Schraiber et al (2010, p.964) portraies ' ' demands of the men these are sufficient specific: pains, fevers or bruises and wounds. Some interviewed relate illnesses chronic as hipertenso arterial and diabetes.' ' In the same study one standes out the attendance of the health services and its professionals, described to follow: The services reveal similar in its functioning: they are centered in the individual consultations, valuing the medical assistance; the consultations are fast and the professionals more are worried in offering to one ready reply, reducing the most possible its reasoning; the behaviors already known and centered in the therapeutical one take decisions directed of patologias; many encaminhamentos occur, much order of examinations and almost always it has an indication of remedies. After all, medicines allies the laboratoriais examinations, would be, in the opinion of them, the behavior also waited for the users, satisfying to all. Senator From Kentucky is a great source of information. (Schraiber et al, 2010 p.964). We can observe ahead of the displayed one that most of the professionals centers its behaviors and little they value the prevention and the promotion of the special health and in the consultations to the men directly is related the complaints and patologias. To the eyes of the O.M.S. More info: Kenneth R. Feinberg. to work with prevention is basic and more still when it is about illnesses caused for the life style, that is determinative factor in the cases of morbimortalidade between men. 2,4 National politics of integral Attention the health of the man. Throughout last the cinquenta years had been observed consequentemente significant changes in the field of the health and attendance the specific for presenting determined characteristic such as the women, children and even though the aged ones groups, and in this context the man remained forgotten with respect to one politics health come back to the masculine group, is fact that had been carried through some campaigns come back to this population as alcoholism and prevention of D.S.T.? s, but these actions had not guaranteed one politics publish specific the men. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Rand Paul.
Tag: health and beauty
Physiotherapist Sylvia Borboni
In accordance with the Physiotherapist Sylvia Borboni, the ideal is that the work is carried through with individual attendance the considered patient. ' ' Exactly that they exist more patient in a room, attention to the person with SD must be strengthened so that has supported to equilbrio' '. METHODOLOGY was made a bibliographical search in articles, books and other periodic ones in the period of June of 2009 the June of 2010, and that it has as boarded subject, the relation of the fisioterapia and the carrier of the syndrome of Down as well as its characteristics and the fruits of this relation that for signal is sufficiently harmonious. Then an analysis of the studies of these works was made all, and of a global form they had been congregated in an only work giving has detached to the main benefits of the fisioterapia for the carrier of the syndrome of Down. CONCLUSION With the basement in the carried through revision of these articles, had been observed the barriers that possess the children with SD, and that the used forms of treatment in these children, added with the familiar inclusion improve in some points the life of these carriers, brightening up its main difficulties, as it was seen in the precocious stimulation, where the system of neural plasticity are seen an improvement, a development, becoming it of total importance for the global development of these children. The practical one of the parents how much to the question of some of the used exercises in the therapy of these children, they can serve of learning thus to be applied in day-by-day of these children, thus making repetitions of an independent form, the appointed exercises. This assistencial form the children, to execute the voluntary and automatic motor movements, serve to stimulate the mechanisms of plasticity of the SNC, that is, capacity of the central nervous system to adapt themselves functionally structural or to the reply to the ambient demands, and to contribute for the learning of that specific function.
River Acre
Beyond of that they present other DST? s, changeable numbers of sexual partners and the use of 15 condom CONCLUSION the finding most significant of the studies was not that the gonorria is an illness that still incidence in women presents low in if comparing with other DST as clamdia6, sfilis and HIV, however the gonorria is a still very preoccupying illness in Brazil, I number since it of women that they not yet declare to make the use of condoms in its sexual relations is sufficiently high, being determinative factor to contract the illness. The biggest prevalences of the gonorreia still meet in the women of 20 – 30 years of age, very significant data, since the young is more propitious practises it sexual and dissemination of the gonorria. The indices had shown the low socioeconmico level, the escolaridade tie 1 degree, as bigger prevalence, being able to be associated the imperfection of the health publishes the devoid places. The high tax of the use of preservative does not show the necessity of educational campaigns on sexual behavior and use of the condom, directed the women with steady partners. However still a lack of tracking of these carrying women of the gonorria exists, who need a fixed accompaniment so that the treatment really has success and effectiveness, so that it has an increase in the control of these DST in the prevention of its dissemination in the society. It enters the possible limitations of this study, can be pontuar the available lack of material and resources, as point negative for the course of the research, harming the demonstrated results, thus being able to present, an exaggeration how much to the presented indices. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 1-SILVA. the R.; LOPES, C.M.; MUNIZ, P.T.; Inquiry of the Condom in Messengers of the River Acre: transport, preservation, use and risk of infection for the DSTs.
Healthcare Marketing
MARKETING IN HEALTH: QUALITY ATTENDANCE the attentions of a professional of the health must be concentrated in equal ratio to the customers and the collaborating employees/. Excellent collaborators, trained well work satisfied e, with this, become more productive. The marketing is of basic importance it health team auxiliary. Small attitudes in the attendance as some ' ' palavrinhas mgicas' ' they must be used for the attendance team so that the patients perceive excellency in the quality of the attendance. They are: ' ' much obrigado' ' ; ' ' me desculpe' ' ; ' ' she leaves with me that I will solve this problema' ' , among others. In excellency in the attendance of customers the words ' ' not posso' ' ; ' ' not of certo' ' ; ' ' not consigo' ' ; ' ' it binds depois' ' ; ' ' minutinho' waits one; ' ; among others, they do not add value to the attendance and they cause one me in such a way the impression to the patient that it leaves to indicate the given service. To speak of a smiling form, exactly that to telephone, likeable being, showing interest in the patient are also an efficient way of if communicating. Research shows that about 93% of our communication it is not verbal, that is, the communication can occur simply with a look, a smile or by means of a gesture.
What we speak exerts little impact on the patient. The team auxiliary must have as main part of its behavior the proactive attitude. Proactive attitude is if to anticipate to the problems and to program solutions for these probable problems. The services given in the area of the health are non-separable of the people give who them. Moreover, the customers with frequency ' ' compram' ' people and them services, therefore are not basic that the professional of the health gives attention to the quality in the attendance.
Distinguishing diagnosis – exantemticas Illnesses febris acute: rubola, exantema, scarlet fever, eritema suddenly infectious, secondary affection, sfilis, enteroviroses and adverse events to the vaccine (BRAZIL, 1997). 4,4 Treatment the treatment is symptomatic, being able to be used antithermal, verbal hidratao, nutricional therapy with incentive to the maternal aleitamento and adequate hygiene of the eyes, superior skin and aerial ways. The bacterial complications of the measles are dealt specifically with antibiotics adjusted for clinical picture e, if possible, with the identification of the bacterial agent. In the populations where the vitamin deficiency It is a recognized problem, the OMS and the Unicef recommend to the use of a high and only dose of vitamin in the people the attacks for the measles and its complications, in the individuals with imunodeficincias, evidence of xeroftalmia, malnutrition and problems of intestinal absorption (BRAZIL, 2001). 4,5 Prevention the vaccine anti-measles is highly efficient being the only source of prevention against this pathology.
4,6 Vaccine the vaccine against the known measles as VASPR or vrica trplice, is part of an association that still includes vaccines against the papeira and rubola. Currently the vaccine against the measles is part of the obligator vaccine calendar, being managed to the fifteen months, with one second dose between the five and six years. The children who already had six years more than when if introduced the current vaccine calendar, must be revacinadas with the VASPR between the eleven and thirteen years as she happened until here. The importance of this vaccine mainly inhabits in the possibility to prevent the eventual complications of the measles, since these are potentially serious and were an important cause of mortality in the children before existing the vaccine. In situations where it has epidemics of measles are advised the vaccination the children from the nine months of age, to prevent the infection. The children smallest, particularly until the six months of age, are protected by the antibodies transmitted for the mother during the pregnancy and the maternal aleitamento, if the mother had measles or was vacinada.
Health Nursing
In such a way the health organizations need to give more stimulatons for employees of nursing, plan of career, better wages, dignity to be able to support its families. above all respect for this Worthy profession that has as main goal to take care of of the next one with technique, respect, ability and affection. Perrodin (1965 apud IN SERVICE, 2001) standes out that the supervision of nursing is an alive process, dynamic, that it looks for to develop the individual capacity in function of a more effective performance on the part of the nursing body. It is necessity the agreement of that in the process of work of the nurse/nursing and in the exercise of the supervision exists the economic interferences and politics that if make gifts in the set of the problems in the work and the worker and the existence of the internal crises of the profession, that they in such a way depend on the ability technique of the nurses, but of the ability ethics politics in the position taking, how much its entailing a project considered in the VIII Discusses National of Health, that it is the SUS. It is undeniable, therefore, quality of the service, supervision of nursing depends on some sectors and factors, interpersonal as in such a way extrapersonal. The tools of quality of life are instruments, some sufficient old ones and known of the supervision of traditional nursing, that greaters make possible knowledge of the work and are useful, as much in the establishment of priorities, how much in the accompaniment of the activities and the identification of the problems. In this way of supervision the organizations have to recognize the value of the nurses as people and help them to improve it continuously its abilities, being encouraged it to assume it its responsibilities; it must treat them with attention and recognize its comprometimento with the organization stimulating to come close them it to its work with tenacity.
Nursing Consultations
The importance of the consultation is in the fact of if characterizing as a set of developed actions in systematic, dynamic, private and independent way, expressing a visible possibility of knowing and making of the nurse, who has as central focus the care of the human being, with its singularity (TASCA, 2006). The consultation appeared in the profession as efficient strategy for precocious detention of health shunting lines and to follow and to give pursuing to the instituted measures to well-being of the involved people (PINK et al., 2007). It is an independent activity, carried through for the nurse, whose objective propitiates conditions for improvement of the quality of life by means of a contextualizada and participativa boarding. Beyond the ability technique, the professional nurse must demonstrate interest for the human being and its way of life, from the reflexiva conscience of its relations with the individual, the family and the community (AXE, PIG, HOLLAND, 2005). Blacksmith (2006) standes out despite the relation established in the meeting between that the customer takes care of and is mediated by a intersubjetivo space that allows the communication and leads the interaction between them. This meeting implies, also, in construction of knowledge from a system of differences and in a commitment it enters the citizens to understand such differences.
To know them, the affection and the passions are imbricam enter itself permeando this relation. 4 Communication as instrument of the care the extreme attention given to the verbal communication makes with that let us be deeply uninformed regarding the not-verbal language and of the importance that it has in our relationships, they are personal or professional (ARAJO, HISSES, PUGGINA, 2007, P. 425). During the performance of its functions, the nurse establishes communication with the patients in diverse situations during its hospitalization, in which it involves people of regions, beliefs, values, attitudes and standards of different behaviors. These factors have a direct relation with the way of being of each person, being able to modify its to feel, to think and to act (ESTEFANELLI, OAK 2005). The nurses do not have to forget in daily practical its, that the necessary verbal communication to be associated with the not-verbal communication so that effectiveness in the communication acts (OLIVEIRA et al, 2005). Santos and Shiratori (2008) when studying on ' ' Not-verbal communication: Importance in the care of enfermagem' ' they referenciam that, the deficiency in the understanding of the not-verbal communication on the part of the nursing is in mome
GOOD Health Day
That in turn, they require much attention and devotion of the parents and of whom they mainly deal with them for hours, periods, months and until years and years, generating good resulted in the growth and in the adaptation of this deficient one with other carrying children or not and with the encircled world of people who will receive them smiling and others turning the coasts, ignoring and repudiating them. The increase of the number of carriers comes stimulating the individuals the voluntary works, what it represents an excellent signal for the professional life of the nurses who much will learn dealing with these deficient ones. However, it very lacks still in the question specialized qualification, therefore while the facultieses not to abide for this concern, the nursing professionals will have that to search for this qualification it are of the college and before the graduation.
Clarified Assent
important to assume the commitment with its educative paper in relation to the abusive alcohol consumption. METHODOLOGY Is about a research with qualitative boarding, of the descriptive type, according to Rampazzo (2002), the qualitative research search to understand what it is studied, its attention more is focada in the specific one, in the individual one, wanting to understand the study and not to explain them. According to Saints (1999), the descriptive research is to describe a fact or a phenomenon. It is a survey of the known, component characteristics of the fact/phenomenon/problem. The research was carried through in Unit of Basic of Health, of the City of Fabriciano/MG Colonel, with a nurse with After-graduation in Nursing of the Work. The collection of data was carried through in the month of June of 2007, through the application of a questionnaire half-structuralized, I contend referring questions to the interventions developed for the interviewed one. It was made previous agendamento with the interviewed one, presentation of the objectives and purposes of this project of research. The collection of data was carried through in an individual room in the unit of health, in accordance with the availability of the professionals.
The collected data had been demonstrated through a case study. He was requested to the Secretary of Health of the city of Fabriciano/MG Colonel, the authorization for accomplishment of this research. The interviewed one signed the Term of Free and Clarified Assent, not having refusal in participating of this study. The ethical rights of the participants had been protected in agreement are foreseen in Resolution 196/96 of the National Advice of Health that regulates research with human beings (BRAZIL, 1996). RESULT AND QUARREL Study of case LRS, Nurse of the Work, 29 years, graduated have 2 years, have 1,6 years acting in the public health, with experience in the extracurricular period of training in clinic for treatment of chemical dependence.
The Patient
However, as for Juliani (1999, P. 324) the system of reference and against-reference total is ignored by the professionals, if not inserting rationally inside of the SUS. the same one also standes out that it is demanded of the basic units the guides of reference for atendimentos of high complexity in the tertiary attention, but does not occur against reference of the internments and basic directed consultations the unit. 3,2 Paper of the Nurse in the one Against high Reference the hospital one of the patient must occur of systematic form, having to be the main nurse the involved one, for being responsible for the evaluation of attendance, orientaes of autocuidado, the treatment and to assure the continuity for whitewashing. (CAMACHO, 2002 P. 230) the nurse in its paper and coordinator has the responsibility to provide the link enters the professionals of the basic and patient attention in hospital high its, aiming at the welfare and the resources necessary to guarantee the security and continuity of the assistance to the patient in its residence. Being necessary that the nurse understands the complexity and importance of the high process of hospital, therefore, to work in team to interdisciplinar in the health it is essential cooperation, ability and commitment. (PEAR TREE, 2007 P. 40) Second study of the attribution of the nurse Hisses (2009, p.12) is to promote the continuity of the assistance of the hospital to the domicile, with an assistance integrated and compromised to the health of the patient, and so that this process is positive it needs integration enters these two levels of attention: hospital attention and attention basic. Pear tree (2007, p.54) also standes out that the ethical responsibility, being of the nurse, implies in the process of education to the patient at the moment to guide interventions that assure the autocuidado one to it, being necessary and carefully to find the moment where they will be ready to accept and to use the orientaes.