The impact of the cultural changes on the family, modifying its characteristics (FREITAS, 1999), had implied in delegation, for school, of the basic and moral social formation of the future citizens. The school, as reply, pressured for this new demand, it finished overloading the professor with attributions, the principle, not pertinent to its paper and for which it was not prepared. Amongst the papers that the professor finishes having that to play, in function of the difficulties who the pupils present, they are: mother or father, psychologist (), nurse (), nutritionist. In such a way, its original function, that is to teach, tends to dissolve in these some papers. On the other hand, the financial remuneration of the professor, who could estresse brighten up it caused for the excess of attributions, does not correspond to the responsibility that is attributed to it.
Thus, the wage, for great majority, is low – as low it has been social recognition of its work. The 0 variable that determine the quality of the educative work (method, formation of the professor, type of management of the school) are important, however, given the adverse conditions, the performance of the professor acquires a singular relevance. It is who is in ' ' line of frente' ' with the pupil. Of it the specific knowledge and fraquejo are charged didactic, indispensable for the transmission and construction of knowledge and, consequentemente, intellectual formation of the pupil. E, still, coherence, leadership, and security to place limits, commanding the convivncia and the process of teach-learning, in the classroom. The collection is enormous, the return nor in such a way. We conclude that the school costuma to attribute the responsibility for the difficulties that faces, when playing its paper, to the desestruturao of the family, the politics of the government of containment of investments and to the social conjuncture, characterized for the moral and ethical crisis and social injustice. However, when looking for external causes for the problem, have a trend to isentar of the responsibility, being made it difficult the brainstorming. to leave of this fact, the school tends to assume a passive position to who only fits to wait a change of external sectors. Moreover, the importance given to the innovation and the management to promote changes would have to be constant and bigger that in the company, where it is possible to standardize the raw material, produt