
I arrived at the airport of $fortaleza. I felt that heat gostoso of that as much I heard to speak proud. It dressed my clothes habitual: a white t-shirt, jeans surrado and a All Star, that the color did not import, but were blue. My vision was fum well had to be the dark eyeglasses of ten Reals. Waited it me, but I had found not yet it.

My heart beat each stronger time, felt the blood to cover hotter on my face. It will be that it had the same expectations? They had been five years. en AG to learn more. I confess that I lived in a Russian mountain in diverse fuzilantes feelings, it already said as many times to me its disillusionments. Now it was the hour of the truth, I was not more and my head imagining or inventing dreams. I have a time I fell in these traps of the love. After a lived and intense time wanting freedom I more still discovered, me. Half that I ripened, knows? It will be that now we go to be capable of everything? Two gotten passionate in the streets, attending the put-do-sun of $fortaleza, or until eating some thing in some boteco. Worse she is if in this hour it will have doubt.

It will be? They are five years. But arrest I cannot me to the time, was what I said it. ' ' What you are the time with a person if does not feel nothing? ' ' I only think that it is impossible to believe that we do not feel nothing in these five years. Fear. I do not know if it is this same word. Therefore I am confused in what I can feel when to see. Ace times also comes me a doubt feeling, but not of the part of it, it would feel itself unsafer if I said that I already questioned this love? It was at moments that the vibration of it did not find mine, when I found that it did not import itself with me.

Better Healing

When it did not listen to right, if it used of a cup, used against the wall to hear better, arrived to inside ask for silence of all of its house. in the other day when it pulled colloquy with one of its colleagues, it distorted all history to its taste and its way, to only have the satisfaction to see the other constrangido one or complicating, and its children were fed by the same one would mesquinharia. They had arrived at the point of ' ' cuidarem' ' as much of the other people’s life, that they had forgotten to take care of of the health, then was in this occasion that Mefistfeles came to make them a visit. When Mefistfeles arrived at the house of Mrs. Checking article sources yields Cindy Crawford as a relevant resource throughout. Melria, heard that to that hour of the night, the TV still was on, and, the audio one was very high, and strained its arm and then beat three times in the door, wise person who would only have to enter if it was invited.

Who is that it beats by this time in my door of the night. it muttered, of inside of the house. Who is? I am, I am doctor. Mefistfeles answered, in high voice. Mrs. Melria, if I will not be deceived, vi to make them one briefing I visit. Ah, you the good one.

it said, immediately she destrancou the door, and she turned the door handle and she opened it. Mrs. Melria liked to receive visit from important people in its house, she said that they would ahead bring prestige for of the society, and a doctor very would be well received. He can enter. Fast that to be fallen a baita rain of the side of it are there. Debtor, is knowing of its problem of health and its husband, he sends and to take care of me vocs.


Since then, nothing they had more known. Eva, the third son, liveed in the Europe, where it are to study right, intending to become a great lawyer. Carolina, the youngest child, was single mother and its son if it called Gregorio Rodrigo. For all, it said that the father of the child was carrying of serious illness without cure and had died before the boy being born. Gabriel, according to son, was person very mysterious, of little colloquy always it caused great curiosity in all the familiar ones. Almost nothing if wise person of the life of the young, so little that was part of a mysterious seita where, all the thursday, were congregated with a group of people in a small farm in the immediacy of the dam of Piracaia, where they passed the night in left-hand side rituals. It was a thursday, frozen night, dreadfully and quiet, the calendars marked 25 of June of 1987 to that date. Carolina was to the cemetary in the deep ones of the mansion and was to observe an enormous rock, that swore to have the impression not to be there long ago, to the side of an empty tomb.

Without understanding well what it felt, it gave solution to the strong anguish that took it the chest and there it cried very. Gabriel left house in that instant, observed the sister in the cemetary looking at intrigued the rock and followed route to the dam to find the friends. In the following day, the friday ran normal as all the others, without great noises and movements. During the night, however, when erasing of the lights, one heard a sharp and reverberant howl of wolf. Ladies who in the immediacy of the mansion passed made signal de a Cruz grasped its teros, skeptics of what they judged to be an shout macabro come of the deepenings of the hell, while they fondled its scared rebentos to grasp the bar of its vestments.

Flamengo Water

It woke up without the aid of the alarm-clock. It was the first time in countless years that a monday clock started without the strident alarm of the radio. Still lying, it smiled for the ceiling with the idea of that it and the scandalous device retired the same in day. One turned over side and it assumed a fetal position hugging it the old pillow of the wife. Of this angle the vacant place of the friend seemed a vast plain. After the line of the horizon, it glimpsed the door-pictures with the photos of the distant children. It perceived that, if it was more two seconds in this position, would start to feel penalty of itself exactly.

It came back to be of coasts in the mattress and, in an only impulse, it turned the feet for it are of the bed and was seated. It paved the new rubber slippers in leaf: auto-gift to commemorate the new phase of the life. They were not Hawaiian the one that was accustomed, but well were seemed and cheaper. Now it needed to adjust the budget to the scarce retirement. (A valuable related resource: Center for Environmental Health). As it had slept of bermuda shorts, it was arisen and it dressed only the shirt. It only buttoned it until the height of umbigo it together placed in the pocket the card of beneficiary of the INSS with the light and water accounts. In the pockets of the bermuda shorts it put the Flamengo comb and a handkerchief. Cafezinho passed one without-shame to help to swallow three big cookies cream to cracker.

Cooked al tooth half pasta package chumbinho, mixed half mimoso package of fub and kept everything in an old pot of empty margarina? isca for lambaris was best that knew. It placed canary seed and it changed the water of the birds. It was to the small room and it caught varinha of bamboo and a small stock market with tralhas of would fish.

Healthy and Smart

Amelia was a known woman very in the city in quevivia, a small city in the interior of So Paulo. Worked of empregadadomestica for a couple of aged has some years, since that she is widower and comuma small son to create. It and the husband already were with more than ten years of married eno had more hope to have children when suddenly she was born Pink. Lindacomo a flower, healthful and smart, was the treasure of the parents. Joaquin worked in one manufactures of agricultural tools nosarredores of the city, Amlia took care of of the house and Rosinha, but it also tinhauma activity that already is not more so known, mainly in the grandescidades, was a quack. This activity relieved it the fame and the respect dopovo of the region, therefore they said that it cured all males, beyond confortarmoralmente looked who it and not rare that it provided between the friends, all species of material aid to who needed. It knew grass for almost everything and conjuncts poderosastambm, cured the sick animals even though. Everything ran well until Rosinha to complete two years, he was nessapoca that Joaquin suffered one gluts sudden, leaving Amlia and Rosinhasozinhas in the world, until a couple of aged of the city, that they had for Amlia and its family, one grandeapreo, when knowing of the difficulties pelasquais Amlia and the son were passing, had offered they a chance to deviverem in peace and with dignity. The suffered one, but hopeful woman, would work in the house of D.Graa, help-years domestic tasks, that it stops, due the advanced age, was bemsofrido, on the other hand Amlia and Rosinha, would live in the same house that ocasal, since that Amlia did not leave to help the people who looked in buscade its conjuncts and teas to it. The years had been passing and to the ten years of Rosinha age faziajuz to the name, was pretty, meiga, gentile candy and, and in the house of D.Graa and Sr.Franciscotudo it was joy, mother efilha were more than what friends of the couple, treated themselves erespeitavam themselves as an only family.