tissue is decongestant and analgesic. This relief is achieved that pro-inflammatory substances are transformed into anti-inflammatory treatment. More information: news.private-krankenversicherung.de/… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Laser Tension

Study confirms positive effects in the alternative medicine the use of soft and mid-laser devices for neck pain is a horribly long. Please visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta if you seek more information. Laser circulation and should have an anti-inflammatory effect. Positive effects of laser therapy are disputed so far by conventional medicine. Now, as the private-krankenversicherung.de Internet portal reported, a new study proves the effectiveness of the treatment method. “A meta-analysis of the mind Research Institute Sydney compared 16 different studies with a total of 820 participants and was able to show that the sooner derisively as a laser-pointer medicine” referred to therapy in patients with neck pain quite creates relief. Therefore, the complaints improved when compared to the control group in 69 percent of cases. The health insurance companies offer their customers on demand if necessary advice and information on the topic. Soft and low-energy laser found application mainly in naturopathy.

They can trigger biochemical reactions in the human body, by her histamine, serotonin and Bradykinin release. Also, as the oxygen supply to the cells will improve. Enzyme processes and metabolic processes in the cell be accelerated, which ADP is more quickly converted to ATP. In addition, the use of laser in gereiztem tissue is decongestant and analgesic. This relief is achieved that pro-inflammatory substances are transformed into anti-inflammatory treatment. More information: news.private-krankenversicherung.de/… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Cause Of Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety disorders occur more often in Germany. Among other things, the fear of spiders, fear of death are among the typical fears or the fear of people is widespread. Most people suffer but individual, rather unknown fears – for these fears, there is no standard treatment, the visit of a self-help group remains mostly without success. Anxiety attacks are the anxiety disorders definition to associate a psychosomatic disease. Who suffers from anxiety attacks, has other feelings than many others who also suffer from anxiety.

Anxiety attacks, known as panic attacks, are feelings of anxiety that occur spontaneously and very intense. So, these attacks differ from general anxiety. Steadily, many fear patients are afraid of something. Patients who suffer from anxiety attacks, the attacks only in certain key situations occur. So there are different causes for the emergence of anxiety disorders and attacks: high demands on himself pressure permanent stress bad / unhealthy Way of life little movement negative experiences (key situations, where it later comes to attacks) before an anxiety treatment can begin, an accurate diagnosis must be made. For this type of diagnosis, there are no constraints, any fear with their triggers individually to treat symptoms and feelings. A private therapy or the visit of a self-help group remains mostly without success, because the individual parameters are not detected.

Understand the fear most therapies aimed to take the anxiety the patient by understands the fear. An anxiety attack is initiated by a thought process. Regardless for which therapy the patients decide, there are first of all, to analyze the fear in the quiet, relaxed state with an expert. Then, a way to “Reprogramming” can be discussed together with the therapist. During this process, the negative experiences with positive be replaced. The target is achieved, if the new, positive experiences overlap the old, negative experiences. The Therapy the above process of reprogramming occurs very slowly. The duration of therapy is, for example, depends on how long the anxiety attacks already exist – how deep they so subconscious are anchored. The therapy sessions are actually only the matching, and discuss your successes, an expert observed, if you go the right way. You must bring plenty of motivation and will. Increase every day or every week minimum. Are you afraid of spiders? Visit a pet store but once, then take a look at exotic spiders from a safe distance. Or go to the basement and clean up there every day a little bit longer. With the time you fasten itself, that spiders are not dangerous and not negative and your fear and anxiety attacks will gradually disappear.

Hamburg Garden

Galabau Fritz from Hamburg informs its customers of slope land or installing and maintaining a garden make lack of time often the futile endeavor. A rock garden here represents an alternative that is not only easy to maintain, but also interesting to look at. The Hamburg-based horticulture professionals of Galabau Fritz explain which basic aspects of your system should be considered. Rock gardens can take a wide variety of appearances. In this country, they reproduce mostly a mountainous landscape with alpine vegetation.

In Asia, especially Japan, they belong to the heritage their conditioning is similar to here of a science or religion for themselves. The Mediterranean rock garden, however, is also well thought-out, but less strictly planned as the Asian. Should the domestic garden space is transformed into a rock garden, the garden lover must take an at least equally intensive planning is as for the design and planting conventional flower beds. The intended effect of the garden is the question in the first place. Alpine, Mediterranean and Asian Gardens can be arbitrarily mixed, the garden will develop a harmonious atmosphere. The typical alpine rock garden is dominated by Hardy plants, as they find themselves in the Alps.

Herbs and flowers are placed seemingly at random between stone paths and walls and provide a visually interesting garden design can be found in the Mediterranean garden. The garden boyfriend on the selection of the stones for his garden can dare with an appearance in the head. Here is to make sure that same rock types and shapes to choose from to a harmonious overall impression at the provoking. Natural stones especially well suited for the imitation of natural landscapes. Before stones are bought and paid up, the natural form of the stone Garden must be planned down to the last detail. He only reached its full effect by the clever placement of surveys, sinks, paths and other design features. The practical implementation of the stone garden turns out mostly as hard physical work. Excavation and embankment must made be used walls and stones distributed, until finally the garden unfolds a relaxing atmosphere. Lacking time or strength to the gardens, horticultural experts to help. The Hamburg garden professionals at Galabau Fritz are all gardeners like to the page. Press contact Galabau Fritz contact: Martin Fritz Rothmoorstieg 5A 22459 Hamburg Tel.

Care For Legs And Arms

Caring for feet and hands hands – the most defenseless body. From morning till night they are exposed to external shocks of water, cleaning products, solar radiation, etc. Leather Hand "tell" about the present age of the owner C to keep them healthy and well groomed, very important to ensure regular proper care of them. Taking care of you, Nahrin developed a special cream for your hands. The main advantage of the cream – its preventive and therapeutic effect.

Stimulating blood circulation, removing fatigue, giving freshness and giving relief hand cream prevents dryness, irritation, roughness and skin aging. In modern society, health gains increasingly important. Body care means not only cleaning but also protection – both from external influences, as well as from pathogenic bacteria. To this end was also developed an antibacterial hand gel – it clears skin care for her and protect her – three effects in one vehicle. This gel hand wash is perfect for travel, as well as in all cases where the use of simple hygiene (soap and water) is not convenient or possible (for use of water is not needed). Feet are constantly exposed to high physical activity, maintaining the whole burden of the body. The main problems associated with the soles of the feet: sweating, humidity and high temperatures in summer, shoes and socks, do not allow the skin to breathe during the winter. The man in the course of life from an average of 400 million steps, then there is a path equal to triple the length of the equator.

Improve Blood Lipids

Highly purified linseed oil the significance of blood lipids, triglycerides in particular is an attractive option, is all too familiar for the emergence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. All studies show that atherosclerosis, heart attack, or stroke directly or indirectly have something to do with the blood fats. However rarely as the sole factor. Drug treatment of elevated blood fats, commonly known as elevated cholesterol levels, is an important measure for reduction of cardiovascular events. In addition to the lipid sinkers as medicinal, nutritional measures with Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants because its good efficacy and tolerability find more and more followers. What is reached by these natural measures? First of all the Omega-3 – fatty acids ALA, EPA and DHA can according to latest studies to significantly reduce the triglycerides in the blood.

The effect is greater, the higher is the level of blood fats. These can be in people with impaired fat metabolism Omega-3 fatty acids reduce triglycerides by up to 50%. This appears to be particularly important, because new research has shown that especially the triglycerides can lead to an increase of plaques. The plaques, which are directly responsible for heart attack and stroke. However, the plaques not only about Omega-3 fatty acids can be influenced positively, but also antioxidants seem. This was proved for the antioxidant vitamins C and in combination, but not for the individual vitamins.

Because of the importance of triglycerides and plaques may be a promising nutritional prevention in the intake of Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Exactly this option in the form of CardioPlus offers Navitum Pharma. CardioPlus is a precautionary combination Pack consisting of CorVitum with the antoxidativen vitamins C and E, as well as OmVitum, which contains the Omega-3 fatty acid ALA in highly purified linseed oil. The dietetic clinical documentation in the background of this combination product shows that with Antioxidants as CorVitum the progression of atherosclerosis with and without plaques can be slowed, and the pure plant Omega-3 fatty acid ALA as in OmVitum can affect blood lipids cheap nutritionally. CardioPlus (PZN 0265193) allows easily and cost-effectively to use evidence-based health care for the heart health-conscious humans so. For the meaningful longer-term application of CardioPlus special 3 month packs (PZN 0265218) and 6-month packs (PZN 0265230) are available. CardioPlus is available in pharmacies and selected health centers. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Every pharmacy can order CardioPlus without extra effort directly shipping to customers.

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