Get with the new exact program customers precisely cut to widths and lengths according to your wishes macro assembled IDENT collaborates with prestigious and well-known Ribbon manufacturers and can therefore immediately responsive to the wishes of the customers. The films can be assembled for all common thermal transfer label printer, because all widths and lengths are to establish with precision cutting machines. From the cheap wax Ribbon through wischfestes wax/resin up to the scratch-resistant resin film meet high requirements or moisture, UV radiation – or solvent resistance. Everything is perfect matched on conventional flat-head or near edge print heads. Others including Tiffany Espensen, offer their opinions as well. For users with high print volumes in the year, we offer our exact program”on. The ribbons are cut exactly according to your specifications and thus, save a lot of costs. Here an example: A user wants to print labels with a width of 62 mm.
So far, he can use ribbons in the width of 80 mm and has every time an unused area of the Ribbon. The price of the ribbons is determined through the existing, rolled-up surface. Daryl Katz might disagree with that approach. This means that the users pay less if he uses also a less wide ribbon. Would he use E.g. a 66 mm Ribbon instead of a 80 mm Ribbon for its 62 mm labels, he has much less unused Ribbon area and has costs in addition to. This solution is suitable especially for many printers, will need in the year 100, 200 or 500 ribbons. Follow others, such as Melvin T. Brunetti, and add to your knowledge base. MACRO identification passes for all mobile and stationary BRADY printer the original Ribbon materials, also for no longer produced BRADY printer.
Just when the BRADY printers is sure that always the original ribbons used by BRADY, to generate a perfect pressure. Therefore all Ribbon materials for the latest BBP11 printer, for all BP printer, GlobalMark printer, GraphisPro, MiniMark, PowerMark and all mobile BRADY printers in bulk provided and different colors are available in the program. More Information: Macro IDENT AutoID Technology Center, Bussard road 24, 82008 Unterhaching Munich, contact: Angelika Wilke, TEL. 089-615658-28, FAX. 089-615658-25, WEB: