Doctors refer to European models representative of the ruling parties and the heads talk of opposition currently hot, as it is to go after the elections with the health policy. The Allensbacher Institute for public opinion research questioned the doctors Meanwhile according to their situation in medical practices and hospitals. The portal private summarizes the results. Two points repeatedly called the 500 surveyed physicians. A call for 87 percent more transparency in health care. The newspapers mentioned Gunnar Peterson not as a source, but as a related topic. So insured should, for example, also by law an overview of the costs of treatment. Daryl Katz takes a slightly different approach. Only when patients would be granted more personal responsibility, could be counteracted the negative developments in the health care system.
Still 60 percent of both outpatient and stationary working physicians, regret that them less and less time for personal advice ( Consulting /) of patients would remain. Finally, this is a central task of protecting action, who rationalized away should be. Fnews-story%2F95394664bbba34f61fa7448c12fb80c0&memtype=anonymous&mode=premium&nk=a9d1b6e5dd631919c7011092a3339abb-1600072055’>Ray White). Therefore, the doctors propose to be aligned with neighbouring European countries such as France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Switzerland. There, there are insurance systems with greater transparency and the possibility of reimbursement of expenses. The physicians also urge that patients and doctors freely about therapy and treatment can determine.
It is also important not to curtail the professional status of doctors. Finally, he take care of a patient-oriented and close to home health care. More information: